Switching formula at 9.5 mos?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by janicecris, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. janicecris

    janicecris Active Member

    Okay, not sure what to do... My DS has been very cranky lately. He already has two teeth and does not appear to be teething.., he does not appear to have any ear infection too because he does not have a cold or fever. Hut a cranky little baby.., he's been always cranky from day one but I guess we just thought its just him... Am now thinking of switching formulas. Maybe he is not compatible with his formula? He still drinks a lot of milk around 33 oz a day and solids 3x a day (just about 1.5 gerber 2nd foods container total for the day) plus some water (around 1-1.5 oz). So basically he is still very much into his milk.., he has no problems feeding so I am scared of changing formula but I don't know what is causing him to be very cranky! He can be distracted for a bit then he will be cranky again! I got him the gerber good start "soy" but am not sure if I should try it or not... Help!!!!!
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Our boys went through a very, very cranky spell around that age - they were crawling, pulling up and cruising. I have read in several books that a cranky period is common around that time because they are doing so much developmentally. It also could be early signs of another tooth coming. Our boys have 8 teeth each and they get very cranky for about a week before each new tooth.

    You could try switching formula, but I'm more inclined to think it is developmental changes or teething. Have you tried tylenol or motrin to see if that makes any difference? Or maybe they are hungry and need an increase in solids? You said they get three solid meals a day, but now how much at each meal. Our boys get approximately 4 oz. of solids at each meal and 22-24 oz. of formula.

    There is no easy answer, but those are some of the things that come to mind for me.
  3. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    I don't see the harm in trying it. We went through about 5 different formulas for my S - wound up on soy for a while and the doctors said it was a good alternative, just as nutritious as regular formula.

    We ultimately changed to regular Similac (because daycare provides it! I can't pass up a good deal. Free formula???) at around 6 months and she's been on it ever since. She never - NEVER has been a good eater, very fussy with the bottle since day 1. She started up being fussy again recently and we are going to try gas drops again. We put some in her 6am bottle yesterday morning and she ate the whole thing.

    Anyway if it would get her to eat more, I'd switch again. We've just been through every formula option out there with her (except the hypoallergenic ones). She might seem to do better for a couple weeks but, alas, would turn back into our fussy little S eventually. I'm anxious about her 9 month check-up in a few weeks - I hope she's gaining OK. She's WAY lighter than her sister!!!
  4. janicecris

    janicecris Active Member

    He is just eating half a container of gerber foods 2nd stage each meal 3x a day.. So around 2 oz a meal? He is just cranky even at meals! He is only ok while drinking meal then after a while there he goes again!
  5. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I think you can increase the solids probably. Like I said, our guys are just over 10 months and they are getting about 4 oz. at each meal. Try gradually increasing and see if that makes him happier. At his age, he may just be ready for more solids and less formula. Our pedi said at our 9 month checkup that our boys could have up to the following amounts in a day, and this goes until 12 months:
    2 servings of cereal (2-4tbsp each)
    4 oz. fruit
    4 oz. veggies
    3 oz. protein
    16-24 oz. formula
    (they also said if we max out the solids and they are still hungry, it is okay if they have more than 24 oz. of formula)

    Also, try tylenol or motrin and see if that helps in case it is teething.

    If those don't work, THEN I would try switching formula, which is more involved. I'm sure others may have ideas, too, but that is what I would try.
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