How do you discipline a 15 month old?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by madj18, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. madj18

    madj18 Member

    He is throwing things at our Nanny and pushing and hitting his brother.
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    At that age, I really don't think you can "discipline" them per se. :pardon: I did a *lot* of redirection, and instituted a "toy time out" for things that they were throwing, abusing, or fighting over. I also taught them "touch nice" when patting the dog, and this really worked for hitting. I'd say "touch Mama nice" and gently guide their hands into a gentle pat. I would also tell them that if they hit Mama I'd put them down (or leave the room, etc.) and that really got the message across!

    You can teach them to kiss or hug instead of hitting too, but be warned: hugs at that age often ended up toppling them both over! :lol:

    For throwing things in general, I have repeatedly told my boys that they can only throw balls. This gives them something positive to do, instead of saying "no" all the time. My family gives me grief for letting them throw balls in the house, but I'd rather have that than throwing trains or dump trucks! :)

    I would talk to the Nanny about how she usually handles these things so you guys are on the same page as far as strategies to deal with issues. It's very important to stay consistent, and she might have some good ideas! :good:
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  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i agree with Valerie. :good:

    i did start time outs from 12 months though, so you could give it a try. i would put them on the time out mat for 60 seconds. at that age, i had to sit near the mat & i would put them back onto the mat whenever they would try to crawl off & say "sit". otherwise, i avoided eye contact and any other interaction with them.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did a combo of redirection, modeling good behavior and making sure to compliment them when I saw them doing good behavior. I started TO's around 14-15 months and I used to do them in my lap for 1 minute (we would go into another room and I would not speak during the minute).
    I definitely agree with Valerie's suggestion to discuss with your Nanny about what she does, so you both are on the same page and consistent with discipline. I found that being consistent is the key. Good luck!
  6. Lynn76

    Lynn76 Well-Known Member

    Yep, lots of redirection, lots of saying "Please be gentle" and then model how to be gentle. Lots of saying "Toys are not for throwing they are for playing on the floor". If I had one that was out of control for whatever reason, then he would be put in his crib w/o books/toys for a time out. I don't call it time out, just let him know he needs some quiet time alone. I go back after he has calmed down or gotten quiet, usually 5 mins and when he gets out, he is much better.
  7. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    I agree with PPs - modeling the behaviour you want to see in them, lots of redirection and positive reinforcement, teaching gentle touches, taking away things for a few minutes that are being thrown after no more than one warning.
    Instead of time outs what I am doing with my 15 month olds is getting down to their level, making eye contact and holding them gently but firmly to tell them something is unacceptable; I only use this for serious issues not for nuisance issues and it seems to be working and usually prevents both a tantrum caused by the frustration caused by "no" and an additional battle to keep a little one in time out.
    Lots of consistency, patience and creativity will help! GL.
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