Round Ligament pain

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by momof6, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I have been having round ligament pain for awhile now and my Dr reassures me it will get worse :angry: He said I could try a maternity belt. Has anyone used one and did it help. My Chiro said I could use a heating pad, but last night I would have died from heat if I had done that. I woke up at 2 am in such pain I had to wake up my husband to help me sit up and move around. After standing awhile and walking a bit it went away. I think the pain was a result of me being so restless last night and moving a lot. Any suggestions on this would be GREAT!!
  2. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sudden movements are what always caused my RL pain!! and it was short lived.
    If you were restless and moving a lot that's probably what did it!!
    Try and move nice and slow, especially when changing positions. :grouphug:

    Also, I dont think a heating pad is a good solution, or usually recommended when pregnant. Not positive on that though. :pardon:
  3. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    I would not think a heating pad would help rl pain cause its a ligament not a muscle. Ya know?

    I did use a maternity belt whenever i had to stand and it did help. The belts dont work while youre sitting though as they ride up and annoy you. I got my belt from amaz.on
  4. jessietrio

    jessietrio Well-Known Member

    Hi Momof6...hope you're feeling OKay. :)

    It definitely helps to first roll to the left or the right and then use your upper body strength to hoist up slowly from a chair or out of the bed [instead of using abdominal muscles].

    The Mother-to-Be Maternity Support brace on Amazon had great reviews and helped me out immensely with the major growth in the 2nd trimester. I think some insurances may consider braces to be medically necessary and cover the cost. Worth checking out.

    I agree with the pps skepticism about heat...would definitely make me nauseous and cause the babes to zoom around and away from the heat.

    My fingers are crossed that your discomfort will ease!!
  5. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I taught until 30 weeks with my first twins and the belt is what saved me because you are on your feel all day with 1st graders. So if you are on your feet all day it takes the pressure off. There are some pretty elaborate one. I just had a basic one that went below the belly and had velcro to hold it in place. Just one strap and it was fine.
  6. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I do not wk... well outside the home.. having 6 other kids is a FULL time job! I try not to be on my feet too much but it is hard.. I think I will look into the belt! And WOW... 2 sets of Twins! How amazing is that! I guess they run in the family!!
  7. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    This was the exact belt I bought and used and I really liked it. And rolling from left to right before you get up helps a ton too but there will still be times when you "pull ligaments" or have to deal with those pulling pains in your belly - it will come and go throughout!
  8. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I totally feel your pain!! Mine was horrible, I hardly ever slept and when I did I had to be propped on my back or belly because sleeping on my sides was too painful. The only way I got through it was by going to chiropractor and massage once a week. My doctor had told me that there was nothing they could do so I suffered for a few months until I was to the point that I couldn't even walk without severe pain. Then I went to physio to see if they would do anything for me and they were so helpful! gave me stretches and excersises that took the edge off. I wish I would have gone to physio right off the bat because I caused more damage to my body by letting it go and compensatig in ways that just made other areas worse. I say try anything that helps and best of luck!
  9. zanetaya

    zanetaya Well-Known Member

    I used to get on my hands and knees and let my belly hang...this helped by giving short-term relief. I also used a cold rag in that area while I was sitting or laying down....helped a little too. I understand this pain. It can be soooo excruciating. Hang in there because mine stopped around 23 weeks. It will soon pass. :)
  10. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    Mine started at 11 weeks. Ugh! I found swimming helped a bit. I also used a belle band, which made it a bit better. And a wedge by Boppie to put under my belly when I slept on my side.

    Good luck! The minute the babies were born that all went away!
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