Di/Di Twins measuring 2.5 weeks apart...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by doreydo, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. doreydo

    doreydo Active Member

    I had my 19 week ultrasound yesterday. Everything looks very good, except baby B is measuring 17 weeks 2 days and Baby A is measuring 20 weeks. I'm 19 weeks 1 day, 38 years old. I was told my Down Syndrome risk was 1:4000 (relieved), but this size difference is bothering me. They measured the same until my 13 week ultrasound, when I think she fell behind 2 day, but now over 2 weeks? The doctor said we would check again in 3 weeks to make sure she is still growing, but he didn't seem too concerned. Since I've gotten home, I've been driving myself crazy! Now I'm totally nervous! She seems healthy, but I'm just scared she won't make it. Which will be devastating for me. Has anyone been in my situation so early?
  2. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice but so sorry to hear you are worried. Just keep up on your doctors checking things.
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    No experience from me either, I'm sorry. :hug: Just wanted you to know I'm sending many positive vibes your way and I know the worry is overwhelming and it's hard not to worry, but try and stay calm. :hug: :hug:
  4. PinkDiamonds

    PinkDiamonds Well-Known Member

    I don't have a similar experience. I'm having di/di twins too. Twin B has always been the smaller twin. The sonographer told me that it could possibly be that the twins were conceived at different times, which accounts for the difference in size. Until my 28 week u/s twin B suddenly caught up and is now the bigger twin.

    I hope this offers some comfort. Baby B may catch up eventually so I really hope for you that it shows 3 weeks later! If your doctor doesn't seem too concerned about it then I think you can trust that things will turn out fine.

    Meanwhile hang in there! :grouphug:
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i just wanted to add that u/s measurements aren't an exact science. from what i understand, they usually take a couple of measurements of each part that they're measuring & then average them for the official measurement. if baby(ies) are in a hard to measure position, or hiding, or squished, or whatever, or the tech is having an off day, that will skew the measurements.

    all that being said, if you're really worried, call your doc - tell him how you're feeling & ask him why he isn't worried. knowing his reasoning may help you feel better. :hug:
  6. jessietrio

    jessietrio Well-Known Member

    Hi Doreydo,

    Ach! This is my first pregnancy and I have found myself feeling this way on more than one occasion...usually I am too nervous to even post about it! My guess would be that it is normal for a Mum to feel this way despite what the Doc feels or says.

    Our ultrasounds have been exemplary of what miss bossy 18 wrote: So, our Baby A has often measured smaller than our Baby B...with initial measurements at the start of each ultrasound. She has always been the more tucked away, squished and tricky to measure baby as compared to our Baby B who has been setting the measurement standards. During the course of the ultrasound, the tech will re-measure Baby A [femur, abdominal circ, cranium] until she feels the measurements between the 2 babies are satisfactory. At our last 27w3d ultrasound the MFM and US tech measured Baby A's abdominal circumference and cranium 4 times!!! until they were satisfied. Initially Baby A was measuring almost 2 weeks behind gestational age but after tweaking a little [and I mean little, minuscule, splitting hairs] here and there the final measure was 2 days behind gestational age. Ultimately this is really time consuming...but they are being very, very thorough.

    This week I asked the MFM if they were worried about Baby A [I do not need another night of laying in bed staring at the ultrasound pics while bawling my eyes out :FIFblush: ] and why it appears to be so important for the babies to have the same measurements if they might not be identical [we're di/di with strong family history of identical twins but we're unsure of ident/frat]. She said she is not worried at all...both babies are doing great, but that if at the next ultrasound Baby A is trending smaller, she would consider modified bed rest for maximum placenta perfusion. Ultimately the trend between ultrasounds determines the MFM's course of action.

    This whole long winded response is just to add, as the other ladies already have, that you are not alone with your worries :grouphug: !!

    Take care and hugs!!
  7. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Do remember that u/s measurements can be up to 1 lb different. It also could be in the difference in them being a girl and a boy too.
  8. doreydo

    doreydo Active Member

    Thank you so much for your responses. I really am trying not to worry. It's so difficult. These are IVF twins and it took me a long time to bond with the pregnancy, because I just couldn't believe they could actually be mine! Now I'm totally attached to both babies and I'm terrified to lose one.

    Ok, just going to chill out and wait. Haha, ya right! Thank you all very much!
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