Always my Ana

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Leighann, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Do you have one child that always gets hurt? Do you feel like everytime you call the doctor its always about that one child? This is my Ana.

    I just got off the phone with the ped's office after several conversations with my sitter today. I'm bringing her to the doctor at 6, and possibly to the ER afterwards. Apparently the girls were playing with the sitter's large wooden rocking horse even though they were told to leave it alone. Sitter had to use the bathroom so she laid the horse down on the floor just in case they messed with it again (I thought this was a good precaution). While in the bathroom she heard Ana scream and came out to confessions from all three little girls (sitter's 5 year old niece is there too). They tried to lift the horse, but dropped it on Ana's foot. That was around 1pm. Sitter called me immediately, but said Ana wasn't crying anymore, let her put ice on it, and is now playing happily. Flash forward to 3pm and she is still playing happily, but the swelling/bruising is getting worse (despite the ice), and she won't put weight on it. I don't know if its broken or not, but we'll haul butt to the doctor tonight to see.

    This will be the 3rd Ana-solo ped trip this year, and if we have to go to the ER, our second. So the score is Meara 0, Ana 3 :( Meara is just as adventuresome, but somehow she knows instinctively how to avoid getting hurt. Unfortunately Ana lives in the moment and just doesn't think ahead. God I hope its not a broken foot, because what do they do for that for a 3 year old?!

    Just needed to vent... off to go pick up my girlies.
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good luck! I hope her foot is okay. :hug:
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Oh no!!! :hug: :hug: I hope it's nothing. :hug: Not sure if it matters, but Emma had no swelling or bruising when she broke her wrist. Please be sure to update us!! :hug: :hug:
  4. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sarah hurt her foot pretty bad this year. A neighbor girl was spinning her around by the armpits and dropped Sarah while still spinning and her foot whapped a rock on the way down. She screamed for a few. It seemed fine and then about an hour later she could no longer put weight on it and it just swelled up pretty huge.

    I called our ped. It was a Saturday night and dh was out of town. The dr. didn't even really want to see her that night. He said to ice for 10 mins, off for 5. He's the oldest guy in the practise and he said that he's never seen a broken foot in a young child. Their bones are very forgiving. He's even had several kids come in for xrays because their foot got run over by a bus, and no broken bones. He said that because their just isn't any padding on the foot, it hurts worse and you are much more likely to have done tendon damage. He recommended giving ibuprofen every 6 hours for several days. He also recommended continuing to give the ibuprofen for a few days past the pain to help the tendons out. He said to bring Sarah in for an xray on the next monday if she wasn't getting any better.

    Sunday, Sarah couldn't walk on her foot at all in the morning. By the evening she had figured out how to hobble up stairs. Monday she went to school and got around at her own pace. By the end of one week, she was getting around with no limp, but her foot would swell if she was on it for more than an hour or so. By the end of 2 weeks, she was back to normal.

  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Leighann...I hope that her foot is not broken :grouphug:

    My DD is the accident prone one...she's already been to the ER already for her finger getting shut in the door.
  6. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Conner's my accident prone kid. He fell standing (yes, literally) & ended up in the Urgent Care getting hand XRays (which he proudly kept & shows everyone)! His hand swelled up, turned black/purple, & he wouldn't use it. I was convinced it was broken. But, like someone else mentioned, kiddo bones are quite forgiving.

    Hope it's nothing but a nasty bruise & that she feels better soon. I can't believe we haven't had an ER visit with my boys yet...just the 1 Urgent Care visit for Conner. Aiden's my sick one, so between Conner's accidents & Aiden's sicknesses, they're pretty even for Ped visits :)!

    Keep us posted!
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    After three hours at the ER, the xrays show no broken bones! But since little kids bones are so flexible, there might be cartilege (sp?) damage that won't show up on the xray. Because of this they put her in plaster splint until we see the orthopedist next week. No water, no sand, no running. How am I going to survive a week of this?! How is she?!

    But she kept her spirits up and she and Meara enjoyed the constant stream of people into the ER room to listen to their story about the rocking horse. Oh and Ana thought it was BEYOND cool that she got to see pictures of her bones in her foot! Meara was pretty jealous about that.

    Oh and here is a picture of her after they splinted her up. View attachment 6347
  8. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Glad there is nothing broken. Hope it turns out to be okay overall.

    Liam had an x-ray of his foot earlier this it year and thought was so cool to see his bones.
  9. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Awww, she looks so cute! :wub: I'm glad it's no broken bones!! You will be fine this week. :hug: It will take some adjustment but you can do it!
  10. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    Im glad theirs no broken bones, :hug: it will take some adjustment but it will all work out. Out of me and alisha when we were kids, id have to say i was more the accident prone one lol.. we both have had our fair share.. but somehow i still end up hurting myself. big :hug:'s
  11. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    My Ellie had a fractured leg last May. The first couple of days she really didn't want to do anything anyway, so I got her a couple of cool new toys (magnadoodle) that she could use on the couch sitting down. Then she figured out how to hobble around pretty quickly (thigh high cast).

    One thing that saved us hugely was a couple of pairs of women's knee high socks in fun patterns. They were the perfect length to cover her leg and kept the dirt and grass out of of the end of her cast/toes! Then her special walking shoe over that.

    GL! Hope the follow up with ortho goes smoothly!
  12. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Leighann, I am glad she is ok. :hug: She looks pretty ok with her splint too. :wub: My Kev is the "in the moment" kid like Ana. There is always one in the crowd. :hug:
  13. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    She was my little trooper and was totally happy and engaging unless asked to stand or walk around. When they started putting the plaster on her she got a little upset and said "You know, it really doesn't hurt!" Nice try kid. Meara was also very patient about the whole thing except at the very end of our 3 hour stay when she said to the doctor "Are we going to have to stay in this tiny room forever?!"

    This morning Ana is getting around ok waddling with the splint. At least she can get herself back and forth to the potty because man, that kid is heavy ;)

    Angela thanks for the tip... I'm going to put one of my socks on top of it to keep it clean. Any tips for shower time? The nurse said to just put a towel around it and then tie a plastic bag.
  14. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Leighann, I am glad nothing is broken and she is adorable in her pic even with a splint on. I hope she makes a speedy recovery. When my Dad broke his leg many years ago, that's exactly what my Mom did when he needed a shower, just wrap towel around it and tied a plastic bag. Good luck!
  15. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh poor Ana. :( Glad to hear that there aren't any broken bones.

    You know what's weird. I have seen so many people (adults mostly) with leg casts this year. I don't know if it's the state or I'm just weirded out by it and see it more since I'm aware of it, but I think I see a person with a leg cast at least twice a week.

    And Alice is my more accident prone one.
  16. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    :hug: Leighann! So glad it wasn't broken. She looked so sweet sitting there like a big girl. :wub:
  17. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear it wasn't broke! Poor thing. She looked like a real trooper in the picture. Glad to hear they both cooperated for you in the ER.
  18. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Poor Ana! And poor Mommy! I hope you are able to find things to make the week go quickly. I'm glad it's not broken though.
  19. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    Your welcome! As for shower/bath time, I was neurotic about it because at the time we were looking at, at least 4 wks with it on and I wasn't interested in going back in to put a new cast on or some weird skin thing due to my not being able to dry the cast right (I've seen some funky things as a nurse and it sometimes ~ okay, often! ~ colors my neuroses! [​IMG]) I think you'll be good with the towel and plastic bag. And make sure the tape is secure at the top, try to keep the leg out of the water stream as much as possible. Ellie wasn't (still isn't) big on the actual shower, so at bath, we would just put a couple of inches of water in the tub and then place a potty seat ring in the tub for her to sit on. Gave her a couple extra inches, helped keep the end of the cast away from the water and was more comfortable for her. We started out with the special slip on plastic bag from the ortho and ended up with a xerosox after a couple of baths because I didn't really trust the other one.
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