How to get both babies head down

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by aquickworld, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. aquickworld

    aquickworld Well-Known Member

    Has anyone had success with getting babies head down so you could have a vaginal delivery? My twins are Transverse and I am already being told by my OB/GYN that I will have a c-section, which I don't want! I know that a Chiropractor and Accupuncturist can do treatments to get them to move and wonder if anyone has done this? :babyflips:
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine were stubborn, but yes, others have had lots of luck. is a great website. Please keep us posted with how they progress. :)
  3. medicinemansgirl

    medicinemansgirl Well-Known Member

    I saw that you're only around 26 wks. As I'm sure many people will tell you on here....that is WAY early to predict that you will end up with a c/s. They have PLENTY of time to turn for sure!! My 1st u/s at 21 wks when we found them revealed both breech. Next few appts revealed that A was still breech and B was completely transverse. At my 33 wk u/s A was vertex but B was then oblique. Now at 40 wks they are both comfortably head down and have been since about 36 wks or so. With our 1st set A was vertex the entire time but B flipped from vertext to beech up until the day I went into labor at 39 wks 4 days...and he was the bigger baby at 7'2. They were delivered vaginally with A vertex and B breech.

    But, there's plenty of both time and room to turn!
  4. Adding 2 more!

    Adding 2 more! Well-Known Member

    I think the docs tell you that up front so you know what could know? That being said, ive heard stories of one twin delivering vaginally and the other not cooperating and having to be delivered by cs! I cant imagine having to endure both! The recovery...yikes! I had a planned cs with my daughter bc she was breeched and large, so we went in and did it...sooooo easy! So...if you have to cs, plan it! No surprises!
    That being said, I agree that it is early, and I wish you the best of luck on getting everyone to cooperate...babies and doc alike!
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm not so sure about this- I had a planned C/s due to A being breech, but my water broke 2 days before. I don't think you can exactly predict when babies will come, 'planned' or not. ;)
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  6. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member

    Yes, they still have plenty of time to turn!! Mine were transversed for a while and now they are both vertex and fighting for who gets to get out first :laughing: Sometimes it's baby on the left whose head is lower sometimes it's the other one but they are still heads down and hopefully will stay that way until the big day!!

    You can also try to talk to your babies and encourage them to be heads down...

    Good luck!
  7. TennesseeMomma

    TennesseeMomma Well-Known Member

    For my doctor, it was only important to him that Baby A be head down. He said he could always move Baby B, or that Baby B would turn during labor (which is what he did!)

    I can't remember where Baby A was for us at that gestation, but I do know that Baby B moved alot! I had success using with this pregnancy - she was breech at 31 weeks, and yesterday on Ultrasound - she had moved!

    Hope all goes well! Does your doctor know that you really want to try for a vaginal delivery? I have also heard that accupuncture works really well.

    Hope all goes well for you!
  8. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Yes, there is still plenty of time to change. Midwives where I delivered recommended putting a bag of frozen peas on the top (boobside) of your belly & soothing music down below. Good luck!
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