How does the 3 day potty training method

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dtomecko, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    I know a little bit about the 3 day method, but not much. When we did my son a couple weeks ago, I didn't really read up on anything. Just spent a couple days without diapers (naked) and a potty nearby. He got the hang of it quickly and we haven't looked back since. I planned to go back and try this again with my daughter this week, but then last weekend she kind of did it herself by wanting to wear her underwear all day. She's pretty much pee trained, but still has 1 or 2 accidents a day (maybe I should go back to the naked training with her for a day and see if that makes it completely kick in). But her problem is she doesn't want to poop on the potty. I know she knows when she has to go, because it's always the one second I'm not paying attention and she's able to hide from me, so I won't bug her about going on the potty.

    I hear so many good things about the 3 day method working. Surely my daughter is not the only stubborn poop case. How does this method suggest you deal with this problem and actually get them going on the potty?
  2. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    We did the three day method with our girls and have had lots of success. The issue with pooping is still kinda ongoing, not so much that they have accidents, just that they feel the urge for a while before they actually go so we are in and out of the bathroom multiple times before they actually do go. She has a few suggestions for pooping, one is to have a praise/sticker chart for poop in the toilet and another is that if she is starting to go in her panties to run her into the bathroom and pull her panties down so that the poop falls in the toilet so she knows where her poop is supposed to go.

    Sounds like you are doing great and hopefully some of these suggestions help you out!! :)
  3. mgordon64

    mgordon64 Member

    Can someone explain the 3-day method? I'm getting ready to train my daughter, who is definitely ready. I have been showing DVDs about potty training and reading books, and have been taking her in with me for a long time. She likes to sit on the potty, reads the potty books, talks about Prudence (from one of the books). She tells me when she poops in her diaper but doesn't do anything on the potty. I think she's ready, but just can't get her to go the first time. How does the 3-day method work?
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I believe the 3 day method does mention feeding the child high fiber foods or fruits like prunes (which my ds will not eat unless I mix them with jelly) to help them go poop while you do the three day method. I would just keep reminding her that poop goes in the potty (and even if you have to show that you do that too). Some kids that just totally freaks out. If my son went in his underwear, I kept taking it upstairs and flushing it to show him that the potty is where poop goes. Also if he was hiding, I would just put him on the potty to see if he would finish pooping in there and that got him to go poop on it.
    With the three day plan, you basically toss the diapers and pull ups, load the child up on liquid and watch for accidents (she even recommends being by the child's side) and when you notice them about to go or even if they have an accident, put them on the potty. If they have an accident, you just remind them that pee and poo go in the potty and to keep their underwear dry. I did this with my son over labor day weekend and it certainly got him going on the potty, he's day trained, stays dry while we are out and at nap time and stays dry half the nights of the week. So he's almost potty trained 2 months later.
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I found the ebook well worth the money to read it and get in and understand where she was coming from with her 3 day method. you don't bug them to go potty... you get them to understand their body so they understand that they need to go and they come to you to ask to go.

    as for poops... UGH! my ds took over 8 wks to finally get the hang of it... last week he really started going on the potty - for poops - YAY! of course that was the same week that my dd copped an attitude and started having lots of accidents - including many in her plastic booster seat at the table! ugh! I even thought she might have a bladder infection... but nope, dr. said that was clear. So we beefed up the praise for her and she's back to not having accidents.

    the pp said about all that the lady suggested with poops... for us it just took time. thankfully we're on the home run!
  6. cacorsi

    cacorsi Active Member

    I tried the 3 day method (I even bought the ebook!) and it doesn't work in 3 days! I think it is funny to think this goal COULD be accomplished in 3 days. An earlier reply explained the concept but I would like to add that that author suggests that you do not leave the house for the 3 days of potty trainging. We stayed home for 2 days. My daughter did catch on but she was by no means totally potty trained after 3 days! My son still keeps saying "Me no wear underpants!" That is funny in itself!
  7. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    This is what I did too. Basically, my DD would try to hold in poop for the first 2 weeks after she tried to PT. So, I would feed her prune juice if it had been couple of days since she had a BM. At first she would also go in her underwear and I would lead her to the toilet. After 2 weeks of being PT'd she would understand the sensation of pooping and not try to hold it in. She would also go on the big potty herself.
  8. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the responses. Sounds like the author didn't have any magic answer then either. I think if I were to carry my daughter to the potty mid-poop she'd be kicking and screaming and fighting me - because she does not want to poop on the potty, and it would have to be on her terms if she did. I tried bribing with m&m's and other treats she normally doesn't get. I knew she understood, but to her it wasn't worth it. So I was just going to wait it out and at least be happy with the pee training.

    But last night I decided to put the potty in the corner where she likes to hide and poop. And I can't believe it, but she actually pooped in it! She was very excited and really proud of herself. I really really hope she'll do it again.
  9. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Yeah! That's awesome. :)
  10. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :woo: Great news!
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    awesome news!

    and yes, I think at a younger age of under 3 it will take longer than 3 days... but still beats diapers! depends on what a family wants to spend time with... I'm pleased with our success in the last 2 months.
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