Opinions on a Baby Carrier?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twointheoven, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. twointheoven

    twointheoven Well-Known Member

    The only way I can get out by myself with my kids is to put the boys in a stroller and the baby in a carrier. I have a basic, cheap Infantino carrier, but I feel like she is not very secure. I know I will need to possible do stuff with the boys, change them, etc... and think I might need a sturdier carrier. I don't really have extra $$, but if it is worth it, I will spend it. I was wondering if anyone has used carriers frequently and has some opinions. I was looking at the Ergo (doesn't face out), the Babybjorn, and the Evenflo Snugli Front and Back Carrier (has the waist strap like the more expensive ones but is only 35.99 on Amazon).
  2. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I don't have any experience with the Snugli or Back carrier, but I do have the Ergo and the Bjorn carriers, and I would probably choose the Ergo over the Bjorn. The Ergo is far more comfortable to me IMO, and I think it is more comfortable for the baby as well. And it is good up to 40 lbs. The Bjorns were good for when our boys were alert and wanted to face outward and watch us make dinner, etc. But they only go up to 25 lbs supposedly (at 22 lbs our one DS couldn't squeeze into it comfortably). And the straps will dig into your shoulders once the baby hits 15 lbs and above. We had opportunities where we would use both though depending on the situation, so maybe you can buy one of each used on Craigslist? I see baby bjorns on CL all the time for $20 used, and sometimes see Ergos on there too.
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Have you thought about something like the moby wrap? Moby.com I haven't used it but I wish I had heard of it with my older kids. Everyone I've heard of that has one, loves it! And it grows up to a 35 lb baby. From what I understand, you can wrap it anyway that's comfy for you to use as long as it's tied off and your baby is secure :)
  4. SheriBrownDion

    SheriBrownDion Well-Known Member

    I am a big fan of baby wearing. I used a Maya Wrap sling for my first child, then used a moby wrap for the twins (sometimes two at once but only when in dire straights!). I also have an ergo. the moby wrap is great when they are very little, but once they get squirmy and heavier I felt like the moby wrap became too loose. The moby is very comfortable because the baby is right up next to your body, but it takes time and practice to get it on. The maya wrap sling is quick, but less comfortable. It does carry a larger child in a wide range of positions (forward, backpack, side-hip). I used it non-stop with my first. The ergo is now my carrier of choice. It is sturdy, comfortable, and I can carry any of my 3 boys. Yes, even my 4 yr old! For babies, the child faces towards you, but this wasn't a big deal for my little guys. Although I primarily use(d) it backpack-style. I did have a Bijorn, but don't recommend this except for very small infants (this was however my husbands preference).

    This website has lots of information on baby carriers: http://www.thebabywearer.com/
    Happy carrying!
  5. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    I love our Ergos, but a number of friends use the Pikkolo, which is very similar to the Ergo, but has a face out position. http://catbirdbaby.com/index.php/pikkolo-info/ and they all swear by it.
  6. Sisrea

    Sisrea Well-Known Member

    I was going to suggest this as well since your baby is still little. Target just started to carry a verison of the moby wrap and there are also online no sew tutorials on how to make your own moby wrap if you are low on funds. Infantano also has a new tie wrap that is kinda like the ergo that looks really nice too!
  7. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I have a ring sling that I use for the twins (one at a time). I love it. I can do a front or hip carry. I also have a hotsling that does the same job but doesn't seem to get as snug (the ring sling is adjustable--I love that I can tighten it with the baby in it). We have two bjorns but don't use them as much but they are snug.
  8. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Make sure your Infantino hasn't been recalled- some of them were last summer.

    We use a Nojo sling which is adjustable. It's a lifesaver- I sling 1 kid and put the other in an umbrella stroller. It's how I get to the car by myself (we live in an apartment).
  9. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I used a moby wrapped - which I LOVED and the Baby Bjorn which I also loved for facing out. BUT, I have the bjorn with the lumbar support up the back the original does not have this - i think it is called Active - is red and black - I bought both of them on CL for $40/each. Those bjorns were lifesavers for many months. I loved the moby wrap but I think when they were a little older they felt better in the bjorn.
  10. travellingmum

    travellingmum Well-Known Member

    I love my Beco Butterfly and use it everyday with one or the other of my toddler twins. It's so easy to get one onto my back in the Butterfly. They've just come out with the Beco Gemini and you can wear the baby forward facing.
  11. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I have a Peanut Shell sling, which is a pouch style sling. I used this a lot when they were little and then again when they were older babies and did a hip carry. I also have a mei tai carrier. I didn't use it as much because it seemed to cut off circulation in the babies' legs. DH has a Baby Bjorn Air carrier that he liked. If I had to pick again I think I would pick a ring sling since they are adjustable and good for nursing.
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