What Kind of "Stuff" Did You Find You Could Do Out W/Twinfants?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mjwebb05, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. mjwebb05

    mjwebb05 Well-Known Member

    I think my subject header says it all....just wondering with trying to keep a successful and predictable routine (feeding and nap schedules) for our boys, it can get hard getting out of the house for anything other than scheduled drs appointments or Kindermusik class once a week, or perhaps visiting someone's house.

    What other types of things did you all do with your twinfants when it was just you and them? SMall things that you thought were not "doable" but ended up being so and got you all out of the house for a little bit??? Now that the boys are STTN Consistently (knock on wood they will keep going!!!) I have more energy and desire to get out every once and a while!
  2. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    We like to go to the mall once or twice a week, and we go the park every day. I take a blanket and some toys (for when the swings are not being occupied) and we spend about an hour and half and enjoy the weather for while it lasts. I don't ever get to do things with JUST me and the twins, so its always the twins and their brother. I honestly never thought I would get out of the house as much as I do. I just get creative.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You know, I should have just started working at Target when they were born. I went there on a weekly basis just to walk around. So for me-going to the mall, Target, going for a walk up and down the street. I used to take a blanket and put it in the front of the yard and take out a bunch of toys and sit outside for a little bit. Or of course go and visit friends. I like the idea of going to the park. There is just so much to see and do for them! The new sights and sounds! A trip to the library or a bookstore is great as well!

    And way to go on them sttn!!
  4. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    I agree with the pp. I also went to the mall at least once a week and just walked around. Hard to get through the stores with the stoller, but it gave me excercise and gave the girls something else to look at other than their toys at home. We also walk our neighborhood that has a madmade lake system with walking trails. We bring bread for the ducks. Now I am going back to work and the girls will be in childcare Mon-Fri. We will be doing the walking/mall stuff on Sat's and Sun's now.

    I didn't mind going out anywhere once the girls were about 2 months old, but when I had to make multiple stops is when it got annoying simply because I got tired of taking their carseats IN AND OUT of the car so many times. I was exhausted...
  5. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I am like the other poster. I never get out of the house with just the twins. I always have all five of the kids. Depending on your area and how much you're willing to spend there is a lot of things you can do. One free idea is a library class. I didn't look to see the ages of your twins but my library starts story time for 6mos and up. I like to use Christmas cash the kids recieve and buy passes to area attractions. I usually pool the cash, buy some passes, and then divide up the rest for their saving accounts. We have passes to a nice little play area, the Zoo, Aquarium, and the Museum Center. The museum has a children's play area that is just fantastic. There is also the park (though it is getting chilly out - at least here) and I used to love walking around the mall back when everyone rode in the stroller.
  6. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    We also do walks through the neighborhood and to the park. We haven't done the mall yet, but I think we'll try that once the weather gets too cold here for walks outside.
  7. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    I try to take the girls for a walk around the neighborhood every day. We also go to Target, the grocery store, and the library every once in a while (which is perfect if you don't want lots of people talking to you). We're soon going to get an annual pass for the zoo so we can go whenever.
  8. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    walk around Target
    The park
    Walk around our local lake
    Story time at the library (starting at 18 months at our library)
    Disneyland just for 2-3 hours (we have annual passes)
  9. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    Too funny. We do well at Target too, much better than the mall. Its our rainy day alter native to aftrnoon walks. Now that Im back to work its mostly my mom who does this but we try to get them outside once a day.
  10. mjwebb05

    mjwebb05 Well-Known Member

    thanks everyone! my guys are 4mos so not that easy for them to "do" things when I take them out unless they are in the stroller, but I guess any fresh air (we do walk the neighborhood 3x a week) or change of scenery (even if they are sleeping through it!) will do them good!
  11. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    Ok, we never get out, so I really shouldn't answer this. But I just had to add that the rare occasions that we DO get out are so good for us - everyone comes up and oohs and ahs over them because they are twins, and frankly it's nice to hear good stuff from time to time when everything is so hard. It's seriously good for my mental health!
  12. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    Fresh air is definitely good! I've noticed that when one baby is fussy, just walking outside and standing on our deck will calm him down. I think he likes the change of scenery.

    Thanks to this thread, I checked out our local library and saw that our library does storytime starting with newborns. I think we'll start this next week :)
  13. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    mall, Target/Wal-Mart/BabiesRUs (whoever had the diaper/wipe/formula deals for the week LOL!) would take them to mine and DH's work - it was nice having other people hold them for a while! We also went out to lunch and other places - just took some bottles and diapers and we were good!
  14. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I couldn't agree more early on. I loved the attention when we made it out in public. We walked the park a lot but you don't really get much human contact there...LOL. Target was easier than the mall for us as PPs stated. Also, we are Zoo members and that has been the best $60/year I have spent in a long time. We must go twice a week now - for short spurts. I remember forking out the ticket price for the aquarium when we were about 7 mos old and it was heavenly. I stayed almost 4 hours...it was the best day. Just the lighting and the moving of the fish - they were mesmerized. Lastly, shortly before they turned 1 I finally found a couple of mom friends nearby and from time to time we get together at each others houses. That has made a huge difference. To have an adult there with their kids.
  15. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    too funny about how everyone loves Target. My kids LOVE the place. We have a rule. Mommy looks at the things she needs first then we can look at whatever they want. It's always toys of course. DH and I have taken the kids to Target before and let them look and play with toys for almost an hour. Luckily they are really good at looking but not expecting us to actually buy anything. We always tell them that they can add it to their birthday or Christmas list. Which ever comes up first. When DS was little I used to walk around Target ALL the time with him in the stroller or the cart. It was awesome. Awww to only shop with one kid....such nice memories! lol
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