problems with table food

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by eagleswings216, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Our boys are over 10 months. The smaller of the two, Gabriel, is still having lots of trouble eating and I just can't get him to eat pieces of food very well. For example, the cans of diced peaches, I have to cut them in half or even thirds - otherwise, he gums them for a minute, then spits most of them out, or gags and chokes. Michael does okay. Yesterday I tried peas, thinking they were small, again, the spitting out and gagging from Gabe. The things he can eat that I have found so far (after LOTS of trial and error):
    lil crunchers
    small diced carrots cooked very soft
    diced peaches cut in half
    sliced banana - I have to cut each slice in about 4 pieces
    mashed avocado
    cooked diced apples

    I am going to try a baked potato cooked and cut into pieces soon.

    Do any of you have LO's like this at this age? It seems like a lot of you have kids this age who are on table foods, and we just aren't there - at least Gabriel isn't. I'm still having to do mostly purees - I have tried mashing things, like carrots or potatoes from our pot roast, and neither of them will eat the mashed texture - so it's either purees or pieces for us it seems. I know each child is different, but it just seems like they ought to be able to eat more foods by now.....Michael probably could, but it's easier to have them both doing the same thing for now.

    Someone please tell me if I should be worried??
  2. Idttwinboys22310

    Idttwinboys22310 Active Member

    I think your'e doing just babies are a little younger by about a month but were in the same boat. Mine wont even hold their bottles by themselves! But it sounds like your little ones are eating lots of healthy food which i think is the key. Have you tried sweet potato? Mine love it. So to some it up you shouldn't be worried at all & I bet in the next month they will really take to eating more things. Alot of the time I think its a texture thing & not actually a food thing. Hope that helped a little!
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    They are doing fine. My bigger guy, Nathaniel, is on table food, nothing puree anymore. His brother William, is still on puree only, and by that I mean, he isnt even on stage 2 very much because he doesnt realize he needs to chew. My oldest was 8 months and on table food. Just goes to show you, all babies are different. Give them some more time, it will come.
  4. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I haven't tried sweet potato yet - it seems to make them a bit gassy, so I usually only give it to them in small quantities. I do think I will try that after potatoes, though.

    They are holding their own bottles mostly, which is nice (I still have to tip them up a bit every so often to keep them from sucking air). They just started that about 3 weeks ago finally.
  5. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, that makes me feel better. I'm wondering if maybe I try a few of the stage 3 foods, that would help....we are still basically doing stage 2 except for the diced pieces I am giving them. I think Gabe gets that he needs to chew - at least he seems to - but if it's a very big piece at all, he chews a bit and then spits the rest out. I was hoping to have them on table foods by Thanksgiving, but maybe I just need to relax and they will get there when they are ready.
  6. HorseyLover

    HorseyLover Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat and my boys are a month older. We actually talked to the pedi about it - and he said that it is not a big deal if they don't like the lumpy stuff or pieces of food. He actually has some patients that ate pureed food until they were 2 yrs old!! OMG - I hope that doesn't happen to us :) My boys eat cereal and pureed fruit for breakfast, and they'll eat a #3 jar with a tastey fruit (because they won't eat it by itself) for lunch and dinner. And when they get the smallest piece of food, like soft carrot even they spit it out or gag. They'll also LOVE yogurt. They will eat puffs and the teething biscuits. Go figure!
  7. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    They'll let you know when they are ready. When they start refusing purees is usually a sign. Nathaniel was doing that, so I switched him. My oldest did it at 8 months. William has yet to refuse.

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