weight: should i be worried?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My b/g twins are 7 months 1 week today. The girl is 16lbs 10oz, 28.5in. The boy is 18 lbs 6oz, 29in or so. They wear 12mo clothes. Do you mamas think they are skinny? I try so so hard to get them to 50 percentiles of weight.but it looks like they are dropping down to 40.I offer food/milk like 24/7.but they are in control of what they eat. They used to be so chubby but since month 5 until now, they are getting so long and lean. They are in 12mo clothes. But they like swim in those. The waist is too loose. Only the length fits perfect.I don't think it genetic. My husband is 6 foot tall, 205lbs. I'm 5'3 and ..not that skinny.I don't know why they are skinny. They are not interested in food at all. They love to play and move around. Sometimes, I say 'stop moving too much, you are burning all the cals.' Haha but its true.

    They are skinny right?
    Do you have any advice how to fat them up? I try all high cal food (avocado, mac and cheese,..) Nothing works yet.all the pants get loose. Even their size 3 diapers get loose too. I'm so so sad. I even dream feed them around 2am. But they figure it out. So they wake up and scream bloody muder. They sleep a lot though (10-12hr at night, 3-4 hrs for naps)

    I've seen your babies pics. They are all bigger than mine :(. If you have any trick to make your kids eat more. Please share! Thanks
  2. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Your kids don't sound too skinny to me. They are bigger than my kids where at that age. That is the age where babies start to slim down naturally cause they are moving more--that is a good thing. Shooting for 50% is not realistic cause if you think about it--1/2 of all healthy kids are under 50%. As long as they are growing on their curve that is what counts. So keep doing what you are doing, offer them food, and allow them to decide how much they want. They are older infants now, so they will naturally loose that "chubby" look. And they sound like great sleepers too :)
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with this! It sounds like you are doing just fine. Their weights for that age are great - I have a friend with a 2 year old who only weighs 23 lbs! Remember, percentiles are just for comparison - there is nothing wrong with being below 50th percentile as long as they are growing and staying on their growth curve.
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They sound like they are doing great! Percentiles are just for the doctors to compare. As long as they are on their curve-than it should be fine. And at 7 months, no way were my boys in 12 month clothes! I think your twins are doing great. I remember my boys being in 25%. Don't forget it's based on weight AND height. So if they are really long, then their weight may seem off.

    Anthony is 3 years old. Do you know what size clothes he fits into? 18 months! So it could be we go in at the end of the month, and they tell me he's overweight. But that to me is based on his height. His pants fall off of him! I'm not saying he is, or they are going to say he is-it's really just a numbers game!
  5. rkokinda

    rkokinda Well-Known Member

    I agree with the PP. And, if your kiddos are maintaining their growth curves, where they actually fall isn't as important. One of my girls has always been in the 50th for weight, and the other has always been in the 25th weight (or less, even!). And their heights have always been in the 90th (so imagine our stringy our tiny girl is!!). Our ped isn't concerned, because they've been consistant. It would be different if a little one suddenly went from being in the 50th down to the 25th between appointments.

    I think you're doing a GREAT job!
  6. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    You ladies made me feel better.I know they are growing well.but sometimes its hard not to compare. All babies we know (close to my kids age) are SUMO babies. My coworker's son is 6.5 months. He is almost 20lbs. My friend's neice 6.5mo,20lbs too!!!all their cousins are big at birth (8,9lbs at birth).it bothers me when somebody say 'oh they are small becuase they are twins, because they were premature' grrrr I know I shouldn't compare and let go the weight concern. But once for awhile, it drives me crazy when other tell me how much their kids eat hahah.

    Thanks a lot! I actually feel better.
  7. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I agree...they sound totally healthy to me!!!

    For comparison my singleton, who is a boy, and was way bigger at birth than his siters (8lbs 6oz compared the thier 6.5lbs) is in the 20th percentile...he is healthy, VERY active and a great eater, he's just on the small side of "normal". On the flip side my twins, who are girls which would make you assume they would be smaller, are HUGE...both in the 90th percentile. The thing that has me even more baffled is that they are way pickier in terms of eating and taking their bottles then DS ever was, go figure! I think kids are who they are and as long as they are healthy, happy and growing on their own curve that's all we can expect :)
  8. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    Well if you think yours are skinny mine must be tiny. My girls are almost the same age as yours they are 16.14, 25 3/4 long and 16.0 25 1/4 long. I am not worried every baby grows differently! Its ok!!!!

    They will be just fine and they will let you know if they need more food! One of my girls does not like to eat very much either and is moving and crawling every where I just figure she is going to be small.

    It willl b e ok!
  9. rkokinda

    rkokinda Well-Known Member

    Wow - those are some BIG kids!!! Just for reference, my BIGGER twin was 20.5lbs at her 1 year check up. The littler one was only 19.5lbs. Go figure!!
  10. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    [quote name='E's 3' date='12 November 2010 - 09:40 AM' timestamp='1289580029' post='1720977']
    I agree...they sound totally healthy to me!!!

    For comparison my singleton, who is a boy, and was way bigger at birth than his siters (8lbs 6oz compared the thier 6.5lbs) is in the 20th percentile...he is healthy, VERY active and a great eater, he's just on the small side of "normal". On the flip side my twins, who are girls which would make you assume they would be smaller, are HUGE...both in the 90th percentile. The thing that has me even more baffled is that they are way pickier in terms of eating and taking their bottles then DS ever was, go figure! I think kids are who they are and as long as they are healthy, happy and growing on their own curve that's all we can expect :)

    OMG!!! Your siggy picture of those girls is SERIOUSLY cute. I want to squeeze those cheeks. We were 18.15 and 19.5 at our 18 month appointment!!! We are not on any chart. I have active lively little (being operative word) things. They have always stayed on their curve - doc calls them mighty tinys. Once in a while worry creeps in but for the most part I have passed it off...I even let the comments roll off my back - NOT easy to do. :)
  11. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    Thank you :) I think they are pretty darn cute but I'm a little biased ;) They get the cheek comment ALOT! Funny because I have a complex about people commenting on how huge and chubby my girls are...everyone thinks they are a lot older than they are due to their size as they are also tall. My family looks at me like I'm nuts when I say I'm worried about their intake, which has always been lower than 'normal'! I keep saying it's going to look like I have triplets soon if DS doesn't have a growth spurt as there is only about 8 lbs difference between my now 3 year old and his sisters :laughing: I think no matter what, we worry, that's part of being a Mom!
  12. talktomei

    talktomei Well-Known Member

    Comparing your baby to other people's babies is a surefire way to make you feel like crap. I know it is hard to resist, but you definitely should let your doctor inform you if there is an actual need to worry. Try not to borrow trouble.

    There are several kids in my twins' daycare class that are almost the same age, and I can't help but check them out. One boy's mom is constantly bragging to the teachers when her son hits a milestone... "Jackson rolled over on his tummy..." "Jackson can put his paci back in..." Her son is one week older than my girls. One twin does not roll over completely yet, and my paci twin can take her paci out but not put back in. So her comments make me feel bad, even tho I totally know better.
  13. Ha...if you are worried about yours you should see mine! My little ones are 11 months are my little guy is just 16 lbs... We are not worried at all...they started small and have stayed on their growth curve just as they should. We are just rockin' the 1st percentile! :)

    My little guy still wears a 6 month pant and that is with the waist rolled over and its still too big...and my bigger guy wears 9 month. They eat great but are also very active. Try not to worry...as long as they are getting the amount of food recommended and still growing and hitting milestones they are just fine!
  14. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies! I know I'm over worried. They are my first kids. So I have no clues. my parents keep saying how come they look skinner than before.. All the kids in my family are very chubby. They look like sumo really!! My husband was born over 9lbs. My mom told me that I was exclusively breast fed and was 9kgs when I was 6 months. Ppl keep making me think that my kids are skinny.oh my husband family members are giant.when we said 'oh they have grown a lot and gained weight' some styupid ppl said 'no..I have seen bigger kids'!!!

    I guess I should ignore ppl comments. I should be happy and relax a bit. My twins met all the milestones, sleep through nite, and very healthy... Sorry but its hard to stop worrying heheh. Now I'm worry about flu season even they got their first shot and will have the second on 19. Thanks ladies!
  15. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I think they sould fine! At 9 months my girls were 15 & 16 lbs....and then 17 & 18 lbs at a year old! I would not worry too much, especially if they are staying on their own growth curve! 50% is just that....50% of kids will be below that weight and 50% above.

    They sound great to me!
  16. hsddc

    hsddc Well-Known Member

    Agreed! Mine will be 7 months on the 19th and DD might weigh 15 lbs, if we're lucky. DS is probably closer to 16 lbs and I think that puts them both in about the 3rd percentile. Yes, the 3rd! People ask me all the time if they are 3 or 4 months and seem pretty surprised when I say almost 7! But who cares? They are hitting their milestones, eating enough, etc. etc. and they're probably just going to be small babies and maybe they'll be small kids too.
    I think there is a sort of stigma in this country about being small--everyone wants these massive babies but it's not always a good thing. My pediatrician told us one of the worst things you can do is fatten up a naturally small baby. It can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses down the road. That doesn't mean that a plump baby is bad--some kids are meant to have rolls on their legs, etc.--but some kids are meant to be naturally skinny and that's ok.
    Yours sound like they're doing just fine!
  17. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    I agree with the pp in that there is way too much emphasis on sumo babies. Society equates huge babies with good parenting, and then we spend the rest of our lives struggling to change bad eating habits and get smaller. A few babies are just genetically large, but many are overfed, fed whenever they fus, etc. I remember seeing a set of twins in my office at 4 months where one twin was normal weight and the fussier twin was nearly 20 lb. It was sad because mom was feeding 8 oz every 3 hours and this baby was so fat she couldn't roll over.

    You say you are not small but at 5'3" your frame can't be that big. I would bet genetically your babies are meant to be at the 40th or even lower. In the first 6 months, growth percentiles are more based on placental nutrition, and after 6 months genetics kick in. This is why a lot of growth slows down at this age. Also, pediatricians currently use the CDC growth charts which are based on formula fed babies and thus inflated. They are now recommending using the WHO charts which are more accurate for what babies' growth should be. I would bet if you looked them up online your babies will chart higher.

    My kids have always been long and lean. I am actually happy about this because it means they are getting enough and not excess. My kids were 18 lb 4 oz and 19 lb 6 at 12 months. At 7 months I think my DS was only about 14 lbs!!! They are also mismatched for their ht/wt so it makes them look skinnier. Clothing size means nothing. At nearly 18 months my DS wears 12m. His waist is small enough that in some pants he can wear 9m! DD is in 18m, but for the pants to be long enough they fall off, so we have to use adjustable waist pants. I know its just their build, because they eat more than most kids I know. DD can eat 2 scrambled eggs in 1 sitting and DS will eat 2 pb sandwiches some days!!!

    You are doing a great job. Your babies are growing, developing, thriving, and that is what counts.
  18. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Your kids sound big to me.

    The percentiles are a guideline for the doctors to track growth and make sure your children are on their own growth curve. It is not a tool for you to try to get your kids to be at 50%; that is a misuse of the information. I have one at 50% and the other 3 have never been above the 25% mark. They are just smaller human beings. My kids have never been in a clothing size bigger than their age, never. They are all very healthy and perfect for them.

    Why would you want to fatten them up? Let them be who they are. I don't think it is healthy to try to force them to eat when not hungry. Just give them a good variety of healthy food and as long as they do not fall off their personal growth curve, trust mother nature to do her thing. You are adding unnecessary stress to you and your children's lives.

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