Tell us all about you!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Utopia122, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    There are so many new people coming into the forum that I thought it would be a good idea to tell us a little about yourself. I'll get it started!!

    I'm 34 and teach math to a bunch of super hormonal 8th graders :crazy: . I have three children...Luke who is fixing to be 13 :faint:, and Sarah and Allison who will be 5. My entire family has a birthday in December...mine is the 12th, my DH is the 15th, Luke's is the 18th, and then the girls' are on the 31st.:blink: It's a super busy month that I have to save up the entire year for! I love to read, I'm a running fool, and I really like to cross-stitch. However, I'm notorius for starting projects and then not finishing them..unfortunately. I'm really trying to break that habit. I love to cook, but hate to clean the kitchen so I don't cook as much as I should, but sometimes get on a big fades fast though. My favorite, favorite food is pumpkin pie, and there is nothing better than a pot of spiced tea to make the whole house smell like my momma's. If you ever meet me in person, it takes me a long while to warm up and talk. A lot of people assume that I'm just a big stuck up person, but really I'm insanely shy and socially awkward until I get to know someone. Once I know you, then you can't get me to shut up :D I'm a huge introvert...would rather stay home and read a book than go out with a big group of people...however, there are times I love to get my groove on!

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  2. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I am a SAHM and love it. I used to teach elem school mostly 1st and 3rd grade. I am expecting another set of IVF twins and am very open about how infertility can affect many people, my self included. I am so greatful for the blessing of my little miracles. I love to read and back. I haven't done anyhting fun lately as I am still morning sick and so ready to feel better soon. My kids are not in preschool this year and am glad to have them home with me, but doing a few things with other moms to keep them busy and give them play time. I looved my kids at 2, they were so fun, but this week I think we ahve entered the terrible 3's. Watch out.
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  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i call myself a part time SAHM, but i think that technically that's a misnomer. :laughing: i have two different jobs that are both contract work (stage manager for theatre & birth doula), so when i'm not on contract i'm home all the time, but when i am on contract i'm usually working full time. i'm finding it's a good balance & works really well for me. we're hoping to have another baby soon, so that will probably all change again - which scares the crap out of me. i love routine & change is really hard for me. although, i've gotten better at it since becoming a mom. :pardon:

    i love theatre, reading, movies, skiing and knitting, although i don't do any of them as much as i'd like because i'm also very, very lazy! ;) i'm a total sci-fi/fantasy geek & dream about having dinner with Joss Whedon because i think he's brilliant in the genre. i am also trying to figure out how i can meet Nathan Fillion - although, i'd probably just make an idiot of myself so maybe it's better if it didn't happen.

    my favorite color is yellow, i have to have a Tim Horton's coffee every day (and sometimes more than one when it's Roll Up The Rim or Smile Cookie time), i prefer to drive standards, i have to pop my gum out of the package in a specific order or it makes me crazy, i'm celebrating my 8th anniversary on Tuesday, i feel like the more i learn the less i know, i had no idea until recently that butter tarts essentially don't exist in the USA, and i can't wait for my ILs to get back from Ethiopia now that the girls are old enough to spend the night at their house! :wavey:
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  4. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I only have one "baby" left in this forum!

    I'm a SAHM to my 5 1/2 year old twins, Nolan and Meghan and my 3 1/2 year old crazy man, Liam. In my former life, I worked in international finance. I managed two departments in support of a large foreign exchange trading desk in Boston. After Liam, I decided to stay home because daycare and commuting costs were pretty much going to take up most of my paycheck.

    I love being able to do things with the kids while they are so young. Kindergarten is half day and Liam's preschool is 2 mornings, so we do still have time for some fun things in the afternoon.

    I love the beach, reading, shopping, cooking, baking and love to take pictures, mostly of my kids. I am also an avid Red Sox fan and also love the Patriots. I will watch basketball and hockey, but usually during playoffs. I almost never go to the movies, but love watching them. I'm also a bit of a TV junkie. :blush:

    I love Italian and Mexican food and could eat either of them every day.

    And, OMG, I don't like coffee!!! But I can be seen at any given time with a Coke in my hand and it has to be Coke, not Pepsi!! I need to get my caffeine somewhere!!

    Rachel, I had to highlight this phrase. It makes it so obvious that we are from different areas of the country. I don't think I've ever said it in my life!! It just struck me as to the differences that exist between different areas.

    And Rachel#3, I've never had a butter tart!! ;)
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Add me to the list of those who have never had a butter tart and would like to try one!

    I'm a SAHM looking for a full time job. I do enjoy being home with the kids but I am ready to go back to work. I got my Masters Degree in counseling in May 2009 and I am looking for a place near home where I can put it to use :faint:
    My husband and I will have been married for 4 years this upcoming Wednesday. October through January are big birthday months in our house: My SIL, niece, nephew, myself, the kids, DH, DH's aunt, my mother and SIL all have birthdays during this time. When my father was alive, he and my mother shared the same birthday and one year, I drug DH through Hallmark looking for a "Happy Birthday Mom and Dad" card and after 20 minutes he asked me what I was looking for and when I told him, he very politely explained that they do not make Happy Birthday Mom and Dad cards because there are not many Mom and Dad's who share a birthday.
    My twins Luke and Sophia would still be in the womb if they were allowed to be, I did not have a single contraction prior to their birth and on the day I had my section and they had me on the monitor, my mother exclaimed, "Look, it's at 20. You're barely having a contraction." The dynamic duo arrived on 12/26, we had a choice to have them born on 12/24 or 12/26 and we opted for the 26th because I did not want to be in the hospital for Christmas.
    I'm easily distracted. I absolutely love to read and draw (though I suck at art, DH is the artist in the house and my doodles look like the kids compared to his) and I am also an introvert, I don't like big crowds and find them draining. My favorite books of all time are Lord of the Rings,the Stand, The Secret Life of Bees, and I love biographies.
    The kids will be going to a 2 day a week preschool program starting in January and I am totally excited about that and I hope they will love it as much as I think they will.
    Oh, I love the smell of coffee but I can't stand the taste of it :tomato:
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  6. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm almost 35. :faint: A&R are a little over 3. My husband is cranky and I don't like it.

    We moved last year from our kind of happy little lives in Florida for what we thought would be better times in VA. It hasn't been better times. I was unemployed for a very long time, then my husband lost the job that we moved up here for. Thankfully we're both employed now, but we're very deeply in the hole and have our house in FL in foreclosure.

    That being said, some days I'm superficially happy and witty and funny, some days I'm not. Today is a "I'm not" sort of day, in fact, I'm having a hard time composing sentences that consist of more than a noun and a verb. Of course, waking up daily at 4:20 to do a two hour commute is brutal and part of the reason I'm so out of it. And part of the reason that I drink so much coffee.

    Maybe I'll come back and edit this with some happy stuff later.

    Oh I like all hockey, especially the Tampa Bay Lightning. I like roller derby. I really don't care about any other sport.
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  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Wow a lot of us are celebrating anniversaries this week! I'm Leighann and I'm 35. DH and I are celebrating our 10th anniversary on Friday! We have fraternal twin girls Meara and Ana who are 3 1/2 .

    DH and I both work full time outside the home and pretty much split child care 50/50. We have a fabulous sitter who watches the girls 4 afternoons a week, but other than that, DH and I flex our schedules to be home with them. We are very thankful to have that flexibility being academics. However there is a down side. One of my girls' first sentences was "No mommy! Don't check your email." I try to balance my life better now and only break out the laptop to work after they go to bed.

    As for hobbies, DH is a sailor and I enjoy it as long as its a beautiful calm day. I love to read, play violin and bake (not all at the same time!). But mostly my hobby is my girls right now and I can do 2/3 of my fav's with them. Maybe next year we'll tackle the violin ;) but right now they don't appreciate a good Mozart piece as much as I do.
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  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Oh, Mo, I have a very thick KY accent. I have worked real hard getting my grammar correct because of teaching. I have people comment on my accent often. It's so funny because Sarah already has a big accent whereas Allison does not...don't know how that happens.
  9. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I love this thread!

    I am Gina, mom to Reagan and Jason. I turned 30 :shok: this past spring. I separated from and divorced the kids' bio dad when they were 18 months old and he decided the family life was just not for him. And now I am currently engaged to one of my best friends from college, Chris. He wasn't a part of the kids' lives until they were 18mths old, but you would never ever know that. They think he hung the moon and stars, but his world revolves around them. I never dreamed life could be this way! They do see XH on occasion, but unfortunately don't have the same relationship with him as they do Chris. Chris is Daddy and XH is just Dad. And it's very obvious most of the time.

    I am a full-time student, going back for my second degree. This time in nursing. I am ready to be done with school!

    Right now we are planning for a wedding next fall. I love wedding planning and think it's fun and not stressful. For now. (I eloped with XH, so this is my first time with the wedding stuff.)

    Chris and I want to have more children, but are waiting until I get done with school. Some days I want another set. Some days I think it would be crazy!
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  10. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i'm Dannielle, i'm 33 (tho act 12), and i have ID girls.
    i always wanted ID twin girls, since I was a little girl, so i consider this me winning the lottery :)
    i've danced ballet since i was 4. i had to stop when i was 11 weeks preg with the girls. i started back up last february dancing hip hop, but now i'm back in ballet and SOOOOO HAPPY! i dance with the advanced teenagers, and i love it! i can "totally hang" with them :bubble:
    i haven't worked since going on bedrest, and i kind of miss it. i think i just really miss teh paychecks!
    i love to read, mostly humor, or quick reads.
    i'm a reality tv junkie (love my jersey shore lol! )
    i do extra work for movies and tv, cuz it gets me out of the house for the day, and it's an extra 100 bucks a day in my pocket :) plus, if i do enough, eventually maybe they'll give me a featured role (an extra role that has a teeny speaking part) ;)
    my dh was laid off back in april, and he's still looking for work, and it's been so stressful. but i'm being selfish and telling him to stick to chicago till he's exhausted every job opening, because i don't feel there will be opportunity for the girls or me moving to somewhere that's not a big city (NY, chicago, or L.A.). i'm really into performing arts, and i want to stay in a city that has opportunity in it.
    my girls are best friends, and they're really well-behaved when we're out, but i feel bad cuz i think sometimes i expect too much from them :(
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  11. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I am Heather, and I am 38 but still feel 21. I said feel, probably not look - esp in the boobies they suffered badly breastfeeding the twins and my twin skin is ugly but enough of that LOL :laughing: - I have 5 children. 3 boys ages 16, 13 and 11 fixing (I have a southern accent too!) to be 16, 14 and 12 :faint: . and twin girls that will be 4 in January (I can't believe I just typed that! where has time gone???) I am sort of a stay at home mom - I take care of my dad who is in the hospital a good bit so I am more of a stay at the hospital mom. I have been married to my one and only love for 17yrs as of Sept 18 !! We met in an archery class in college. I had my tubes tied after our 11yr old was born and really regretted it then had an ectopic pregnancy in 2002 and did IVF in 2006 to get our twins! As a teenager I did not want any kids now I cannot imagine life without and really want one more! I could not tell you what a butter tart is but I would like to try one! I was put on bed rest while pregnant with the twins. Up until then I worked as an assistant to a surgeon, I had worked since I was 15 and did not know what to do with myself when I was put on bedrest. We decided that financially it was a better move for me to stay home it worked out nicely- when my girls were 6 weeks old, my dad also needed me to take care of him. I push my kids to do their best at everything they do. My hobby is watching my son on the football field (GO WILDCATS!) We moved here to the midwest last year, it was a huge move for us but I have met some amazing people and I think it was a good move. That is me in a nutshell!
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  12. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    Hey ladies! Chaundra here, 36 SAHM with 4, Rachel our only princess(11), and the fellas,
    Daniel(8), Isaiah and Jeremiah(almost 3), and Josiah who is currently cooking due soon... I have always wanted to be a SAHM but was actually forced into it when we got preggo with the twins, daycare prices for what I want and expect are waaaaay pricey. By the way I also have my degree in Early Childhood Ed. with a focus on Infancy, which is probably why I'm so pickey about daycare centers :girl_devil: I have been with the hubs for 10 years. He was my best friend and swooped in after my first husband dropped me and DD off at my mom's when she was 5mos. He went from friend and confidant to hero and father to Rachel in 10 mos flat!! I have never been more grateful. @ becasquared I feel you, the hubs lost his job right after the boys were born and we are just now recovering after losing everything. But trust me, it will get better. I am speaking from personal experience :good:
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  13. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I'm Rachel. I'll be 36 in a few weeks. I have 3 biological children and a stepson. My twins, Eli and Mark, are 2, and I just had another baby, Lena, who is 4.5 months old. My step son Branden is 10.

    I just left my jobs as a professor in sociology, and moved across the country. My DH just lost the job that he got right before we moved here, so I guess I'm joining the crew on that one. I hope to get lucky and get another professor job within the next couple years.

    I love to talk sociology and politics, but since I'm horribly sleep deprived, I have trouble making coherent sentences these days.
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  14. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am Tina, I am a SAHM which, for me, means that I am sometimes a chauffeur, a maid, a chef, a tutor, a secretary, a gardener, occasionally a nurse, always a wife, a friend, & most of all a mom. I have 5 kids (names & ages in siggy), the older 3 stay extremely busy & all of them keep me running around here. I have a bachelors degree & have finished 1/2 of my MBA which I put on hold after having kids. I would love to finish it someday. I always assume I will go back to work when the kids get older, but so far they seem to need me here more & more every year. At this rate, I won't be going back until retirement age! :lol:

    I love reading & will read absolutely anything, taking photos, hanging out at the beach with friends, entertaining, spending quality time with the kids, traveling, and sleeping (which I am really missing these days).

    Mo, I am with you on not liking coffee & there was a time that I was completely addicted to Coke (the pop not the drug ;) ), too.
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  15. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :wavey: I'm Brigette, 31 years young and have been married to Nate for 10 years this last July. We live in Northern California, but I grew up in the Bay area and miss it!
    I have 4 kids... Jon who is 10y in 5th grade and loves his computer. Jake and Aly are the twins and we spent many years and $$ to finally have them. When they were 4 months old I got pregnant with our miracle baby Ethan. The twins will be 3 in January and Ethan will be 2 in Feb, they are 13 months 2 days apart.
    I'm a SAHM but I love to do volunteer work. I do lab rescue and volunteer with my twins group as well.
    I love tv shows and playing games on my phone. I could read for days but I'm a really fast reader so I can easily go through a book every other day. I love to be with my family and I also really love to be by myself. I'm an only child that was raised by the best mom in the entire world who died of cancer 6 years ago.
    I'm hoping to either go back to work or school once the little ones start K. And I'm really looking forward to traveling the world with my awesome husband when we get old :D
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  16. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Hi, I'm Eliza. I'm a SAHM for now, but I do hope to get a job outside of the home some time soon...but not yet! DH will be a SAHD. I'm 37 with fraternal twin boys 2-1/2 years old, Cameron and Kiefer. DH and I just celebrated out 6th wedding anniversary Oct 2, so add me to the list of anniversaries this week! I have studied to be a medical assistant, but that was over two years ago. What good that did. I had babies instead LOL. I don't care what anyone says, being a twin mom is a much more challenging and rewarding job than a medical assistant!!!! Seriously though. I have loved every minute of it! I'm a bit out of the job market now for a medical assistant. I have no clue what I'm going to do about it at this time.

    I have two dogs that are between 12 (Siberian husky) and 14 (German shepherd mix) years old. One is losing her mind (GSX) and the other (SH) is still pretty sharp. The boys love my husky! I had thought I was going to raise dogs when I was younger. I was scared of kids. It's like I thought they could look in to my soul or something...little devils!!! :lol: but once I started to help my brother babysit his oldest (he was 6 months at the time) I fell in love with the idea of being a mom and that was that. My clock started ticking and the desire to be a mom was stronger than ever!

    Meanwhile, I basically hang out at the computer and play with the boys. Most of my day is play with the boys. When they are at school. DH and I catch up on chores, sleep, and just hang out together. We've been getting some work done on the house so not much of that relaxing has been going on.
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  17. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am Lesley, I live in Topeka, KS (have all my life) I am 33 years old and I work full time for a communications company and I love my job!!
    Some days I wish I was home with my little ones and other days I am glad I can get away for a while.
    The grass is always greener...

    My husbands name is Seth and he is an exercise physiologist and manages a manual medicine clinic with PT's, DC's and and an MD, its been very successful and he's happy there.

    My children are Sophia (6) a first grader this year, and the twins Reese(girl) and Ryder (boy) (2.8yrs).
    We were blessed with Sophia very easily and then after a m/c had quite a bit of trouble getting pregnant again to which I took two cycles of clomid and got lucky with twins!!
    It was exciting and scary to hear that news, but we havent looked back since!

    I enjoy running, biking, and anything outdoors with my kids.
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  18. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Hi! I'm Debbie, I'm 27 and I teach art to 7th and 8th graders, who have asked me before if I'm 50. (I have a a couple of gray strands so that automatically makes me ancient. I just tell them those hairs didn't turn gray until I started teaching 7th graders :) ) I have a degree in English but minored in art which allows me to teach either one. DH recently resigned as the youth/associate pastor at our church and is currently seeking another church. No problems or anything, just time to go. We are trying to move further north so he can finish his master's degree on campus at seminary. We will celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary December 18th. I enjoy reading, art, writing, messing around on the internet, and watching a few shows on tv. I do enjoy hanging out with friends and love traveling and visiting new places. My father was in the air force until I was in the 9th grade so I grew up all over the place before we landed in Mississippi (both my parents are from here). I've lived in Guam, North Dakota, South Dakota, Germany, Maryland, and Mississippi. I generally like living in the south, it's not the weird backwards place a lot of people make it out to be :)

    Nice to get to know you all better!
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  19. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I'm Allegra, 32-years-old and mama of two wonderful kiddos Amelia & Owen, as well as my snuggly furbaby, a Goldendoodle named Wrigley. We live in Los Angeles. I am an elementary school teacher though not teaching at this time and doing the mama thing. Amazed at how many educators on this this forum-- :D I miss working but this job is the most important thing I know I'll ever do and I'm relishing this time.DH and I have been together for 12 amazing years and married for seven of them. We love to travel, dine out, go to the theater (note: all the aforementioned rarely happen these days!) and we LOVE exploring the world through the eyes of our kids :)
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  20. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Hi! I'm Katie and I am 29. I live in Alberta, Canada although I was born in Kansas. Mom to my girls Kalia & Jordyn who are now 26 months old. I am an RN and work 2 shifts/week when my husband is home or my MIL can watch them otherwise I am home with the girls all day. I love yoga, reading, napping and catching up on my favourite TV shows.

    My husband and I have been married for 3.5 years now and we are just starting to talk about adding to our family which makes me a little nervous but excited at the same time. We like to travel and have taken the girls on a few plane rides already (although now that we have to pay for them, it might limit the traveling a little bit). We plan on going to Phoenix again in the spring to visit my parents who are snowbirds and hopefully we can have a couple nights alone in Vegas. ;)
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  21. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    They have no shame...I'll never forget the student standing over me at school saying, "Wow Mrs. D you sure do have a lot of gray hairs" I was like, gee, thanks.
  22. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    It's nice to get to know all of you! :)

    I'm Valerie, I'm 41 years old, married to my DH for almost 16 years, and am a WOHM. I'm a reformed "childless by choice" (hence the late start in having kids); I always swore I'd never have children, then changed my mind at the 11th hour! I'm a total computer/sci-fi/fantasy geek. I met my husband playing D&D in college and we gamed for many years. I worked my way up from a lowly helpdesk/computer tech, all the way up through the technical ranks, and am now the head of IT Operations at a small pharma company. I'm very proud of my accomplishments and mostly enjoy my job, but the highlight of my day is coming home to my boys. :)

    I enjoy reading fiction, economics and science, and miss the days of staying up late debating evolutionary theory! :lol: (I used to read a book a day before kids; now I get 15 minutes before I fall asleep! ;)) I also love baking, gardening (and cooking with the fruits of my labor), and have discovered a penchant for photography (involving my favorite subjects, my boys). I used to be a huge runner/bodybuilder, but now stay in shape running after toddlers and lifting two 25 lb. "weights". ;)

    People who know me IRL would say that I'm a huge smart-@ss. :p
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  23. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

  24. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

  25. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Wow, is it that obvious? :lol:
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  26. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Hi All! I am a 33 yr old SAHM of 3 yr old b/g twins. We worked long and hard to conceive (7 yrs of IF treatments) and was finally successful after numerous failed IUI's and our 2nd IVF. I have been married for 14 yrs. Before the twins, I was a nurse and have always thought I would probably go back to work in nursing once they are in school. However, DH just quit his job in HVAC Sales after 20 yrs in the biz. We are opening up a Recycling Facility and our staying busy with this new endeavor. So, I don't know if I will make it back to nursing afterall. I love to travel, read and being outdoors. I dabble in scrapbooking, but have not been able to do much of it lately. I also stay busy teaching Sunday School to kindergartens and being the organizer for a local playgroup.

    What are butter tarts? :pardon:
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  27. LeslieJC

    LeslieJC Well-Known Member

    Hello There.
    I'm Leslie, 42 years old (ouch!) I live in a north-west burb of Chicago, Ari and I have been married for 8 years this month and Delilah and Aviva will be 3 on Christmas Eve. I too am a converted "might not ever have kids" with the reality of the girls being one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

    I work full time as an event planner/catering sales manager and I was a chef before this for 20 years. I have a very hard time with the work/life balance and it is something that I work on constantly. I had a very difficult pregnancy and went back to work when the girls were 4 months old. They have a sitter and have been in "school" for two days a week since July. My husband works for PepsiCo and is well respected in the company and we are aware and grateful for our job "security" in this economy.

    I joined Twinstuff while I was pregnant and although I post sometimes I mostly just lurke. I feel like I have been with some of you from our start of this twin journey and I am so grateful for all of your advise, your support and just knowing that I am not experiencing this alone, the good and the difficult.
    I am VERY active in my local twins club and believe that whatever sanity I have left is due to the help of my friends from the club.

    I LOVE to read (have you read "The Help" yet, OMG, one of the best books I have ever read!), shop, cook, bake, dine out, travel, I love the slots (play 2-3 times a year but I do love it) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE our family time together, water parks, zoo's, play grounds, etc.

    Thank you for this thread, it is nice to finally get to "know" all of you a little bit better.
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  28. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    yum! :D
  29. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Pecan pies without the pecans. . .interesting.
  30. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    It does sound interesting...and YUMMY! Thanks for explainin'. :)
  31. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    The only thing about pecan pies I love is the inside...hate the pecans. I would definitely love butter tarts!!
  32. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    :wavey: I'm Pamela and live in the Northwest suburbs of Detroit. I have 2 almost three year olds, as a result of our first round of IVF. Lucky us! We tried for three years and am so glad that a long road lead to a happy outcome. I am a SAHM and fully intend to go back to work FT when my kids start grade school (or maybe FT kindergarten), so I can be passionate about non-profit fund-raising again :). I could work now, but the long and sometimes erratic hours I worked in fund-raising helped me decide to be a SAHM. I like to read, cook, do outdoorsy stuff, making crafts, volunteering and hope to try gardening this spring. Love seeing other Fantasy genre lovers on here!
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  33. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Butter tarts-never heard of 'em, no desire to try 'em. Pecan pie-ditto.

    I'm Meaghan, a 30 year old SAHM to Nicholas and Anthony who are going to be THREE in less than two weeks! ACK! And to their little sister Annabella who will be 16 months old on the 10th. We dealt with four years of infertility until our 4th IVF worked. Annabella was from the same cycle as the boys-she was an FET. I love being home with them. I'm finding the last few weeks have been awesome behavior wise-for all of us-and I'm thoroughly enjoying it! We stay quite busy(or I do somehow). Never a dull moment!

    DH and I are highschool sweethearts. We met at 15, dated at 16, engaged at 21, married at 23, and kids at 27, and done by 29. :) He's Italian, with both his parents coming here in the 70's. His dad went to Italy, sought out his mother and asked her to marry him. They knew of each other-but never hung out or anything. And if it wasn't for my mil, my dh would be crazy! His father is nuts! We both love to play poker and host a weekly tournament at our house. We also enjoy going to the casino, trips to Vegas(lol), or anywhere where no kids are! It's amazing what a little vacation from daily life can do! We secretly hope to open an Italian style pizzeria-like the ones in Italy. Some day...

    Prior to having kids, I was a preschool teacher. I loved kids since I was one myself-and knew whatever I did would be child related. I'll eventually go back to work when they are school aged, but I haven't decided if it will be in teaching, nursing, or reproductive work(all of which would require me to go back to school). We've been to Italy with the boys, when they were nine months old and plan on going back this spring. :faint:

    I spend most of my free time outside world. I do enjoy doing things for my kids-whether it's taking baking classes to make cakes, or projects for their birthday parties-my world revolves around them. I do enjoy writing-but I don't do that anymore. When I do-it's more personal and generally leads to tears for those who are reading it. My secret dream is to be a published writer. Just once. I do like reading, but never find the time as well.

    I'm just amazed at how fast this whole parenthood thing goes by.....
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  34. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :wavey: I'm a 32 yr old SAHM to 4 kids (and I'm up ridiculously late pretty much every night), 8.5 yr old Sean, he's in 3rd grade, 4 yr old Kaelyn, she's in 3yr preschool (missed the school cut off by 4 days), and 19 month old b/g twins Liam and Rylee.

    I didn't get to read all the replies yet, but I'll try to squeeze it in tomorrow ;) Our last 3 kids were via infertility treatments, I have pcos with hypothyroidism and insulin resistance. We had 2 m/c's in between my oldest dd and the twins, and we consider our kids amazing gifts from God (with the help of modern medicine ;) ) My kids are my life and I have no urge whatsoever to seek employment any time soon and miss my time with them :wub: Besides, who could afford daycare for 3 kids full time and 1 part time?! :lol:

    I'm a computer geek, I love doing almost anything computer related. I'm also a fantasy fanatic, my fav authors being Terry Brooks, David Eddings, Anne McCaffrey...oh and a host of others! I love taking baths, I take one pretty much every night, I'm a huge chocoholic which I try to avoid, I hate coffee, love hot tea, LOVE butter tarts( ;) ), enjoy camping but hate bugs, love cold weather so I live in south carolina ( :headbang: ), and recently became addicted to sweet tea. Took them nearly 13 yrs to convert me though! And I don't want it pumped full of sugar either, half a cup of splenda to a 2 gallon pitcher suits me just fine.

    I'm currently counting down the days until we move from the pit of hell, and back into my beloved CANADA! :D I don't know when that'll happen, having kids and doing fertility treatments, coupled with the recession, kinda set us back financially, but hopefully in the next 5 yrs we'll be financially ready to move! My kids are all dual citizens, I am still a Canadian citizen and dh is a USA citizen. We met on the internet in the fall of 1996, married in 1998. Now it's common place, but back then, it was far less "normal"! We started a trend ;)
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  35. ohtwinmom

    ohtwinmom Well-Known Member

    Hi! I just turned 34 and just have my twin boys who will be 4 in December. I grew up in Southern California and moved to Ohio just before we had the boys. Used to teach Elementary school, Kinder, First and Second grades mostly, but am find myself unprepared most of the time to deal with my preschoolers. There is such a big difference in those young years. I am a SAHM mom now but would like to go back to work when they start Kindergarten or First Grade.
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