Do you limit milk?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by gina_leigh, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I typically limit the amount milk my two drink in any given day. Mostly because DS really loves milk and would rather drink that and fill up than eat a meal or snack. DD likes her milk, but will also ask for water a lot. DS will almost always ask for milk first.

    But I wasn't thinking yesterday and bought a full gallon of (their whole) milk and we're leaving for 9 days on Saturday. So today and tomorrow I'm letting him drink more than normal so it doesn't spoil in the fridge. He's like a frat boy at a kegger! :laughing: He is loving all his milk! (And so far eating like normal today!)

    All that just made me wonder what ya'll do. Do you have a limit on how much milk your LOs drink during the day?
  2. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I don't limit it because my girls are so stinkin' little (weighed them today and they are both 23 pounds, 12 ounces with their clothes on). I give them milk any time they ask. They are both good eaters, so I don't worry about them filling up on milk.

    Love the frat boy analogy. Too funny!
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I only limit mine because of constipation issues! What I wouldn't give to go through a gallon of milk in a week... We go through a gallone of milk in 2 days and that's with water in between :headbang:
    Mine are also little ones so we don't worry about the extra fat and they eat normal. They also get a lot more milk during the summer because they get so much summer fruit that they don't have to have as much juice.
  4. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    We usually give them milk first thing in the morning and then again at dinnertime, about 16-20 ounces/day. The rest of the time they have water with a splash of apple or orange juice. They would drink milk whenever I gave it to them, though,

    Brigette, I'm right there with you on the gallons of milk. We go through a gallon about every 2-3 days, it seems like we are always making return trips to the store for milk, bread, and fresh fruit!!
  5. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    I agree with Beth because we don't really "limit" the milk. I make sure they drink two or three large sippies of water each day and then they are allowed a small sippie 3/4 full of milk between meals and at 6pm when they beg for it. We are in the 50% for weight & 95% for height, so right now I don't think calories are an issue.

    What is it will boys and their milk. We joke that Max is going to be great at college. He can chug a sippie of milk in less than a minute. DH has actually looked at me once and said "chug...chug..chug". Lily is hit or miss with the milk. She usually loves her water better especially with ice cubes in it. She calls it "ice ice baby"...I said it once and it stuck :laughing: . DH looked at me and said "real nice mommy" :pardon: .

    Seeing you are looking at a waste of food issue I don't think a couple days would throw off their entire shedule. Hopefully he just won't think this is the new norm.
  6. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    My two are FTT so yes we do limit milk. They get 3 sippies full/day. It is 1/2 chocolate pediasure and 1/2 whole milk. It would be all pediasure if I could afford to give it to them. Sometimes I add heavy cream to it also. We limit the quantity to make sure they don't start relying on milk for their existence. I think at 3 they only need 12-16 oz of milk.
  7. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We usually go through a gallon in 3ish days. Just depending.

    DS would probably drink 2 or 3 sippy cups of milk at every meal plus a few between meals if I let him. He just really loves milk! Which I think is great, but not when he doesn't eat because of it.

    Kristen, J and Max could be great frat brothers together! :laughing: He is the same way! Sometimes he's still catching his breath when he asks for more milk because he chugged so fast.

    edited for typo
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't limit milk, but my 2 don't drink excessive amounts. I have a friend who gives her daughter (who is 8!) half milk/half water, because if she let her she would drink milk all day long. With 5 kids in the house, we go through a gallon of milk every day! :shok:
  9. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    I don't limit it. They are used to getting a sippy when they first wakeup and then a sippy after baths. They rarely ask for milk, but when they do, I give it to them. DS drinks vanilla soy milk and DD drinks whole milk with chocolate syrup. (She's only 24 lbs at 3 years, so I use every opportunity to add calories.)
  10. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    We don't have to, they only get it twice a day with meals and usually don't finish it. Otherwise it's just water. I'd give more but I don't want to deal with rotten milk left out in sippies too long.
  11. NicoleLea

    NicoleLea Well-Known Member

    I don't limit my kids milk. I don't usually give them drinks with meals for the sole reason I don't want them drinking and filling up and not eating. Unless they are eating something like PBJ where they need something to wash it down, I let them eat and then toward the end, give them drinks. If they ask for milk or juice at other times of the day I let them have it. I'm glad they want to drink milk because its healthy, unlike a lot of drinks out there.
  12. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I do limit milk, but only because my girls would drink it around the clock if I let them. They get 3 9oz sippies of milk a day (morning, quiet time, night time). I give water/juice in between, but even so they are constantly asking for more milk.
  13. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't limit milk because my two are still on the smallish side (5th percentile for weight at their 2 year visit) and they typically get about 16-20 oz a day. I do try to keep milk outside of meal times or else that's what they would have rather then eating.
  14. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Same here. Mine get milk with cereal for breakfast and milk for dinner mixed in with their dinner (they refuse solid food). If they ask for more milk int eh morning I give it and offer it post-dinner also. I have picky eaters so once the solid food has gone down, they can have as much milk as they like!
  15. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    How did they grow to like milk so much?

    I don't have any milk drinkers now. My son was for a few years (6-7/8ish years old He would have about 8-12 oz a day) but my girls don't drink it from a cup. We have 2% milk in baked goods and soups and raw milk on cereal and for drinking. For my family of 6 we go through about 1 gallon every 9 days.
  16. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't limit it, but my girls are birds, they hardly eat or drink. I let them eat and drink as much as they want.
  17. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    We have milk at meals only. If they want a drink inbetween or for snack then it is water.
  18. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    They all get milk with breakfast and dinner (at dinner it's near the end of the meal or after they've eaten their protein, otherwise they'll guzzle the milk and not eat). Even limiting it we go through about a gallon every two days sometimes more. I will sometimes give them more if they've eaten well and ask for it. Between meals it's water only and water or juice with lunch (except at school, they usually choose milk with their lunch at school).
  19. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    they get milk twice a day, quiet/nap time and before bed. We are trying to drop the before quiet time one because they are at school. they are on goat milk...and we try to limit it to no more than those 2x per day (around 18 ounces). But if we are traveling or off schedule, we will sometimes supplement w/more goat milk if they ask.

    For cereal they get almond milk..we don't do cow's milk at all for drinking.

    Water the rest of the time, juice is a treat - or if they are constipated.
  20. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    one of mine drinks 40 oz/day and i can't seem to limit it so i cut in half w/water. he drinks another 10 oz or so of water/day, so you can imagine how much he pees!... we do this so he won't have over 20 oz (and also, he drinks goat's milk which is really expensive! that's not the reason we limit it, but it does help;)).

  21. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I often water down my dd's sippy of milk :) She could drink it all day long if I offered it to her. I'll give her three sippies of milk during the day and 1-2 watered-down sippies if she asks for more---she doesn't like juice and I'll always offer water first. DS is good with 2-3 sippies of milk.
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