Delayed twin doing better with PT!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by heybabalou, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. heybabalou

    heybabalou Well-Known Member

    Go figure. I started PT'ing Truman in April thinking he was the more advanced twin and would pick it up quicker. He is still having multiple accidents a day four months later! He does great some days and terrible others. He seems to need to "go" more often and get distracted more easily. Spencer is dry all day and uses the big boy potty. He had two accidents tonight, they were the first ones in a few days. Both boys are wearing pull-ups for naps and overnight, but they are in underwear (or Gerber cotton training pants) the rest of the time. They do both sometimes wake up dry for naps, and Spencer woke up dry from overnight today! Spencer is speech delayed and has mild social and motor skill delays, so it was surprising he has picked it up first. So what next? Keep chuggin' along? Take away naptime pull-ups? Send them to preschool with just underwear, with no protective plastic pants?
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Would their preschool allow them to go in pull-ups? I guess you can see how they are doing and base it off that. It sounds like things are going well. :Clap: As for taking away their nap time diaper... are they waking up dry? If so, then go for it!! My two are still wearing them at night because there are still mornings they wake up wet.
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    sounds like happy times! I actually started PTing about the same time too! at home we were doing fine, but i was still doing diapers for nap & nighttime... I am finally tired of it all... and bought that 3day potty training plan ebook. and I helped the kids pack up all the diapers this morning. I am ***Hoping*** they do ok during their nap... they are currently starting their nap. I'm sure we will have some accidents, but I figure its worth a try to just bite the bullet and try to PT full time. now... hopefully it works for us.

    If you're having such success, I'd definitely try the next step!
  4. heybabalou

    heybabalou Well-Known Member

    Yes, their preschool allows pull-ups and doesn't require kids to be PT. However, I stopped sending them in pull-ups because they pee in them. I started sending them in Gerber training underwear with extra plastic pants for easy clean up. So far so good-no accidents at preschool this week for either boy!
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