Help with the binkies!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by susangilpin, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. susangilpin

    susangilpin Active Member

    I have 2 precious 6 week old baby boys and they love their binkies! It's pretty much the only thing that calms them when they get fussy... I found they love the sound of rain falling (play it on my ipod to put them to sleep) but they want to have binkies in their mouths too! Well they take a couple sucks and then the binkie always comes out and I am constantly putting it back in. It's not bad when I can hold one of them and hold the binkie in and it almost always puts them to sleep after about 10-20 minutes but it's impossible to hold two babies and two binkies in at the same time...

    Anyone else have this problem?
  2. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    WE DID! I tried everything! I even bought the pacifiers for babies with cleft palates called "Wubbanubs"! They had a stuffed animal sewn on them just cuz I thought THAT might help... NOPE!

    Seriously. It was tough!

    I just finally gave up the ghost at 12 weeks and realized my kids were never going to take pacifiers. Keep trying but if they don't take to them, they may just not be pacifier kids.


    ETA> here is the website. It looks like they've broadened their horizons since I bought them. Now they are marketing to everyone. YAY!
  3. susangilpin

    susangilpin Active Member

    Well I know my boys love the pacys because they quiet at soon as they get them in their mouth and suck on them! They also reach for them with open mouth if I put them in front of their face...

    I looked into the wubanubs today, but the boys hated the soothies... They like the NUKs.

    My husband has been swaddling the pacys in their mouth to keep them in, but I dont know how to do it :(
  4. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    At 6 weeks they still dont have the suction power to keep them in. The best trick is to put them in and tap it twice in the center of the paci. It seems to help them get a better grip on it. Around 3-4 months is when they start being able to keep it in better.
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    DUCT TAPE!!!!

    I only wish. I had 1 that used a binky and had the same problem. We used a clip to attach it to his shirt so when it did pop out, he could put it back himself. We never found a solution to stop it from falling out in the first place. Then again he was a bit older than 6 weeks when he learned to put it back in himself. Until then, it was a tedious task.
  6. stephsoss

    stephsoss Well-Known Member

    This is what we did.
  7. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    My girls LOVED their Wubbanubs, and I did have success with these keeping the pacis in when they were sleeping. But since your boys don't like Soothies, you should check out the Paci Plushies. I haven't tried them, but I've been thinking about getting a couple since I'm trying to move the girls to a different paci.
  8. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was going to suggest that. That's exactly what dh did! He would swaddle them up really tight, put the pacifier in, and then pull up the swaddle just over the pacifier-just the bottom of it, not the whole thing. If they wanted to get rid of it, they still could, and did. But I think it was helpful at least for those first few minutes to calm them down. Good luck!
  9. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Ya, mine LOVED them too. Just NEVER were able to keep them in. Ever. Not even later on. We swaddled them in but they'd find a way to push them out. Very frustrating. I wish you luck in your endeavor :)
  10. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    Ditto here lol!
  11. susangilpin

    susangilpin Active Member

    thank you ladies for all the advice!
  12. susangilpin

    susangilpin Active Member

    by the way I ordered 2 paci plushies today, so I will let you all know if they work!
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