Clumsy clumsy

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by becasquared, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So for about a week now, both A&R have had two left feet, maybe even 5 left feet between them. Coupled with their ginormous (which is *now* a word, thank you very much merriam-webster) appetites, I figured it was a growth spurt.

    Which it is. I put on pajamas last night on Alice that last week were just an inch above her ankles. They were mid-calf. Eeep! That's like a 2.5 inch difference. But I feel so bad for how clumsy they both are. Alice has 4 new bruises on her face, neck, and chin, Royce has two skinned knees. Alice has probably 18 pea to dime sized bruises on her legs (we all bruise very easily, so no worries there), Royce has numerous little bruises on his torso and arms.

    And I also figured out my worry about before and them NOT being on the growth chart and how I figured that it was just an artifact of the way they were being measured. Well, the growth measure was on a spool hanging from the ceiling. If the kids aren't directly underneath it, by pulling it to the side, the spool is stretched a little longer, mimicking a shorter child. And that explains why my really tall children are truly tall and not on the 50% when R was above 90%, and A was above 98% that they were at 2 1/2. They're probably 40 or 41 inches now. Their heads keep moving up higher than my hips. And their hugs are pretty close to my butt.
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I keep blaming Ana's clumsiness on a growth spurt, but its just because she has my genes :D

    Glad to hear that you figured out the height discrepancy from your pedi's office!! Now you know that your children will be proper giants (says the girl who is 5' 1" and very jealous of tall people!).
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    For a long time I hated being tall. I envied normal height and shorter people. But I'll take my height (six foot) at this point in my life. It makes me head and shoulders above all the other girls! (Literally :lol:)
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    That's insane how quickly they're growing! I wish I could blame Nate's clumsiness on a growth spurt, but he's just a klutz. It's gotten so bad that he'll often fall deliberately to preempt himself. :rolleyes:
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