Bottles during the night

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Eribour, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. Eribour

    Eribour Well-Known Member

    This may seem like a silly question but how do you go about giving bottles at night. My twins are almost a month old and I am about to do two things with them. One they are about to go into their own room. My DS grunts all night long which keeps mr awake. Second, I am about to stop nursing. I really don't like doing it, but have done it for the month knowing that some is better than none. I will pump and give ebm. So how do you do bottles at night and still be relaxed for yourself. With them in my room I can stay in my bed and lean on a pillow. When they are in their own room, I won't bring them to my room to eat. I do have a chair in their room (bit a rocking chair just big arm chair). I am just wondering hiw you keep yourself comfy at night while doing bottles.
    Oh and burping with bottles. I plan on feeding at the same time. How you burp them when you have to hold bottles. Only one of mine will take a paci. Any advice (I plan on using two boppy pillows or their bouncy seats to feed.
  2. Sarah75

    Sarah75 Well-Known Member

    With mine, if one wakes up, I wake them both up and then take them into the living room and put them in there bouncers, sit on the floor between them and feed them at the same time. I then will stop half way through feeding both of them and give them both a good burp and continue. For me, the night feeds are not social, its get them fed and back to bed.
  3. dra1408

    dra1408 Well-Known Member

    I never found middle of the night feeds to be very relaxing. I was exhausted and they usually woke at the same time screaming to be fed. I didn't get the hang of tandem feeding until they were about 2 1/2 months old. Hopefully you will be able to get comfortable in your arm chair, though.

    As far as burping, the only thing I could do is take both bottles out and burp one while the other cried and and then put her down and let her cry while I burped the other. But, I have very high maintenance babies :laughing: . I have read other posts where the other baby would just wait patiently. I think it just takes a lot of trial and error until you find what works best for you.

    You may find that you would prefer to bf at night and use ebm in bottles during the day. Or, if you have room in the nursery to put in a twin blowup mattress or twin bed for more comfortable feedings, that could help too. I put a blowup mattress in our nursery so I didn't have to travel all the way across the house when they wake up crying. And we have a very small nursery!

    I hope you can find something that works well for you. GL!
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Bottles at night...We slept in shifts at that age. DH fed them between 8p-2a, then I took over from 2a-8a. Dh would wake me at 2a and I would pump. I would then feed whoever woke, and wake his brother as well. Relaxed? My boys are almost three-I'm still waiting to relax! :laughing: No, in all seriousness... The boys were in carseats in their bedrooms sleeping until four months old. So I fed them in there. And when one needed to burp, I picked him up and burped him, and then switched. If one was still feeding while I was burping, I would roll up a receiving blanket and put it under the bottle so he could continue his feed. If both needed to burp, I would lay one over my lap, and then put the other up over my shoulder and burp that way.

    Bouncy seats/boppy pillows we used until almost they were a year old. Loved them!
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Have you mentioned the grunting to your Ped? That was the first sign that ours had reflux. And it really interfered with their sleep and ours. Once we investigated more, we found out they both had reflux.

    As far as middle of the night feeds, I did two ways. When they were really young, we used the RTF formula. I would heat some water in a crock pot and leave it on warm all day and all night. That way when one of the boys started getting antsy, I would just stick a bottle in the crock pot and by the time they were changed and ready, the bottle was warm. Or two, I would have the bottles ready to go so that all I had to do was add the powder. I did this when they were older. I found that feeding one at a time and then waking the other was the only way I could do it by myself. Most of the time DH got up with me and we would just double feed together.

  6. teamturner

    teamturner Well-Known Member

    You mentioned that you are going to give EBM, which I leave at room temp for up to 24 hours after pumping. So in your situation, I would put several small bottles of EBM in their room before going to sleep. Just grab two of the bottles at a time and feed both when one wakes. You do need to refrigerate any EBM they don't finish.

    You can briefly prop a bottle with a rolled burp cloth while you burp one at a time.

    Mine still eat at night at 5.5 months of age (annoying!), but night feeds are so much easier nowadays, whether I'm nursing or bottle feeding. Good luck!
  7. Bubba_mommy

    Bubba_mommy Active Member

    I pump exclusively for my twins. My twins are 2 months old. If you are also planning to pump during the night, this is how our night feeding goes: Before I go to bed I pump and make two 4oz bottles and take it to the bedroom. Twins wake up once around 2-3AM. When one of them wake up, I wake up DH. I feed DD (she eats faster) and DH feeds DS. As soon as I am done feeding DD, I start pumping. DD does not spit up much, so I burp her just few times.
    When DH finish feeding and burping DS, he changes their diapers. Around that time I am usually done with pumping. So we all go back to bed. This whole process takes about 30 minutes.
    We feed them while sitting on regular chairs. No fancy chairs :).
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