3 hour glucose test

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by MamanMag, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member


    I failed my 1 hour glucose test :( and I have to go do the 3 hour one :( :(

    I have to eat 150 mg of carbs each day for 3 day prior to test and I was wondering if anyone had an easy way to get those extra carbs as I never eat as much carbs in one day...

    I'm a really hard stick so this is really not a fun thing for me :cry: , plus of course I'm worried now (I never had a positive test with any of my previous pregnancies but I know it can happen with twin pregnancies), I'm praying that I will pass this test with flying colors..


  2. ihavesevensons

    ihavesevensons Well-Known Member

    I would recheck the whole idea of them saying to eat more carbs........everytime that I have done the three hour test, I just had to have a sample of blood drawn, drink more of the sugary drink than I did for the one hour test and then blood was drawn at 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours.

    I never had to change my diet (before the test that is).

    I did have to fast before the test too.
  3. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member

    I called them back and unfortunately they confirm that I have to eat that many carbs during those 3 days, it sounds ridiculous to me to change my diet, the point is to see how my body reacts to sugar in a more "normal" situation... I have to fast too but I see the point of that, also they will draw blood as you say at 1, 2 and 3hr just to check the Glucose level but they can't just prick my finger to check... I don't get that either... And my level after the 1hr test was 133 which is on the high side but not dramatic I guess, oh well, I don't really have the choice here, I have to do the test to make sure I don't have GD.

    Thank you for sharing your experience!
  4. jessietrio

    jessietrio Well-Known Member

    A fast and easy way is a nice bowl of cereal with milk. I looked on my favorite cereal box, Special K with strawberries...yum, cannot get enough...27 grams in 1 cup of cereal and 12 grams in 1 cup of milk. With the quantity I eat these days it would be about 55 grams of carbs in one sitting.

    Then, how about some peanut butter and apples? 7 grams of carbs. in 1 Tbsp of PB.

    Nature Valley peanut butter granola bar...28 grams carbs.

    Cheddar cheese sandwich...42 grams of carbs in 2 slices of bread.

    Then there's pasta...this will add carbs quickly...even in a small amount.

    You can do it!! My vote is to go for the bowl of cereal and milk to get those carbs up. Good luck!
  5. aquickworld

    aquickworld Well-Known Member

    I had to do this with my 3hr test and it is not fun. Make sure you take water to sip on because you will need it and a healthy snack for right after. I felt sluggish the rest of the day from all the carbs and junk. I am hoping that I passed my 1hr and don't have to do the 3hr with this pregnancy. Good Luck!! :youcandoit: and keep us posted!
  6. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member

    Thank you all!!

    I'm going Monday for an U/S and I'm going to talk to my OB about even doing it, the reason is my level was 133 after the one hour which is still below the 140 mark,so we'll see...

    I'll keep you posted

  7. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much for this!!! If I need to do it this will help me a lot!!
  8. ihavesevensons

    ihavesevensons Well-Known Member

    Pricking your finger is not accurate, they actually draw the blood from your inner elbow for the test each time. My OB to me that the finger number could be off as much as 15 points either way. If I get a high reading (I have GD), I just prick a different finger right then and write down the smaller number.

    I was not allowed to eat or drink ANYTHING including water during my test.

    Depending on what numbers your doctor is looking for.....a 133 would be considered high for my regular OB
    And the high risk doctor would FLIP if I had that number (they go by stricter guidelines).

    I am happy to say that mine is diet controlled. I am sure that you will do fine (take something to do though, 3 hours is a LOOOOOONG time to sit and wait).

    a great diabetes website
  9. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member

    I had my test yesterday and yeah!!! I passed!!! All 4 readings were far below the limits So happy that I don't have GD!! Thank you all for your advice and encouragements!!!
  10. Adding 2 more!

    Adding 2 more! Well-Known Member

    That is great news! The three hour is rough...I had to do it with my first pregnancy...no fun! I hope I can get away with only the one hour test this time around...
  11. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member

    I truly hope for you too!! Let us know when the time comes... Don't think about it too much now you still have a few weeks before you have to do it...

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