How long would you give him

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by becasquared, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Friday: a few accidents
    Saturday: No accidents
    Sunday: one accident
    Monday: lots of accidents, in fact no pee in the toilet at all
    Tuesday: Off at daycare, a few accidents
    Wednesday: Off at daycare, at least 4 accidents.

    He has no interest in using the potty at all. No m&m bribes, no toy bribes, just doesn't want to stop playing or reading or watching television or whatever it is he's doing in order to go. Any suggestions? I am quite frustrated and I am losing my cool.

    Alice OTOH:

    Friday: a few accidents
    Saturday: no accidents
    Sunday: no accidents
    Monday: no accidents
    Tuesday: at daycare, one accident
    Wednesday: at daycare, no accidents, one poop at home in the underwear.

    So I'm good with her, I can handle poop accidents, those are harder to learn because they're less frequent than pee and because she's coming to me after the fact and has pooped in the potty more times than not since Friday.

    And while I'm tempted to stick him back in pull ups, I don't want to lose what we have accomplished (and night times? Forget about it.)

    Frustrated in D.C.
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Don't even think about night time right now. Thats a whole 'nother animal.

    If you set an alarm for him to go to the potty will he pee? Is he holding it or just has no interest at all? Ana would hold it so we had to set a timer for her (every half hour) for the first two weeks. But she was only having maybe 1-2 accidents a day so we stuck with it and eventually she learned to just take a break from whatever cool thing she was doing and go to the bathroom. Meara was the exact opposite and loved going to the potty and we had to teach her to push all the pee out so she wasn't running to it every 10 minutes. If Royce is just not into it at all, doesn't mind peeing himself, isn't even noticing when he feels he has to go, I say take a break and try again in a week or two. If on the other hand he doesn't go just because he is too busy playing or watching tv and is actually holding his pee, I say set a timer or alarm (we used DH's watch) and have him try every half hour or so. GL!!!!
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    He's holding it. But when he does go, he doesn't care. Tomorrow's Friday right? I'll see if I can get an alarm to work on him with it over the weekend.
  4. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I would take Ian every 45 minutes - whether he protested or took a few days but then it clicked and he started going on his own...
  5. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I set the timer to go off every hour for 2 weeks. Just when I thought I was about to lose my mind, they finally got it. I second the timer idea. I just set the timer on my stove or microwave. Amelia had the same sort of learning curve as it appears Royce is having. She did really well one day, and then it was if she decided she didn't want to do that anymore and completely stopped using the potty. During that time I did put her in a pull up to leave the house but if we were at home she was naked. She would ask me for panties so that she could go in them, so I kept her naked at home for a good 3 - 4 weeks, and I put a little potty in the living room and in the back room so there were 4 potties available to her. I think eventually she realized I wasn't going to give in.
  6. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I honestly had to prove to Timothy that I was going to be more stubborn than him about potty training. He went through a week of non-stop accidents because he thought I would cave. After we made it through that week, he tried and it got much better. He was another one who didn't want to stop playing or anything else to go.

    Something I picked up off of Sarah was that our wording made a huge difference to her. If we told her "time to go to the potty" and she was empty, she felt like that was a failure and didn't want to go because she might fail. If we told her "time to try and go potty" she was all smiles and went more willingly because she couldn't fail at trying.

  7. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Eli had a little regression a week or so ago, so I used token economy with him. Basically he gets a ticket every time he goes in the potty, but if he goes in his training pants he gets one of his tickets taken away. When he finally accumulates 10 tickets, he gets ten yogurt raisins.

    It takes some work, but the boys both have responded well to it; if fact, Mark has had fewer accidents lately than Eli. I used this site, and printed the tickets from it. FWIW, I think Amy is right about them engaging in battle of wills.
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    It's official. He thinks it is FUN to pee in his pants. (He loves being wet, tub, swimming, and now this) :rolleyes:

    Yesterday the daycare teacher was doing a round with the upper twos and three year olds, "I go peepee in the" and the kids would say potty. She got to Royce and he said, "I go peepee in my underwear!" then laughed. :headbang:

    Then I remember back to Monday when we went to the park and he wet himself, then laughed and said that it felt fun.

    So we're going to go back to pull ups and try again in a few weeks when the weather is a bit colder, so that way the pee is really cold and hopefully uncomfortable.

    ETA, I have a full box of opened princess pull ups and no boy pull ups, so I told him I was going to put the princess pull ups on him and he said okay and thought it was silly, then put on her pajamas last night. OMG this boy is going to be the death of me!!
  9. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to say I think it's a good choice to wait since he doesn't care and think it's fun. Maybe in a month or so he won't see it as fun any more.
    Oh and I had to comment on him wearing his sisters pjs to bed because one night my son didn't want to wear just a shirt pj (because all his pants were dirty for some reason) so one of his sisters game him her pink aura nightgown and he wore it thinking it was funny. So we let him wear it that night to bed and the next night he tried to do it again. We had to put a stop to that since it's his sisters nightgown and not his.
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    What do you think he woud do if over the weekend you made him go without anything on while you are home? do you think it would make any difference if he could not get his pants wet?
  11. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I just wouldn't sweat it. My oldest DS was closer to 3.5 than 3 when he was 100% peeing on the toilet and out of pull-ups. He just didn't care until that point - and on the day he decided he was ready, that was it. No more accidents.

    So, I'd put him back in the pull-ups and completely stop talking about it, kinda act like potty training doesn't even exist. :)
  12. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    That is exactly what I did with Addison and one day it just clicked with her. Ava still wears a pull up at night and when we are going to have a long day out and about. I never say anything to her but Addison constantly asks her why she still wears a baby diaper - I am hoping that one day it will just click with her too!!
  13. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jazzlyn was just too busy. We ended up waiting on her. After jessy was in panties for a while she got jealous and was better. Jessy also nighttrained before she day trained which was weird but I didn't let her wear panties to bed till she was day trained and could go 7 nights with no accidents
  14. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    Do you think he "gets" going in the potty? If so then I think it's just a power struggle, VERY frustrating I know :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

    I had a stubborn one who I knew totally got it but it became a power struggle with her and I vowed I would not put her back in diapers or pull ups. What really worked was giving her consequences or punishments, if you will, every time she had an accident. I would take a toy away and tell her she couldn't have it back until she used the potty or tell her she couldn't do something or go somewhere because she pooped/peed in her underwear.

    I know it's SO hard not to get frustrated or angry. :hug:

    Good luck!
  15. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with this, I did that with my DS (actually I put him back in diapers because he would hold it until naptime and bedtime and flood the pull up) and a month later, he finally came around. Hopefully for good, we'll see.
  16. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our washer and dryer suck, so he's in pull ups. He has no pants and no underwear. Alice has also had a bit of regression but she does so good at school, I'm sure it's just that our schedule is a bit different than the school's schedule. I made a sticker chart to reward Alice, if she has 10 days of no accidents, she can have a new princess.

    I totally see Royce wanting to wear underwear in about two weeks when Alice gets her new princess and he has nothing.

    Or, like I said, I'll just wait until it's colder outside to potty train him. Make it actually cold when he pees himself.
  17. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I had to laugh at this one. I do this with the boys all the time. It's one great advantage of twin mommyhood--throw all of the positive attention at the good one, and watch what the misbehaving twin does.

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