Peeing in public (Boys)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, Nov 20, 2010.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I don't know if I have asked this before, though I'm sure someone has. Kiefer asked me if he could pee when we were out at a restaurant. We were just leaving, so we told him we'll try at home. He is just being potty trained now, so we don't want to discourage him. He's actually not been very enthusiastic about potty training at home, but he will try once he sees his brother Cameron go. Cameron goes almost every time int he potty, but he'll pee in his diaper/pull-up also.

    So this made me wonder... How do you have your son potty in public toilets? There's no stool to stand on. Most toilets are too high to stand in front of and standing on my feet isn't enough. The toilet is too big for him to sit on. Not that I mind buying a portable potty, but if I don't have it with me, what can I do? Has anyone had this happen? What did you do?
  2. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I've seen a little portable potty seat that folds up and can fit in your purse/diaper bag. When out, I usually just hold my toddlers on the potty, so they don't fall in.
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I always just held my boys up a little and let them go.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I love the Potette Plus portable potty! awesome! it folds, and also becomes a potty seat and a portable potty w/a bag. as for public toilets. I'd just hold them up and have them pee into the toilet. Whatever you do, practice at home so they are comfortable with it if they don't seem to be comfortable at first.

    this is the Potette Plus that I have.
  5. hezza12

    hezza12 Well-Known Member

    We had one of those portable, fold-up potty seats, but honestly, I found it a pain to carry around and it sort of pinched my guys on occasion, so we barely used it. I just held them under the arms while they sat one the toilet and peed. A lot of public toilets seem to be pretty low, too, so you might find he can pee standing up fairly soon.
    Good luck!
  6. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I just hold him up a bit if he is not tall enough to stand and shoot. :) Also, if they have seat covers in the stalls, I have used those before and turned him around backwards on the toilet. That is kind of a pain though because you have to take one leg completely out of the pants in order for them to straddle.
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    also, we finally figured out that handicapped stalls are great b/c you can roll the stroller in most of the time, BUT... the toilets are higher so you can't always count on being able to let them stand on your feet...

    as for the portable potties... I will say I mainly use the potty when I'm by myself at a park or something that I won't be able to get to a potty with both kids... it really comes in handy then! when I'm with my dh in public places or in a place that I have them in a stroller to start with its not quite as essential.
  8. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    That's what i did with both my older boys. Either that or carry an empty plastic water bottle all the time and have them pee into that - we have one in the truck at ALL times so we can stop even in the city and have them go pee if they have to.
  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    haha... HOPE its a marked bottle! "Potential PEE"!! that's one nice easy option with boys.
  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This is what I did with DS too before he could reach. When he first started PTing and was sitting down to pee, I would just put toilet paper on the seat and sit him on it.
  11. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    LMBO We joke that you NEVER drink anything that looks like it could be apple juice if you find it in the truck! LOL
  12. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I just sit him on the potty. He holds himself up just find and pees sitting down. He stands when he can reach and sits when he can't. Both of mine can hold themselves up on a big potty just fine though.
  13. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Well, yesterday, I had the choice again as Kiefer wanted to use the potty at another restaurant....MANY times. I think he liked the flush. Once I used the potty, however, he wasn't as thrilled. Funny boy. But the seats were low enough he just stood on my feet and leaned on my hands. He tried each time, but I think the experience was too new to him to be able to go...or he just wanted the excuse to hear the flush. Cameron wanted a try. I didn't think he'd be thrilled with the loud flush and sudden flush the toilets do there, but he insisted. I was right, though I may have spooked him a bit by telling him the toilets make a lot of noise when they flush. He does not like those loud sudden noises. He handled it pretty well, but he was not happy about the noise either way.

    I find the toilets in the non-wheelchair accessible stalls are lower and even though I'm very squeezed in there with all of us, they can at least reach the potties with little assistance. Not all stalls have those protectors in them so I may still have to buy a portable potty for those trips to the potty for #2.
  14. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    I just use toilet paper on the seats if they have to sit down - lay a strip down each side of the seat, then one across the front. I lift them up and set them down on the seat so they don't shove it off by sliding on. Works and you can flush it. I do this for myself in every bathroom i go to also.
  15. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    I hold him up & also have a small potty in the car which gets lots of use.
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