
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by emp59, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    My girls had their 15 month appt yesterday and are 34 inches and 29lbs (HUGE!). Anyway, we switched pediatricians a few months ago because of a move and I am having a little trouble adjusting to the difference. Their new pediatrician constantly talks about the delays he is looking for because they are twins and compares them non-stop. I am confused about the "twin delays" he is looking for (he specifically discussed speech delay and lack of muscle tone). I can't imagine why twins would have this more than singleton babies except for the higher percentage of preemies with twins (my twins were considered full term). I don't feel like it makes sense that they are more susceptible to delays simply because they shared a womb. I loved my old pediatrician and felt like he treated my kids as individuals and analyzed their individual situation and development rather than comparing everything. I guess I am just ranting, but would love any feedback!
  2. rkokinda

    rkokinda Well-Known Member

    I think I'd feel a little weirded out and uncomfortable with that too. And I think you're right that since so many twins are early, they do seem to have a higher rate of delays. It would really bother me that my pediatrician seemed to be buying into twin stereotypes and not really looking at each child as an individual. I mean, they ARE the professionals, right? I hate to say it, but maybe your new ped. isn't quite the right fit? :(
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think I would follow up with him and ask him why he is so concerned about twin delays and is it helpful to compare them to each other versus the norm for other children. I am wondering if this pediatrician is afraid he will miss something and that's why he is so focused on delays :unsure: If you are not satisfied with the answer, then I would think about finding a pediatrician that you do feel comfortable with. Good luck!
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with the others, that's a really strange way for a ped to act. Every time I point out the differences in my twins to our dr, he always replies with "Well they *are* two different kids." Course I know that but he's been great about not comparing the two-some at all, and I appreciate that. Maybe just having a chat with your ped will alleviate your concerns, and maybe, as Nancy said, he's just worried about missing something so he's over compensating. Especially since he hasn't been with your twins from day 1 and seen how they are, he's being extra careful not to miss something popping up right now.
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    That sounds kind of odd to me too. :unknw: My ped really focuses on my boys as individuals, and the only "delays" he looked for were because of prematurity (my guys were born at 35 weeks). After they hit 1 year and were on track for milestones, he stopped even mentioning it. I'd ask the ped why he is looking for something that obviously isn't there. Perhaps he has some prior experience with delayed twins or is working on a research paper.... ;)
  6. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    yeah seems strange. though the speech delay seems a little more plausible since they could be buying into the "twin language" for the twins and that making it so that they don't feel the need to communicate with the rest of us in words until later...

    as for the muscle tone... what? is that?! I'd say if yours were preemies, then maybe that's something to look for, otherwise, seems odd.

    if you don't love your pedi, then I'd say change...

    p.s. ours were a slight bit delayed on speaking, or rather were on the late end of speaking... barely a few words by 18 months, and maybe 50 at 2 yrs? they are doing great now at 30 months though, so I'm not worried anymore. and the pedi was never worried about it.
  7. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    Mine still adjusts their age but only because they were born at 36 weeks. They are on track but he still adjusts.

    I don't see why he should be so concerned about twin thing, only as someone mentioned earlier - about the twin language.
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