early risers

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by eagleswings216, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Anyone else out there have early-risers? Our LO's have their last bottle at 7pm, and are usually in bed about 7:30pm. We consider ourselves lucky if they sleep past 5:15 or 5:30 in the morning (plus they are up a few times at night because of teething right now). Today they were both up before 5am. On weekdays we get them up at 6:15 IF they aren't already awake, which usually they are awake well before that.

    We tried putting them to bed earlier (7pm) and later (8pm) and it's still the same thing. When they wake up, they usually are "talking" to each other and not crying or anything, but our room is right across the hall and it's impossible to sleep through. I don't go in and get them unless they are crying like they might be stuck or whatever - if they are just making noise to each other, we leave them be. Somehow I think it might help if they had separate rooms and couldn't interact with each other, but we don't have that option.

    Anyone been through this and have ANY way to make it better? Or are we just stuck with it?? I would love for them to sleep until 6:15 every morning, maybe even the occasional 7am on weekends, but maybe I'm just dreaming! :lazy:
  2. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    i'm with you sista! This morning Noah woke up at 5:30 am and talked for 30 min but then started screaming. I barely made it out of bed to get him. I had been up with Sophie from 1-2 am, so grrr... i'm pooped. It seems hit or miss with us, no matter what bedtime (6:45, 7 or 7:30) we try, some days they sleep until 6:30 and a rare case 7:20 am and most days until 6 am.

    Sorry, no words of advice here.
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Thanks - at least I know I'm not alone! :friends: Misery loves company, lol.
  4. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    One of my boys was up at 4.50am sharp. Every day!!! Nothing I tried changed it. Then he started to crawl, get around... Now they sleep from 7-6-6.20... Hang in there!
    You may want to bring their bedtime a bit earlier (like 6.30) and it may just do the trick! Sometimes it is like that. They go to bed earlier and they sleep later... :laughing:
  5. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Thanks. They have been crawling for about a month now - maybe when they walk!! lol
  6. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    Our daughter is like a little rooster! She starts crying at about 5 a.m. (sometimes a little earlier, but not very often later) almost every day! It is driving me nuts. 5 a.m. just seems SO early. 6 a.m. I can handle, so we have decided that she has to fuss it out until then. She will usually cry and then sleep on and off for the full hour until I go and get her. It's not hunger as she's just happy as soon as I get her out of bed and bring her into ours so that she can start blabbering to us and sticking her hands in our mouths which is her favourite activity these days lol.

    I am hoping that it's a phase (although it's been going on for months) and that she'll grow out of it. Her brother will happily sleep until 7 or later if he doesn't wake from her crying.

    Oh, and they go to bed around 6:30 p.m. most nights FYI.
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