"My Mommy, Daddy, No MY MOMMY DADDY"

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by amelowe9, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I woke up this morning to hear my DD saying, "My Mommy, My Daddy" following by, "No Amia (Amelia) My Mommy Daddy....I also heard this banter before they fell asleep during naptime. DH and I realize it's a sign that they need more individual time with each of us and we plan on carving out more time to do but does anyone else have any suggestions on how they deal with this issue?

    Also, they are in the everything is MINE! phase: the slide at the park is mine, MY car is their car, etc...I just keep saying, "No honey the park belongs to the city of Los Angeles, and we all get to share it." Or "Sweetie, this is Mommy and Daddy's car and you get to ride in it!" How do you all deal with this MINE issue and when (if it has) did it come to pass for you...it's driving me bonkers :gah: !!!!!!!!
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Ownership is not always bad. I always said yes I'm your mommy but I'm also jazzy's mommy (jessy was uber possessive). If you want to through them for a loop say your grandma's daughter or aunt/uncle's sister.
  3. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    My two have gone back and forth with the "mine" stage. Sometimes when SO and I kiss one of the kids will pipe up with, "No Daddy! My mommy!" or "No, Mommy! My Daddy!" We just try to remind them that we are their mommy and daddy and love them very much. When they do this with each other we remind that we are mommy/daddy to both of them. When it comes to toys (the biggest issue) then whoever the toy actually belongs to wins out. If it's a shared toy, like blocks, then we either put a time limit on it or split it up equally.

    I think it's their way of gaining control over their environment and a little security, so I try to give them what they are seeking. And I've noticed sometimes they do it it be silly now, so hopefully it's something they are growing out of.
  4. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Do they have particular toys which are only theirs ? Mine are older now but I don't really remember much over use of "mine". I do tease them and sound like the seagulls in "Nemo" that say "mine mine mine mine" . for us it is usually them wanting a particular food or drink from us, not so much from each other.

  5. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I have to do this too. It is a phase and like everything will pass.
  6. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Oh yes, that was a lovely phase. For probably four months my girls would fight over whose mommy I was. Usually the conversation went like this:

    P: You're MY mommy, all mine.
    C: No Piper, mommy is all mine, not yours!
    P: No Cricket. She's my mommy. Not your mommy!!
    C: Mom!!!!! Piper says you're not my mommy!!!!!!! But you are! You're all mine!

    I explained ten thousand times that I was mommy to both of them, and I could be all theirs, but they had to share me. So now they'll come up and hug me and say "you're all mine. And my sister's too". Four months of repeating the same thing and it finally sunk in. Now they just fight over stuffed animals that can't respond. :popcorn:
  7. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    Sadly my girls got the concept of Mine from me! :FIFblush: One day I just got tired of being 'man handled' and them grabbing for my food and coffee so I said "mine!" Mommy's coffee, no touch...since then they totally get it and use it against me too!
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