uterus size?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by SaraSatin, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    Ok, so I finally got the When You're Expecting Twins book and according to it I'm behind on weight gain, which is fine because I am 40 pounds overweight for my height so I don't need to build up fat stores like she said in the beginning. It said I should be at 8-10 pounds gained and I'm at about 2-3, but I'm eating and feel great.

    However, it was talking about fundal size and it got me thinking that my uterus popped over my pubic bone at like 7.5 weeks... but it hasn't moved much since. I'm feeling pressure like it's getting tight back there and I'm about an inch to an inch and a half above my bone. I just feel like it's growing very slowly, is that normal at this point of the pregnancy?

    I go for my 12 week ultrasound in a week exactly, so this time next Thursday I should be able to see that everything is ok... but I'm naturally a worrier so I've got all these things running through my mind.
  2. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I can only speak from my personal experience...I didn't start to measure ahead until I was at least 25 weeks or so and then I seemed to explode! I had two friends pregnant with singletons with almost the same due date and until about 28 weeks or so they were bigger then I was! People kept joking that they got all our ultrasounds mixed up. I am tall and thin though (considered underweight by all the books) and I didn't really look pregnant with DS either until the 3rd trimester. Wait for your US and go from there :)
  3. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I only measured a couple of weeks ahead early on...it wasn't until closer to 18-20 weeks that the number of weeks discrepancy grew, and, by the end, I measured 52 at 36 weeks.
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yeah, although I thought I looked pregnant I don't think others could really tell until somewhere around 18 weeks. But then... Oh my! You get big fast!
  5. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    LOL - ok then, I won't worry. I'll just start sorting my maternity clothes into big, bigger and Wow!
  6. irrelevancy

    irrelevancy Well-Known Member

    I get comments all the time that I'm not very big for twins..."are you sure there's two in there?" and so on.

    I'm taller and was a bit overweight to begin with. It's more important that the babies are growing well and that you're eating well than specific numbers of how much weight you've gained or how many weeks you measure. Each ultrasound is a little added reassurance that everything is going well in there.
  7. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I love that. LOL. IT made me laugh out loud. A freind of mine is 34 weeks with twins and had to pass on XL maternity clothes she no longer fit it. I think she is a M normally but got to the WOW stage.
  8. jessietrio

    jessietrio Well-Known Member

    SaraSatin...awesome that you are eating well and feeling great!! Way to go. Yes, ditto the PPs, before you know it you will be wearing the WOW! clothes and they are going to feel great on your WOW! body.

    My belly is ENormoUs, yet I still get the 'you don't look big for having twins'...every time I hear it I bristle because I WANT to be big and healthy so my girls are big and healthy :blush:. I've done my job...eaten very well with lots of protein shakes, yogurts and cheeses and have gained A LOT, a lot, a lot. The 'you don't look big' is genuinely perplexing and now, at almost 36weeks, I *think* I have been getting these comments because I am tall.

    The funny thing is that my belly [uterus] is very wide [like a double-wide trailer...or a WIDE LOAD on the highway] and has been since the very beginning. And, sadly [because I like my numbers as well] they don't measure belly width... :pardon: or I would have a blue-ribbon, first-place, prize-winning belly. As a matter of fact, I am so wide that it almost feels as if one baby is taking kidney shots...from behind.

    Yeah...TS is such a great place for the 'natural worrier' in us all! :hug:
  9. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    LOL - I'm 4'9" so I got the "are you sure it's just one" questions with my DD. Quite the opposite of you!

    I actually gave away my largest maternity clothes because at 60 pounds overweight to start the pregnancy they didn't fit at 9 months! Little did I know... but I'm starting lighter so that might help.

    I'm trying really hard to eat healthy, but I'm eating at least. Last night dinner was about half a serving of chicken and veggies (couldn't get it down well), then two slices of toast with butter to calm my stomach... then a bean and cheese burrito when I felt better. Strange combo, but at least there was protein!
  10. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    LOL!! I am 29 weeks and about to outgrow any maternity clothes I ever had!! I measured 4 weeks ahead until recently and at 28weeks I measured 36 weeks! As far as how fast you show.. this is my 6th pregnancy (including 1 mc) and I was showing and measuring VERY early on! Keep up the good work on eating healthy!! That is the most important part!
  11. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt worry. I only gained a total of 20Lbs and NEVER measured ahead for the twins. Always right on with how many weeks I was. They were born at 37 weeks, and baby A was 6lbs 9oz and baby B was 5lbs 2oz, so they weren't that tiny.....
  12. Henderson

    Henderson Well-Known Member

    I too have noticed my uterus above my pubic bone at about 7 weeks now at only 8 weeks it seems a good couple inches above it! You guys are funny about the "wow" size. I have several friends in the third trimester of single pregnancies. I tell them to hush up! I just hope I'm not their size by January!!
  13. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member

    This is so reassuring to hear because I can't seem to gain enough weight :( I eat as much as I can especially proteins but still weight gain is slow... your babies were a good size I would say so hopefully mine will be ok too...
  14. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    I never measured over with the twins. I didn't really start showing until I was about 18 weeks and even when I delivered at 38.5 days, people were still shocked that I was carrying twins. They were 5.14lbs and 6.8lbs. Books are just guidelines and averages.
  15. jrg9171

    jrg9171 Well-Known Member

    I measured about 2-3 weeks ahead early on, then the weeks caught up to my belly size until 28 weeks and then I've been 5 & 6 weeks ahead ever since. At 24 weeks I measured 24 weeks. At 28 weeks I measured 33 weeks so in 4 weeks my belly grew 9 weeks. Now I'm so dang huge that I can barely move. I almost WISH my OB would put me on bedrest so I didn't have to move around because it just hurts so much! And now everytime I have an ultrasound and the babies are still measuring huge the U/S tech asks us if we are trying to go for the record of the largest twins. Uh, no? Not intentionally?
  16. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I think a lot of doctors put a lot of undue sress on women pregnant with multiples about weight gain. If your babies are growing fine at the same curve when you go in for your ultrasounds, then you are fine.
  17. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    Funny, because I have the opposite problem. I am 40 pounds overweight and my doctor wants me to limit weight gain to 20-25 pounds. I was 60 pounds overweight when I got pregnant with DD and they told me to gain no more than 15 pounds. When I gained 28 they flipped out and scared me that I would have GD and a huge baby. I was fine and DD was less than 7 pounds. I'm going to eat when I'm hungry and I bought protein powder to make shakes at night to help the babies grow. I will gain whatever I am meant to gain.
  18. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Emphasis on weight, wether is be too much are too little, I find stresses out most women. Like you siadm you'll gain what you'll gain. Somethings you have no control over. GL
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