Traveling with the twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by haleystar, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    We are planning a trip up north with the twins to visit family for Thanksgiving. I've got a couple of questions to ask if you don't mind...

    Since our high chairs are full size and can't fit into the rental car we need to get the smaller scaled highchairs that attach to the back to a dining chair. This "booster" seat would need to have an adjustable tray so they have a place to put their food since we are still on finger foods. If you have used on and loved it or you can recommend a good one, I'm all ears!

    Also, what playpin did you use for your 33" tall 30lbs-ish toddler? I know I will need two of these but I don't know really want I'm looking for that won't cost an arm and a leg.

    Thanks and any other bits of advice would be most welcomed!
  2. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    I know you said you wanted a highchair/booster seat with a tray, but I told thought I'd suggest these. You can also purchase these, but you don't have to. My boys have used them without the trays, but I've been suggested them before. The one I showed you actually comes w/ a travel bag, but they are extremely small & easy to travel with. Just make sure you don't put the boys right next to each other because we did catch our table tipping over once lol. Craigslist is a great place to find them! I actually got ours at garage sales for $5 each!

    No suggestions on the playyard though.
  3. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    We use the Fisher Price Healthy Care Deluxe chairs whenever we go to my parents' house. They fold up pretty small, have an adjustable tray and height, and the kids seem to really like them. I found them at walmart for around $20 a piece. Not sure what to do for sleep, we still use pack n plays for ours
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Is there a possibly that the family you are going to visit might have some high chairs on hand (or ones that can be borrowed from friends)? I ask that because when we traveled to Michigan when the kids were 18 months, my aunt and uncle were able to borrow high chairs from their kids and we were also lucky they also had two pack and plays for us to use, so the kids could sleep in them and we did not have to bring ours.
    Are you flying or driving there?
    You might be able to rent pack and plays, play yards and high chairs if needed Baby equipment rental by state
    Good luck and I hope you have a great trip visiting family!
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I got 2 of the Fisher-Price Healthy Care Booster Seats at my baby shower, and that's what I've used for traveling. They fold up nicely, are easy to clean, and fit on most standard chairs. We moved the boys out of high chairs when they turned 2, and are now using them full-time as booster seats at the table! :)

    We have a PnP for sleeping, and also have borrowed one from our ILs so that's what we use when we're away from home. If you don't currently have 1 (or 2) you can often find them on Craigslist for as cheap as $20. :good:

    My only traveling tip is to buy or rent a portable DVD system for the car; they are a life-saver!! :D
  6. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies for all of the info! I found some cheap pack n plays at Wallyworld and some booster seats so I think we'll be OK as long as we get them in time. :)

    Unfortunately no. My Dad is retired with ZERO kid stuff and my brother's kids are adults and he hasn't had any of that stuff for a LONG time.
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