Has anyone tried the "nap nanny"?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by traciwinkler, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. traciwinkler

    traciwinkler Well-Known Member

    My DS has not slept longer than a 3 hr stretch at any time of day. He's only 9 wks, but his sister is putting him to shame by sleeping 6-7 hr stretches at night. I put a wedge under his mattress, but he's a kicker and just slides on down. UGH!

    I was just researching the "nap nanny". It seems to work well according to the reviews I've seen online. Have any of you tried this thing??
  2. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    That is a perfect normal sleep pattern at his age.

    Sleep positioners like the nap nanny have been linked to infant suffocation deaths. cpcs link and CPCS/FDA. So, no, I haven't tried this thing.
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    He is still young to be sleeping more then 3 hrs at time. You could try the sleep sheep. My best friend had success with it. Good luck
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I never tried one. I know how desparate you are for sleep, but you'll probably start to see changes within the next few weeks. 3 hr stretches at a time at 9 weeks is pretty normal and nothing in the world is going to change that right now except for time. Mine went from the 3 hr routine to sleeping 7 hrs at a time literally overnight when they were about 12 weeks, just when I thought it was never going to end.

    In the meantime, can you get your husband to do a night time feeding every so often so you can get a good stretch of sleep? I always found that if I could get just get a break from one feed and sleep for 6-7 hrs myself I was like a new person.

    Are you using the crib wedge for reflux? If so, perhaps there's other things you can do to help him get some relief... including talking to the dr. about medications and/or switching formulas if that's what you're using. If he needs to be upright you could also try the swing or bouncy chairs to see if that's more comfortable for naps, but I don't think it's ever to early to start a good routine in the crib, so if he'll sleep in there, let him :)
  5. traciwinkler

    traciwinkler Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for the help! Since my DD is sleeping SOOO good, it seemed like my DS wasn't. Great to know that this is a totally normal sleep pattern. I have used the wedge in his bassinet for the reflux. It really did improve the quality of his sleep I think. Right now he is on Alimentum at the suggestion of the doctor and has been for a week. I also bf about 40% of his intake. It seems as though all of these things are helping us go in the right direction. Now all I need to do is be patient! HA! :)

    I really appreciate all of the help! I don't know what I'd do these days without this forum!
  6. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member


    I am so jealous on you for your daughter sleeping so long :). I noticed that our twins are born on the same day, mine were born on 9/3 also, at 37 weeks and 5 days and they were each 6#5 oz. Trust me, 3 hours sleep is a lot, mine wake up every 2,5 hours at times... Once Vanessa slept 5 hours in a row and I checked her twice to see if she was still breathing :). They wake up about every 3 hours more or less at night. I really think there's nothing wrong with your son, you are just really lucky with your daughter. I understand you about the sleep thing for you, but eh, let's hope it will get better for both of us :).

    Have a nice day,

  7. kcur21

    kcur21 Member

    I have a nap nanny and use it with my DD with great success!! She sleeps 4-6 hours at a stretch in it, and has to be this upright secondary to reflux. She doesn't like to sleep in the swing or bouncy seat and this thing has helped tremendously!! She also has to be in her swaddle wrap and I support her in it with another blanket swaddled around her to take up the extra space as I can see where it can cause problems if they slide down and get against the edge and can't get up. However, my DS sleeps flat and hates his swaddle wrap and only sleeps 2-3 hours at a time. I have also found out last night that if I pump and give my EBM in a bottle he drinks more at a time than when he BF's and he seems to sleep longer stretches as well. I agree it is frustrating when 1 is a great sleeper and the other isn't because you are aware of how much more sleep you could be getting!! :)
  8. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    This item has been recalled due to infant suffocation!!! Please do not use without ensuring that your item is not affected by the recall!!!

  9. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    Just read the whole report, since I saw these in the baby store nearby just YESTERDAY.

    Sounds like there was/is a fix on the "newer generation" models. I haven't tried it but I would certainly be tempted if we had another baby with reflux.
  10. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    We have ALL been there. Like PP said, it's not forever. Just keep chugging along and check with your doc about other options for his reflux. It will be over before you know it.

    Also, since he is on Alimentum, have you tried eliminating dairy from your diet since Alimentum is for babies who have problems with dairy.

    And consider yourself very lucky that you do have one good sleeper!

    Just keep going....it will be over soon.
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    things I did to help ours sleep... white noise and swaddling. we swaddled a couple of weeks and gave up when they broke out. then at 5 wks I started again and immediately they slept through the 2a feeding!!! I was hooked. there are many swaddling options out now, just make sure that you get a square option that is at least 40" anything less will eventually get too small. they may fight it to begin with if you haven't been swaddling, but they may also end up needing it/liking it. we swaddled until 6mo.

    the other thing we did was to feed every 2hrs during the day until they were almost 4 months old... I think that enabled them to get an extra feeding in instead of having to wake for it

    good luck!!!
  12. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Long stretches of uninterputed sleep are actually against newborn nature--no mater how much we mothers enjoy them!
    But believe me, before you know it your children start kindergaten you will barely remember these first few months.
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