Needing/wanting "alone" time and speech question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsWright, Dec 1, 2010.

  1. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So in 4 days we'll be making the hop on over from 2nd year so I figured it more appropriate to post here. what age did your twins need/want alone time? Since we switched to big boy beds about 1.5wks ago JT has been going in around mid morning and wanting to lay down or just play in his room. He closes the door which he can't get out of (we have a door knob cover on the inside) and he wants the door closed. When we watch on the monitor he either just lays on his bed for a few mins and then starts playing with the stuffed animals. We don't have any other toys in there for him to play with and he doesn't want me or Jack in there playing with him. I knew one day they would want their own space/time to do things but I didn't think it would happen at 2!!

    Also, both boys have pretty good speech. They speak in 4-5 word sentences and most people can understand them. So 1st question: Is it normal to talk in 3rd person? Every sentence is "JT/Jack blah blah blah" Also JT has started stuttering. It also started maybe in the last week but its gotten increasingly noticeable. Mostly it's when he says JT or Daddy. So he will say "J,J,J,J,JT eat pineapple lunch" for example. Or "Daddy Daddy Daddy went down the stairs". Is this something to worry about? I noticed it started when he started saying "My Mommy" for everything, like "My Mommy get me juice". Any insight?

    Thanks so much!:)
  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    My DD just started wanting alone time and privacy several months ago and they are 3 1/2. It has really become an issue with bath times. DD wants her privacy and wants to bathe alone (without her brother) and DS hates it. We just have to put up with DS's fits and respect that she is ready for more privacy at this point then he his.

    I don't know how I would have felt about them being behind closed doors at barely 2. I would suspect I wouldn't have like it....not knowing what they are doing, safety, etc.... would have been a concern for me at that age.
  3. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well we have a video monitor so I just turn it on when he is in there, thats how I know what he's doing...which isn't much of anything. So it just seems like he wants time away from everyone and everything seeing as how there aren't any real toys in his room to play with. He will also sometimes just play on the beds or lay down. Maybe the house is just too chaotic with 3 babies LOL! I have no idea?!?
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    That is so cute! :wub: My Jack would probably enjoy some alone time from Nate; he loves to play quietly stacking his blocks, but Nate keeps swooping in and destroying anything he builds (ironic because Jack used to steal toys from Nate while he was crawling and Nate couldn't; paybacks are h311! :lol:). We gate off the stairs where the bedrooms are, so he doesn't get any privacy, but I think he would if he could. I think as long as you can monitor him, there's probably nothing wrong with it. :pardon:

    And yes, speaking in the 3rd person is totally normal!! Nate is just now starting to say "I" (he said "I do like eggs" the other morning ;)), but will mostly still say "Nate"; Jack has only said "I" in a sentence once that I can remember ("I like camels" :umm:). Nate also does a lot of the "stuttering" thing you mention. He says "uh, uh, uh" a lot when trying to find the word for something. Like your boys my guys are pretty good talkers, so I think this is just part of their normal speech acquisition. :)
  5. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    That is funny he wants alone time, must be a personality thing. Mine don't do it, and go looking for the other one if gone too long.

    It is normal to speak like that. They are just copying you. You say their name when you do thing so he is doing it. Do you talk about yourself in 3rd person as well. It is common when they are babies to do it. I had to stop myself and that helped my kids to stop doing it. I woudl say things like "Bring it to mom" I had to remind myself to say bring it to me. At barely 2 it is normal.

  6. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member momma! :good: I wish we would have had one of those.
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