Karina's depacification (aka getting rid of the paci) has begun. She's so sad because her pacifiers are "broken." She's just lying in bed wimpering. It's really heart breaking. I thought it might not be too hard to do it because at daycare yesterday the daycare provider said, "You don't need that anymore, do you?" and Karina handed the paci back to her and went to sleep for a two hour nap with no problems. Part of the reason it's so hard is because that's one of the few "baby" things she still does. She's getting so big. I think it's starting to affect her teeth though, so we have to do it. Sigh...
oh poor baby & mommy! does she have the paci w/her? I wondered if it'd be better to just take it away fully and for her just to not see any anymore? she'll get over it quick enough, especially with the good efforts at daycare. like pp said... stay strong!
We didn't do the broken pacifier, we did the "give to a new baby" thing and gave them a week's warning. It went pretty easily. After the week, I gathered up all that I could find, and put them in a box. They helped me wrap it up a bit (drew on the box) then that night, I put it in the bottom of the trashcan. It's been a few months (April maybe?) and I can notice their teeth straightening out already and they only had the binkies at night time. Stay strong!!
It actually went better than I expected. I had been prepping her for about a week by explaining that she was getting to be a big girl and that her pacis were pretty old and sometimes when kids get too big and pacis get too old, they just break. She was sad last night and kept saying that her paci was "yucky." It took her much longer than usual to fall asleep, but once she did, she slept through the night with no problems. She is now napping without it too, but she fell asleep in the car, so that may have made it easier. We'll see how tonight goes. It was harder on me than I expected because I think she looks so cute with it...my little baby. It is affecting her teeth though and it was the right time to do it. Thanks for all the support.
Oh, I sooooo need to get on that train! Mine are a little over 3 and use their pacis a LOT ... I never did it because I felt like our lives were one big transistion (moved twice then they started MMO then we had a new baby and now we are potty training ...) Once they are fully day trained then I feel like it will be time. I hope it continues to go well for you and maybe it will motivate me to try, too! I just wonder what will keep them from taking Caroline's?? That will be the hard part. My Ped said it may be a good idea to just wait until she is 8 or 9 months old or so then just take them away from everyone at the same time. That may be do-able as she is a pretty good baby ... but she is in a real paci habit at this point. I feel I will have to nurse her to sleep all the time if I have no paci for her ... hmmmm .... parenting is so harrrrrrrd!!! Good for you for sticking to your guns!
I just did this about a week ago. They did much better then expected. They would ask for it and I would tell then that they are all gone and that they were big boys now and soothers were for babies. It did take longer then usually to fall asleep but I was so proud of them. A couple days ago I was very tempted to give the soother back because Colin was having a hard time going to sleep for naps but I'm glad I didn't because it is starting to get a lot better. Hang in there!