Should I attempt the dreaded PT adventure?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marijanad, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Okay, my girls are 21 months-ish 'corrected' (yes, still doing that). They are great little communicators, have lots of words, etc. They both have been introduced to their potties and can sit on them, don't seem to mind them, and have watched me in the bathroom, etc. etc. The only thing they don't tell me they are wet, only sometimes if they have pooped. I blame it on the high quality of diapers these days! They feed themselves, are very independent and bright (I think!) so I feel like perhaps we can try the PT. But I am clueless. I have read TONS of stuff on the internet, and posts on here, etc.
    This was going to be my clueless strategy: avoid the pull ups and go straight to undies, and see how they do and if they improved over the course of a few days.
    Am I nuts? I think pullups are so similar to diapers, I can't see how they work. And training pants and very pricey. Any ideas? If you think I'm nuts, just tell me!
  2. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    You could try panties inside a pull up/diaper so they learn to feel the wet. If they are going at the same time every day AND they go when you sit them on the potty, it is worth going forward.
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I say go for it! I just did the 3day potty training that is available online and they are doing great. at about 23 mo. I started doing PTing a little more... but still didn't really go full force until after our vacation. anyway, I got tired of my "attempt" at PTing and 3 wks ago gave up diapers totally. the program I followed is recommended for ages 22 mo. and older.

    yes, ours didn't really get the full concept until I got rid of diapers totally, and we went to underwear. (they look SO stinkin' cute in their "wear" as they call it!) we started with about 20 prs of underwear each... if you think that's too much underwear then you can buy some in a bigger size so that when you're "done" with the accidents you put away the extra underwear.

    you can always try it and if it goes terribly you can try again later.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This is a good idea :good: Another thing (that I wish I knew when I started the process with my two) I read in Parenting Magazine is to try them with panties for a weekend and see how they do and if they start to show interest or desire to go on the potty then continue and if not, then stop for a while and try again later.

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