Clueless about PT in Canada

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marijanad, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone, can't believe I survived so far and made it to this forum.
    Anyway, my girls are 25 months now, but 22ish corrected (yes, still correcting sometimes).
    I've introduced them to the potty about two months ago and off and on they haven't been too interested.
    However, recently my one daughter has become much more curious, and even had a successful poop in the potty (once)
    after telling us nicely she had to go, then not getting off it until she went, it was adorable and we all rejoiced.
    Anyway, today, with her only, I am trying undies only to see her routines and if she might be into this PT thing.

    So far:

    Wakeup - put her on the potty - nothing
    During breakfast - she pooped, and I missed it totally
    10:00 Accident right after I had just taken her off, so I whisked her back on. Nothing. Then another accident right after.
    10:45 Very mad at me for not picking her up PRONTO while I'm preparing their lunch. As I put her in her booster I see
    she had another accident. Then another one right after.

    Now I've put a diaper on her because it's nearly nap time and I am already feeling defeated, and mad at myself for feeling defeated!

    My questions:
    How long should I persevere for?
    Should I try naked PT instead? Seems to make more sense?
    What if I miss a poop, is that a huge disaster?
    It's almost winter, I know it's not the ideal season, but we have a third baby coming at the end of April
    and I would like to do the best I can prior to that.

    Sigh...always something....
  2. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I always tried to conquer the pooping on the potty first. All 4 of my boys did that really pretty easily. Part of it is knowing their body schedule. What time of day does she normally go? Then try to preempt it by putting her on the potty. I also did naked training (bottom half in winter) for peeing. I tried to keep them both in the kitchen so if they did have accidents it would happen in a place easy to clean. It didn't take long before they figured it out. They were in undies fairly quickly.
    Every child is so different with pt'ing. It may just take some time to figure out what works with her. This is just what worked for my boys.

    Edited to add: When we did the naked training, I pretty much put everything else I had to do aside and concentrated on them. That way there wasn't any distractions. I homeschool so this was difficult, but it did work.
  3. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Yes I was a little distracted during one of the accidents.
    I guess I keep reminding her that pee goes in the potty, and taking her to it immediately?
    Should I put her on every 1/2 hour or so? Sometimes she's very willing, sometimes very resistant.
  4. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I kind of let them lead when they need to go. But I wouldn't let it go a very long time. I think it takes a few days for them to realize what that feeling is when they need to go.
  5. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    A friend of mine told me to put them in undies/panties for a week before giving up. Give it a week and you should know by then. It worked with DD. I timed it at first (every 30 minutes I would have them try and go) and by the 2nd day she was telling me when she needed to go. By day 3, she was trained. I think if they are ready then it just clicks and they should start telling you they need to go. Just follow their queues. I would say if by the end of the week you are the one still initiating each trip to the potty, than they are probably not ready.
  6. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Well perhaps I'll try again tomorrow just to see- today was six accidents and no pee in the potty period. I'm feeling she might not be quite ready but I'll see how tomorrow goes.
  7. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    I will say though that every time she peed in her undies she would say "what happened Mama?" which she never did with diapers- should I consider that to be progress? The awareness?
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I think that's awesome! hopefully she gets it!

    I tried for a couple of months on and off... and it clicked much better when I did a 3 day concentrated - only doing potty training. I asked if they were clean and dry and praised a lot! then when they started to go, I said "pee pee goes in the potty" you wisk them off to the potty. by day 3 or the end of the week you'll get a better understanding.

    we still have accidents (ugh)... but ironically they do better when we're out and about! my dh usually takes them on errands or other things w/o even bothering with the backpack that has the porta potty and change of clothes etc. I still take that everywhere.

    anyway, good luck! i wouldn't count day 1 as a poor day, and even if on day 3 you don't see a lot of improvement I'd stick with it a little longer... but hopefully she gets super excited and keeps the momentum! Keep praising a lot! (My dd regressed a couple of weeks ago when my ds started pooping on the potty and we started giving him more praise... so... now we're praising every little thing that goes in the potty! big improvement here)
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