What are the most annoying things they do?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AimeeThomp, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Here are mine:

    They like to tell me "I want something" and have me try to guess what in the world it is that they want. This usually winds up in a tantrum.

    When I'm trying to pack a bag with snacks and drinks to go somewhere, they watch me and then beg for the snacks as I'm packing them.

    They like to try to touch me as I'm walking. Someone comes up behind me, and reaches for me as I'm in motion, so she falls forward while still reaching for me and trips me b/c I don't want to step on her. That along with getting in the way when I'm trying to walk, they do that all the time and it is so annoying.

    Every time we get in or out of the car I have to shout at them to not hit their heads on the door. :headbang: Every single time, and it's still a 1 in 3 chance that someone will hit her head and cry.

    <sigh> glad to voice this out loud, the girls do a lot of really cute stuff right now and say a lot of cute things, but they also are really annoying. :pardon:

    Anyone else?
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    When they are pretending to be dogs or kittens, they lick me. It totally grosses me out so I'm constantly yelling "Only PRETEND lick!"

    Mine trip me too Aimee. Ug. Thankfully I haven't stepped on either yet, so its only me who gets hurt.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    1. spitting...I've been doing 1-2-3 Magic with them on that because it seriously drives me :wacko:
    2. they will point for what they want rather then say it sometimes and then get mad when DH and I can't figure out what they exactly want
    3. DS has starting saying "Gimmee"...we are working replacing that with "please may I..."
    4. I have to tell them a million times that we eat in the kitchen and dining room and not the living room.
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    My ds will say "mom" a million times, and I will say "what" and he just keeps saying "mom"... :headbang:

    My youngest ds is doing this really high pitch awful scream when he's mad. It could seriously make us all go deaf.

    My ds insists on putting all the cups and forks away after lunch, it's wonderful however he's soooo slooooow. It can take up to 15 minutes sometimes :blink:

    Sorry Aimee I had a laugh a little with the car door head bumping, I could totally see mine doing that!
  5. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    Are you kidding?! Where do I start...how about just this morning :)

    1) Limping any crying because of the TINY scrape on her knee she newly discovered when she got up this morning
    2) Insisting to put on her own band-aid that of course never stuck on correctly--frustrated = more crying
    3) Other DD cannot sit still while I put her hair in her pony-tails insists on grabbing everything in sight--I keep telling her it would be over sooner if she would just sit still--she doesn't get irony yet :)
  6. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    1. Crying and carrying on when I put on their shoes (clothes, diaper, bib) and an equally large tantrum when I take them off again. :gah: Jack is especially bad about this right now.
    2. Nate asks "what's that" 2748 times per day, which wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that he can't say "W" so it comes out like "Unst dat". Most of their "baby talk" is super cute but for some reason this is like nails on chalkboard to me! And he SHOUTS IT VERY LOUD and repeats it at least twice every time he says it ("unst dat, unst dat, unst dat?!"). :headbang:
    3. Tooth brushing. 'Nough said. <_<
    4. How I have to "take a walk" with them wherever they want to go in the house. I used to think the constant carrying thing was annoying, but at least I got to go where *I* wanted! :lol:

    I could go on.... :p
  7. StaceeyL

    StaceeyL Well-Known Member

    1. Fighting over the object the other one has when we have 2 of EVERYTHING! :headbang:

    2. Trying to open the Van door while I'm driving.

    3. Still biting and pinching each other.

    4. Asking "what's that" about EVERYTHING!
  8. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    Both of these drive me crazy.

    And, I can never sit or lie on the floor without becoming a jungle gym. I love wrestling with them, but not all.the.time.

    DS has started saying, "I can't," when he gets frustrated - I'm trying to instill a rule that he can never say that...
  9. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    The whining is driving me :crazy: I spend my days saying "use your words".

    When they insist on wanting something (waffles for breakfast or more yogurt) and then won't touch them. :headbang: Jake has been very helpful and if he does not want it will throw everything (including Josh's food) in the garbage and then will throw the dirty dishes onto the rack with all the clean dishes, including milk. He does it so fast I don't have time to react to try to save the food for later.
  10. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    1) I still get so annoyed when they walk under my feet and trip me. This has been going on for ages, and I still can't just slow down and be patient with it.

    2) My daughter screams her head off when she falls and gets a boo boo. Not because it hurts, but because she doesn't want me to wipe it or put a band-aid on it. No matter how much I try to bribe her with a pink hello kitty band-aid, she will refuse to wear it. If I put it on anyway to stop the bleeding, she'll have a screaming fit until I give in and take it off. And unfortunately, she has to be the clumsiest kid around. Yesterday she fell down just standing there and waiting next to me at the bank.

    3) My son is such a slow eater. When he eats ice cream with a spoon he barely gets anything on the spoon, and is happy that way. If I try to put a normal sized bite on so he can actually taste it, he gets mad. The ice cream always melts before he's hardly had any.
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Hard to choose just a few, but....

    1 - Lie on the floor to scream, then grab my ankles when I try to step over them.

    2 - No matter how many times I warn them of an upcoming transition (especially turning off the TV), whine and complain when it actually happens.

    3 - Beg repeatedly even though I say no.

    4 - Insist on fighting with each other until they come to blows, because neither one of them is willing to walk away.

    5 - Ask some question about daily life ("What are we having for dinner," "Where are we going tomorrow," etc.) and then, no matter what the answer is, respond with "Nooooo!!!!!"
  12. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Probably too many to think of, but out of the top of my head

    - getting up repeatedly during meals, and having tantrums when I put their food away because of it
    - struggling and screaming 'no stop' when I try to change diapers, put them in the car, put them in the stroller
    - DD running away after asking me to change her diaper
    - getting in the dishwasher
    - taking their blankets from their cribs and dragging them everywhere, including down the stairs (making me worry every time that they're going to trip on them)
    - always trying to help when I put dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and crying when I tell them to stop
  13. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i have nothing to add - everything i would have said is already on someone else's list!

    at least none of us are going through it alone... <_<

  14. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    telling me something, and repeating it over and over and over and over until i repeat exactly what they said :headbang:

    if marina doesn't want to do/eat something, she says, "i don't want it! it's not fun!" :rolleyes:

    when they come to me for every little tiff they get into. "ivi took it from me!" "mina took it from me!"

    when i tell them ahead of time something they will not be getting/doing, they ask for it 2 seconds later. i.e.... "you will NOT get a water sippy at bedtime, so don't ask me, ok?" "ok!"... "sippy! i want my sippy! please, mama PLEASE i want my sippy!" <_<
  15. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    1. Refusing to go to sleep and night or for naps, and having knock down drag out fights in the process of this.
    2. Stepping on me and anything on the floor. They go out of their way to step on things.
    3. Running away from me and laughing, especially when it involves running into areas with cars.
    4. Breaking anything and everything they can get their hands on. I swear broken is their favorite word. Today they bent my glasses in half for the second time.
    5. I also have the angry screeching problem, they let out these piercing screams.
    6. Getting into things. I swear these boys are like Houdini. When they are awake, I can't do anything else, but run around after them. Either they are hanging on me, getting into something they are not supposed to, or breaking something. Today I caught them taking turns dunking their heads in the toilet.
  16. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Both of then trying to talk to me while driving

    Fake crying
  17. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Ooooh, this is a good. I nice little "vent" thread.

    *Asking the same question over & over again, even though I already answered (I swore something was wrong with his hearing, but he checked out perfect...he just doesn't pay attention to the answer!)

    *Questioning EVERYTHING, even things they know the answer to. They're at a horribly inquisitive age...

    *The CONSTANT fighting & tattling. My new favorite line? "Figure it out yourselves"

    *Saying "WE"...they just recently started talking for each other (ie We want water)

    *The silly talk. It's a huge issue here (and at daycare). They make up words & get SOOO riled up in fits of hysterical laughter. We're trying to teach them it is NOT for naptime/bedtime/mealtime/quiet times. Ugh.

    *Doing things that have been rules for FOREVER (ie throwing sand, throwing things in the house, jumping on their beds, etc)

    *Asking for help with things they KNOW how to do (ie get dressed, go potty, etc)

    *Waking up early. Really, they're 3. Do they honestly need to wake up at 5:30 & then wake their brother so that both of them are so horrifically crabby by lunch that I can't stand it?

    *Repeating something until they're acknowledged. Even if it's, "Daddy, did you see that car?" & I say, "Yes, I saw it", they repeat it until Daddy says he saw it, too.

    *NEVER STOP TALKING. No kidding. From the moment they wake up til the moment they fall asleep. Never....stop......talking.......
  18. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Definitely the "what's that?" question! UGH

    Fake crying... Hannah will actually say "whaaa"

    Wanting a band-aid for every little thing.

    Taking shoes off in the car as soon as we pull into where we are going.

    Throwing food.

    Washing hands... I know this is a good habit to develop but they CONSTANTLY want to wash their hands, well, more of they want to play in the water. Hailey has to wash her hands when we leave daycare even if she's JUST washed them. Then she has to stop at the water fountain and get water and does not want to leave (water fountains are very fun and amazing machines). Fun times getting out of there everyday...
  19. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: at these!

    Oh my, where to start...

    Andrew is apparently a sulky 13 yr old already. When he's in a mood, nothing I say is right. If he's singing something, for example, and I say, "Nice singing, Andrew," he yells "DON'T WANT NICE SINGING ANDREW!!!" :grr: Oh, the angst! Let me get you some NIN and Rage Against the Machine, love!

    And Ivy is so nosy. It was already hard enough talking to DH or any other adult over the nonstop chatter, but now, any little thing an adult says to an adult is "What were you talking about, Mommy? What were you saying to Grandma?" (Even if we were talking about something perfectly comprehensible to her, like buying cereal at the store.) And once she gets fascinated with something, it's "Want to talk about it AGAIN!" So we wind up repeating many lectures on the most boring, mundane things... It is SO hard to talk to anyone now!

    And the attitude! Today they had a great time taking all the stuffed animals out of their rooms. When it was time to put them away, I told Ivy to put her animals back in her crib, or she wouldn't have them there for quiet time. And she said to me, "Mommy, I actually don't feel like it, because that's a lot of work." I couldn't help it, I cracked up right there! :laughing:
  20. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    1. Cameron kicks really fast when I change his diaper. He thinks it's hilarious. My leg certainly doesn't feel the humor in that.
    2. Tossing their sippy cups off their trays when they are done. Usually one boy finishes and tosses the cup. The other boy will toss his just for fun, but want his sippy back when he realizes he wasn't finished....then he'll toss it again when he's done.
    3. Kiefer will tell us what he wants, but he isn't very clear with it. He'll keep asking until he gets frustrated and starts to whine/cry. He won't stop whine-crying until he finds something else to do which can take a while. He'll eventually try asking again for whatever it is he wanted and it still ends with whine-crying.
    4. When Kiefer is awake during nap time or in the morning, he'll go to the bottom opening of his door and start calling out "Mama, Dada" repeatedly. It acts like a speakerphone. He'll wake up Cameron sometimes which makes him cranky. I've put a towel at the base of his door and that seems to have helped. It muffles his noise a bit and discourages him from using the door as a loudspeaker. So far so good.
    5. Within seconds of turning my head, they'll both be climbing over the office fence from their play area and already be sitting at our computers typing away and using the mice. The screens are password protected, but still, they are not supposed to be using the computers yet. If that doesn't keep their interest, they go behind the computers to play with the cords. That's when things get really messy! That's Daddy's work they're messin' with! Not to mention pulling everything off the desk tops. They love to wrinkle paper. So that's frustrating to say the least. They go in to time outs (we are learning 1-2-3 magic) when this happens. It seems to work for a little while anyhow.
  21. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    This my #1 pet peeve, so now I start doing it back at them and say "L-i-l-y, boo hoo" (she is the #1 offender) and she starts laughing and stops.
  22. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    *Mason will argue over anything and everything all day long. Tell him the sky is blue and his response is "No, it's not". Ugh
    *Wanting what the other has. This has been especially problematic at dinner and bedtime. Both want an orange cup or pink cup and there's only one which can result in neither eating dinner because they are so upset. At bedtime it's over the stuffed animals. The same stuffed animals every.single.night!
    *Completely ignoring me when I ask a question. Really, I'm right next to you!
    *Completely ignoring me when I tell them to do something. I know this is selective hearing and they still get in trouble/time-out because I know they heard me. I'm just tired of repeating myself.
    *Not wanting to get dressed for daycare in the morning. They don't mind going to daycare, but we have fought over getting dressed almost every morning for the last 2 years. I'm just tired of having the same conversation every morning.
    *Not putting toys away. I can't keep up with the mess they make anymore and I'm not having much luck getting them to cooperate. I think toys are going to start going to Goodwill.

    Just to add a positive note so I don't feel like such a whiner- they have been playing in the playroom together for 20+ minutes now with no intervention!
  23. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I just had to add to this today. They have a few figurines of characters they like. They constantly put the figurines down and then freak out about them being lost and demand I look for them. They're not lost, you just had it 2 seconds ago!! They won't look for the toy, they just throw a fit and drive me crazy. I swear this happens once every 10 to 15 minutes.

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Oh this is a great thread!

    When they get mad at each other or their big sissy they scream "you not my best friend anymore" or "you mean sissy" or "me no like you sissy". I really think they picked up on this one from my 5 year old niece.


    The fact that they are over 3 and I have to carry them to and from the car and they throw a fit when someone else tries to help.

    They really act like their daddy doesn't exist if I am around.
  25. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We live on the third floor of our condos, so two full flights of stairs plus the outside stairs and either one of two things happens.

    1. One (or both) will want to be carried up the stairs while I'm trying to carry up my work bag, purse, and any other stuff that has been accumulating in the car (like this afternoon I know I need to carry up two boxes of pullups so I'm sure that they'll want to be carried).

    2. This only happens when I have to pee, one or the other will decide to lollygag on the stairs. Like sit down and play with the carpet or touch every bar in the handrail for 3 seconds. After a few times of this, I now go up the stairs, go pee, then wrangle them the rest of the way up.

    Then there's:

    Want each other's plate/bowl/plasticware or just not wanting the ones that they have been given.

    Asking for something specific for dinner, "Mac and cheese" and freaking out that it's on their plate. "Noooooooooooooooo I donwant mac and cheese!!"

    Not picking up their toys when asked.

    Conversely picking up their toys when the other is still playing with it. (can get ugly!)

    Just being generally contrary, which drives my husband nuts. I can handle it. I'm slick like that, but my husband freaks out and yells a lot which then makes me feel uneasy and then the kids get all riled up and then I can't handle them.
  26. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    I had to add one (not like all of the others don't apply too) because it happened today and got me in trouble at their daycare! Obviously, you are not supposed to bring sick kids to preschool and I'm not(!), but I was sick last week and the kids heard me coughing a lot and have started fake coughing and wanting wipes to blow their noses. I work where their school is and the teacher came in and asked me if they were sick because they are apparently sitting around coughing and laughing and then coughing again and begging for a wipe. They "coughed" the whole way to school and I was already at my wits end because it was after the daily struggle to get them dressed and couldn't help saying "if I hear one more cough that's a spanking." I never thought I would say something like that because I will never forget my mom getting mad at me for hiccups, but it is just so annoying!
  27. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

  28. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I had to :laughing: at this -- she sounds exactly like Amy. Including use of the word "actually."

    Amy is constantly asking me to get things for her, just because she doesn't feel like moving. I finally told her, "As a general rule, I will not go get you something unless there's some reason you can't get it yourself, like you can't reach it, or your hands are sticky, or something like that. But not if I'm standing at the stove cooking, in the bathroom, or otherwise busy!"

    For what it's worth, though, when I first responded to this thread last week, everything they did was annoying me. Today I feel much better. ;)
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