What to do on A 7yr old Boy/Girl Birthday

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Gin Elliott, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    OK the kids are in 1st grade. They have real Friends not :) not just family. I want to do somthing for them I am buying the invites tomorrow...not sure if I should by same ones, differ ones. Anyway we have to go cheap cheap but they are so excited about this so I figure I do a pizza party and cupcakes and small gift bags..and let the kids all play now is that stupid and to cheap.

    Also how do I do the invites since its boy/girl if I give them the same amount and one has 4 friend and the other 1 how do I do that? What do you do, just confused some say do 2 partys but I cant for one I work so much I had to ask off to do it and then we get the fight who is going to go 1st etc. I need ideas PLEASE!!
  2. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I would suggest one organized activity for the party, the last one the girls went to the mom bought wooden bird houses/jewellery boxes from the dollar store and they all decorated them, had so much fun. Then let them just play. Would let them invite certain amount of friends like u said and whoever comes comes. I would go with same invites then maybe can get one pack, there are a lot of generic ones out there. Good luck let us know what u decide
  3. 2 Munchkins

    2 Munchkins Well-Known Member

    We haven't done an organized activity at our parties, nor the neighbors for that fact, since the kids started K at age 5. They all have just fun running around outside, or play upstairs.
  4. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Pizza and cupcakes are perfect! Can you have them fill out the invitations seperately? Ask them who they want to invite and help fill out the invitations, but I wouldn't even mention the number each is inviting.

    I am planning on doing a scavanger hunt at our next party. That would be fun for boys and girls. Oh, and my girls LIVE for the pinata!

    But, it seems that kids love to just run around and play, too. I wouldn't stress too much over it...they'll have fun no matter what you do!
  5. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I would also let them invite whoever they want (with a limit if need be) and then just not worry about more guests coming for one person. I think it's just one of those things they have to get used to, let's face it even if you did have separate parties you couldn't guarantee they would get the same number of guests. I see no need to do two parties.

    Pizza and cupcakes sounds like a fun party to me too. I wouldn't worry to much about organising an activity, just make sure they have music and space to run around/dance and I bet they'll all be happy with that. You could always do some party games like musical statues/bumps that way.
    Depending on how many children you're inviting, and how adventurous you feel, you could always turn it into a 'make your own pizza'/'decorate a cupcake' party. Get the pizza bases ready and have bowls of prepared toppings, then let each child pick toppings and arrange on their pizza. Or get plain cupcakes and make up a few bowls of different colour/flavour icings, put teaspoons or small (children's) knives in each bowl and let them each choose and spread the icing they want on their cake, then have various sprinkles for them to put on top. The only thing I would say is that you should probably warn parents on the invites if you decide to do make your own, so that they know not to send the kids in their best clothes!
  6. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    My boys just turned 5 and we had a pirate party. I had an inexpensive craft project to start the party and keep everyone busy while the other guests arrived (decorating paper sacks to serve as their goodie bags) and four simple games (throwing pool "splat balls" from a bucket of water at a paper target, a treasure hunt with riddle clues, a pinata (no blindfold), and balloons on strings tied to their ankles that they had to bounce on to pop). I gave out prizes to the top 3 in each of the balloon and splat ball games (things I found at the dollar store and in the $1 section of Wal-Mart). The treasure found during the treasure hunt was a box of Mardi Gras necklaces to share (from JoAnn). I made the cake myself and used kraft paper for a homemade "map" tablecloth on the picnic table. The whole party was under $100 including decorations and eye patches. And the kids are still talking about it.

    I found that the games directed their energy and there weren't any fights or broken household items :good: Absolutely worth the effort.

    ETA: I don't know if you're going with a theme but many themes can be gender-neutral. I wanted to go neutral since I was inviting the boys' entire class and their best friend is a girl. Pirates might seem like a "boy" theme to some but give sparkly necklaces, gender-neutral prizes, and buy some "gem" stickers for the bags and you've made the girls happy as can be.
  7. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My girls are having their first friend party this year and they are turning 8yrs old. I bought some plain t-shirts and am going to let the kids decorate them and I was planning on letting them decorate their own cupcakes (I was going to buy sprinkles $1, and then I have m&ms, chocolate chips, and maybe let them choose from two different colored icings). I figure those two things will take up at least an hour or so and then I was just going to let them play. I told my girls they can invite 3 friends each but I might up it to 4 friends. My house is small and since their birthday is in Nov it may be a little to cold to play outside but we will see. I thinking about having the party 2 1/2 to 3 hrs. I was also going to get chips, make my own cocktail hot dogs, and have something else as an appetizer for them to eat.
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