Prenatal classes for twins

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by irrelevancy, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. irrelevancy

    irrelevancy Well-Known Member

    My midwife has recommended that I attend prenatal classes designed specifically for parents expecting multiples. I have a son who is 9 years old, so while I have been through this before, it was obviously quite a few years ago and only one baby :)

    My question is - did anyone take prenatal classes designed for multiple birth and was it worthwhile?

    A related question - there is a parents of multiples group in my area (MBFA) that offers discounted prenatal classes and access to special sales, etc. for a nominal membership fee. Is is worth joining? Since we've started shopping, I am getting a pretty clear picture of how expensive twins can be (!!) and second hand sales might be a workable option for a lot of things.

    Thanks for any opinions :)
  2. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    I did not do prenatal classes, I just came to this board, LOL -much more informative and from moms who have been there already. In my opinion, the classes would have been a waste of time.
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  3. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I did a regular pre-natal class with the knowledge that it would be a 50/50 chance of having a section (which it kind of is for anyone I suppose)...the nice part about our class was it also was a baby basics class...they spent one class reviewing stuff like bathing, diapering and holding while supporting the head...

    I did get out of it some relaxation techniques (I wound up with a section because of pre-e) which I use to this day if I can't sleep or are undergoing a medical procedure and definitely wasn't a waste...

    can't answer about the multiples clubs as there aren't really any in my area...
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I did attend the multiples class. I found it extremely worthwhile because my husband learned a lot. :D There are just somethings that he believes that can only come from other people. :) HTH!
  5. jessietrio

    jessietrio Well-Known Member

    Totally and 100% agree with JicJac about the usefulness of classes for the DH. We are actually going to a breastfeeding class tonight together. Amen! because so far he thinks breastfeeding is a 'point and shoot' sort of operation.

    We went to 2 out of 3 days of a multiples class and the usefulness came in having an idea of what to expect for a local hospital twin pregnancy and birth (like actively laboring in an operating room!! surrounded by an average of 14 medical people...I had NO idea). The first question I asked during the multiples class was "Is a twin pregnancy really all that different from a singleton pregnancy"? The instructor's eyes opened wide :shok: as she said "absolutely...night and day". Actually, most of the couples there had already experienced a singleton pregnancy and birth. Everybody asked good questions.

    Another great thing about the class was being able to hear how the other couples' twin pregnancies were being managed from the start. Through this I could ask my OB and MFM some really great questions. TS has been the best place for twin advice for sure...but the specific area in which I live tends to pathologize and over-manage twin pregnancies and the local advice was super valuable in making sure that this did not happen unnecessarily.

    About the twins club...I have gone to 2 local meetings and was able to buy lots of used things from a mom at amazing prices (bouncy seats, 'My Brest Friend'...). The moms also gave me great tips about how to live and thrive locally with twins (join the local YMCA, drop off the twins at the nursery for an hour, go for a walk, take a deluxe shower AND shave your legs, then grab the twins and leave feeling 1000% better). Also, our local twins club does not charge dues for the first few meetings so you can feel your way around a that might be something to look into.

    I'm sure that everything would have been just fine without the multiples prenatal class and Moms of Twins Club...but even just one tiny pearl of advice from each meeting made it worth while for me and DH.

    Wow am I ever long-winded!! :p Good luck deciding!
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  6. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DH would tell you it was a waste of time and money. I do think I was pretty prepared, but he was not and it was good to see people all sort of doing it together. I also made him go to Daddy Bootcamp which he thought was stupid, too. However, I had a daddy on board, changing diapers, helping me nurse 1 easy and 1 DIFFICULT baby from the first moment. If you think your partner isn't ready for the challenges of a newborn, I think it's really valuable.

    I vividly remember a question from another daddy in class: "Do I really have to change him/her if s/he is wet or poopy? Can't the diaper just absorb it until for awhile?" The nurse looked at him with utter disgust and said, "Well, imagine if you are in a nursing home. You'd probably want to be dry and clean. We like to be sanitary". :laughing: What was really funny is he tried to argue with her! She stood her ground and basically told him to stop being lazy and take care of his kid.
  7. tri159

    tri159 Well-Known Member

    When I was pregnant I totally wanted to go to a multiples-specific prenatal class. Unfortunately, the closest ones I could find were in Ottawa! You lucky dog! I agree that even if it doesn't help you out much, it will benefit your partner. We had to attend regular prenatal classes, but our instructor was awesome and tried to relate everything to twins just for us.

    As for the local multiples group, I would join FOR SURE! I've joined mine. Even if you don't go to any meetings, the $30 fee you pay is more then worth it for access to sales and other things. Ottawa has THE BEST bi-annual twin sale ever. It is HUGE! I've been twice, and gotten tons of deals and found great stuff. Actually, the next one is coming up on October 30th, and I'm planning on going again!
  8. csteen

    csteen Active Member

    I am through 4 of 6 of our multiples prenatal classes. I would say that the usefulness is about 50/50. Definately more for DH however, there are things are learned. For instance, what necessities should you have before the babies come (etc - how many sleepers, diapers, etc). We also had an entire class on the NICU - preparing us for what to expect and we got a tour and met moms and babies already in the NICU...that part was hard but most appreciated b/c if my babies have to go there at least I know what to expect and how things work. It also includes a class dedicated to nursing and the last one is for actually caring for the tips on scheduling, diapering, bathing, feeding, etc.

    We also have joined our multiiples club for $40/year. I haven't been to any meetings yet but you get lots of discounts at baby stores which helps a lot and also the sales too!

    Oh, and depending on your benefit plan, the cost of the prenatal classes can be covered!
  9. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    I can't comment on multiples prenatal classes because there is no such thing here. Actaully, we did not get to got to any prenatal classes although the twins are our first babies because I was put on bedrest at 20 weeks. We did fine without the classes: my doctor and the team at the hospital spent a lot of time with us to prepare for the different birth options, the hospital nursery was very helpful and showed and explained many things after the babies wwere born, and my midwife came for several weeks after the delivery to help with any baby care issues (I live in Germany where some postpartum midwife care is covered by insurance in all cases, with twins and breastfeeding this was extended by our insurance). So I would say that the usefullness of classes really depends on the other care you have before and after the birth and whether your caregivers are happy to explain and go over things with you.

    As for a multiples group: I would join one if there is one nearby. The sales should be worth it. One other option is to find a twin mom with similar tastes to yours and have an arrangement for her to pass on her things once her own children outgrow them. I am very lucky that one of my close friends has twins too and we inherited lots of stuff from them saving a lot of money. Basically the only expensive "double items" we bought during the whole first year were the car seats and the stroller because her kids had not yet outgrown theirs. Now one of my other friends has just had twins and we are in turn handing on many of the things and she is so happy to save that money.
  10. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We took the Marvelous Multiples class and I didn't really get much out of it. I was working full time at that time, and was so tired that I wound up having to skip some of the classes so my husband went by himself. I'm still paying for that today, as now he refuses to go with me to a BF'ing class b/c he says he'll probably wind up going alone.
  11. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did not take a prenatal class when I was pregnant with my twins since I had an older child and had been through one.

    :good: Yes, it is definitely worth joining a club like this. I love mine and you will get so much support from it. I highly recommend it.
  12. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I miss my Tampa MoM group. I need to hook up with Amy above and go to her meetings.
  13. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I was signed up for one through our hospital , but got put on strict bedrest and did not get to attend.

    Check the attendance policy if you have to pay for it!!

    It would not hurt. They 'gave' me the information in the hospital when I was on bedrest, but it is not the same as talking to a nurse & asking ?s. I do have to say that it gave me some reading material for awhile!!
  14. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    We went to a regular one but it was taught by a twin mom so that helped. Most of the info we already kew from reading, but the breathing techniques were great. Yes, I needed a section, but I labored for four intense hours while they got me into the OR.

    Another advantage would be meeting other multiple moms and dads who are expecting!! We love our friends very much and they have been helpful, but its drastically different with a singleton. We get "I don't know how you do it" statements from our friends but when we see other twin parents its like "we get it!!!"
  15. irrelevancy

    irrelevancy Well-Known Member

    Thank you for all the feedback! My DH is adamantly "not interested" and I'm kind of on the fence as I did prenatal classes with my first and found them not-so-helpful.
  16. KristineB

    KristineB Member

    My husband and I went through the Multiples classes and really learned a lot for most of them. The baby basics class was the one both of us didn't feel we got as much out of as the rest of them. It is also our first experience with children and if we decide to have more in the future I am not sure that we would go through the classes again. I feel like if you have gone through it once, it doesn't change that drastically. Since the classes are not free, I don't know that you really need to go through them again.
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