Middle name help!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by silver_stardust, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    Mods: Hope it's okay to post here, if not, please move!

    I need help with my little girls' middle name! She'll be here in about 9 days and I'm stuck!

    The original plan was to pick a family name but I'm having such a hard time that I'm now thinking of just going with whatever. Here's the family sitch:

    My daughter's first name is going to be Addison. We wanted to pick something that would involve both female sides of the families since there's only one this time! The boys have honored each side of the family with their middle names.

    The first name we picked out was Addison Elizabeth ... Elizabeth is after my DH's dad's mom who passed away when my FIL was 12. But that doesn't cover both families. So other choices have been ... Joanne (Ann is very common in both sides and Jo is for my husband's name Josh ---- BUT! Joanne is also my Grandma's name and how do you tell an 80something yr. old that it incorporates a wide variety of meaning w/o hurting her feelings. Plus my DH is not that fond of the actual name.) Laree (pronounced like Marie) This is a combination of Louise and Marie; Louise being my middle name and Marie, again, very common. I'm not sold on this name ... never heard of it before and IDK.

    So other than that, nothing. I'm probably making a bigger deal out of this than I need too but I'm really stuck.

    I'm looking for suggestions of all kinds. Here are the family names, both first and middles, if anyone is good at combining or creating. We are not very traditional like Annmarie, but not too out of the box.


    Thanks so much for reading!!
  2. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Mary Christina (incorporated Marie) or you could vary the spelling....Maree (pronounced Mary) Christina....that's the name that popped in my head.

    JoBeth Christina
    Christie Ann
    Chrisanne Marie
  3. twingma

    twingma Well-Known Member

    Addison Beth ( for elizbeth)
    Addison Libby ( also for Elizabeth)
    Addison Louann (louise and ann)
    Addison Lizza-Marie Lizza as in Liza Minelli
    I hAve heard the name Laree before and think it is kinda pretty.
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I really like Addison Elizabeth
  5. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions! Keep them coming!!!

    I really like Elizabeth too ... but it doesn't honor both sides of the women in our families so I'm afraid I'll hurt someone's feelings by going with that. I know, I shouldn't let that be the deciding factor. sigh.
  6. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    I was up all night thinking about this .... here are some other ones I thought of, no family meaning.

    Addison Kendall
    Addison Claire
    Addison Grace
    Addison Rielle (hoping noboday thinks of the whole John Edwards thing)

    HELP! I could just cry and I don't know why. It shouldn't be this difficult! LOL. I feel like somebody should just smack me. :crazy: :headbang:
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I like Addison Elizabeth, I think it sounds really good together and I love that it is after family. :wub:

    Of the ones that have no family meaning I like (in order)
    Addison Grace
    Addison Claire
  8. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I really like Addison Elizabeth. I'm sorry you are stressed about this. I would just say to he'll with anyone being offended. It's more important that your daughter have a name you love to carry her through life.

    I also like Addison Elise (my Anna's middle name!)
  9. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    A lot of people have two middle names...especially if one is short like Lyn, Lee, or Ann

    Or you could hypenate.

    Addison Carol-Ann
    Addison Beth-Ann
    Addison Mary Jo
    Addison Marianne
    Addison Carlina (Carol+Christina) Marie
    Addison Cheryl Joan (variation on Shirley Joanne)
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I LOVE the name Addison! My daughter is Addison Emily! I really like Addison Elizabeth also. We had the same problem when naming our girls. We didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. my dh did not like my family names and I did not like his. So we ended up not naming our girls after anyone. Dh wanted to name one of them after his mom but he did not want to name the other after anyone in my family so I refused to name her after his mom. her midddle name is what he wanted to use - it is Suzan (pronounced Suzanne) If you like the name Elizabeth, use it. If you like Joanne better - you don't have to tell your grandmother that it is not exclusively after her - let her think it is. Just use a name YOU like don't use a name you are not crazy about because you think it is the right thing to do for everyone else.

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! just a couple of days now!! WOW!!!! :birthday: SWEET GIRL!!!!!!!!!
  11. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    The only combination I could think of that isn't previously stated, at least I dont think it was, is Addison Mari-Louise.
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