haven't slept in 2 weeks...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    my LOs are getting their molars. one wakes and screams constantly. if you leave him, he will scream for hours. we tried. he wakes his brother and then he gets upset...then two screaming children. he will only rest on your chest, laying down. he has a minor ear infection but is on antibiotcs for it. i give him motrin, teething tablets and oragel before bed. if we go in and get him, his brother screams. he spent the night with me and his brother spent the night with my husband.

    i really dont know how much longer i can deal with no sleep...and screaming, overtired during the day, fussy babies.

    did this happen to anyone during molar time?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know, for my two, the molars took forever to come in and it seemed like they were uncomfortable for a long time. It could be the molars but I see you also said that he has a minor ear infection and with those molars coming in along with an ear infection, could be making him extra uncomfortable.
    :hug: to you and your little guy!
  3. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    Molars are hard, we had screaming/crying fits up to an hour with hands in their mouths and tears streaming down their faces- while we had crankiness but no crying with other teeth. Still going through it... And yes they did wake up a FEW times crying with it, but just a few...

    But what you mentioned about your son only sleeping that way... is EXACTLY what one of my twins does every time he has an ear infection. Something about that position makes him feel slightly better. IMO iI really think it sounds like the ear infection pain is really bothering him, too. Probably the teething is making it feel lots worse - I've been told that the nerves from the teeth and ears are close together so tooth/nerve pain can feel like it's in or around the ear... and if that's happening a bit with an actual ear infection on top of that it must be absolutely awful. Just make sure the fever is going away with the ear infection... we ran into a resistant strain of bacteria last time and had to try 2 different antibiotics. Fortunately, I think the intensity of your sons pain and the night-time waking-screaming will probably reduce a bit once the pressure from the ear infection is gone. Poor kid!
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    One of my guys is suffering a lot with molars right now.. we've been to three different doctors and they've all confirmed nothing is wrong with him.. but he's getting 3 molars at once. He is miserable, and it's so hard to listen to 24 hrs a day. I made popsicles for him out of yogurt and fruit puree.. those are a GREAT distraction for him.. he's had quite a few midnight popsicles.
  5. heather.anne.henderson

    heather.anne.henderson Well-Known Member

    My DD did this for about 3 weeks, it was really tough but it did end, thankfully
  6. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    i dont think i can make it 3 weeks. this is ridiculous. i was just coming on to post. i cant deal with the screams all naptime long and all night. they want to be rocked to sleep. its like we regressed past the 'newborn' stage. we get ZERO sleep!! i put my LO down 30 mins ago and the screams are not getting any better. i am at such a lost.
  7. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    My one daughter had a hard time with her teeth (sounds like ear and teeth) she needed tylenol every 4 hours and Ibuprofen every 8 hours. I only needed to do this during active teething and only during certain teeth. It might only be a day or two of this schedule but I could see the change in her and see her happy within 15 mins of taking the tylenol. It was worth it.

    What about a warm hot water bottle ? I remember putting my ear on one as a kid and it helped.

    Ok another strange thing I read for kids ears on a plane if they are having a hard time on the plane.... put cloths soaked in hot hot water and wrung out -- place in the bottom of a cup -- then put the cup over their ear -- I guess it causes a vacuum effect and helps to clear their ears.

    Hope you get some relief soon, for him and you.

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