sudden fear of noise?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lovelylily, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    DS has developed a sudden fear of loud noises. They don't even have to be that loud, it could just be a car starting up. He claps his hands over his ears and runs to me in terror. Is this just a phase or is something going on? I'm not even sure who to talk to about it. His pedi? At first I was thinking it would go away, but it seems to be getting worse over time. The other thing that's weird about it is when I can't calm him down, he goes off into his own little world. He will sit there with this blank stare while it is thundering and his little body is just shaking. I have to admit I am starting to get concerned.
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Nate is the same way. :( It started a few months ago with a thunderstorm; he started repeating "it's okay, it's okay" which is what we always say to reassure the boys when they're scared or hurt. Now it's escalated to everything from a toy truck that makes noise to the vacuum cleaner. He says "too loud" and sometimes "I'm scahed (scared)". It worries me a bit too because my nephew is 4 and has *major* anxiety problems (can't go near water, can't watch TV, can't ride in a car, etc.).

    I think this is probably a pretty normal phase, but I will be keeping a close eye on Nate to make sure it doesn't escalate. Anxiety and depression run in my family, so I'm pretty sensitive to this. I would for sure talk to the ped about it, because you could get a referral to a specialist (child psychologist or therapist) if it gets worse. The ped might be able to give you a lot of reassurance as well, because he/she may have seen it a lot in kids that age!

    I try not to "lead" Nate when he's uncomfortable with loud noises (like asking him if he's scared), because I want to de-emphasize his anxiety. I figure if I don't make a big deal of it he might take some cues from me. He talks a lot about how machines are loud, and I do tell him that we can turn them down or off if they are too loud.

    I hope it's just a phase (for your DS and mine too)! :hug:
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It was just a phase with Roycie!! He went through about a month of "too loud". Now he only says that when Alice is shrilly screaming about bugs. "Alice is too loud!"

    He's always been a little more reserved and scared of things. Things that don't even phase Alice scare him until a few weeks ago. Alice is now scared of bugs and water. We went to the water park (which had bugs *AND* water, talk about sheer torture for Alice) and Royce was jumping in the water, jumping off of us into the water (which made us panic since he doesn't know how to swim). He's still scared of dragons, but I think that he's starting to get over that.

    Take him to your pediatrician if you have concerns over his behavior though.
  4. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    My girls have been going through this for about 6 months. It seems to be getting better though. We talk a lot about how noises can't hurt us - we'll address loud music and headphones at a later date. :)

    ETA: Interesting. I just noticed that your kids are about the same age we started having this issue. Maybe it is just something with the age.
  5. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    Good to know!

    We do try to make light of it. With the thunder we talked about how the sky is saying Ta-Da! With vacuuming we dance, with cars we pretend like we're driving. Hopefully it'll pass soon. Yesterday at the swimming pool, he froze every time someone used the diving board.
  6. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    My girls are doing the same thing now. They tell me 'I don't like the thunder' 'I don't like the carwash' when I ask why it's 'it's too loud mommy' . Sometimes when I am reading them a book they will tell me 'Shh mommy, you too loud' lol.

    I've told them to start telling the thunder or the carwash to be quiet if it's too loud and that seems to help a little bit...... :)
  7. KimsTwins

    KimsTwins Well-Known Member

    My daughter developed a fear of the trash truck a few months ago... it was very odd but it seems to have gotten a little better, although she still has her days! And because my son saw how much attention she got when we were trying to tell her that the trash truck will not hurt her, now my son fakes a little panic attack when he hears it now too... lol. We were concerned with it and brought it up with their EI therapist who said it could be just a phase and that 2 year olds tend to develop fears of different things, so that was a little reassuring. Now if either of them start to get upset when they hear any loud vehicles we just talk to them quietly and tell them what it is and that it's okay.

    I hope this helps. Like others said, if it seems to get worse or you are concerned definitely bring it up with your pediatrician!
  8. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    One of my girls went through this recently. She'd get scared and run to me every time she heard a loud truck, the dog bark, etc. It seems like she's growing out of it now. Every so often, she still runs over to me, but not like before. I never saw her shake or anything like that. That would concern me also. I would definitely mention it to your pedi.
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