Vitamins, minerals and supplements

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by momof6, Jul 12, 2010.

  1. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I am on a good whole food prenatal formula that my chiropractor has given me. However, I have been reading about Dr. Luke's recommendation of taking the calcium, magnesium and zinc combo for preventing preterm labor. I have also thought about taking an additional B complex for energy. Have any of you taken additional supplements on top of your pre-natal and if so any preferred brand? Also, I am having trouble sleeping recently, getting comfortable and staying that way. Any natural ideas for sleep? I am not a fan of medication and feel that my OB would just tell me to take Unisom or Tylenol PM.. both of which I prefer not to do.
  2. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    I am taking Citra Natal prenatal vitamin, extra folic acid (1000iu in Nature Made I believe), and a couple of extra calcium chews. And as of a couple weeks ago I was anemic, so I am taking 325 mg of ferrous sulfate. This was all recommended to me by my peri.

    I am very interested in the supplements to prevent PTL as I had my previous DD at 29 weeks. ( I am now 26.4 with these twins. Don't have Dr Lukes book, but if you know any details for that, I would be interested:) I would of course run everything by my peri before I take anything in addition. And I hope you will too :cool:

    I hear ya on the sleeping difficulties! I am not taking anything, but the only thing natural that I have heard of is melatonin...Not sure if it will help with the issue of being uncomfortable, peeing, etc. That just may require extra pillows and Tylenol!!LOL!!

    Just keep in mind that just because things are "natural" doens't always mean it's safe, so be sure to talk to your doc before you start taking anyting new. Good luck!
  3. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I do not have the book, but found her website and details there. Here is the website with the supps for preventing preterm labor. I am not seeing a Peri, just my regular OB. I am assuming he will be doing more blood work soon to check for anemia as well as to see if I need another Rogam shot since I am Rh-. I am also dealing with sinus and nose issues. Always seem to clog up especially at night or if the bedroom fan is on. I can not imagine 10 or more weeks of this lack of sleep and stuffy nose, but of course will do absolutely anything to keep these babies in as long as possible, just not sure what my body can handle.
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I took the calcium & magnesium supplements but I can't swallow any pills so I had chewable. I'm sorry I'm not of more help in that regard. As to the sleep, ask your doc about the melatonin- it works well for a friend of mine (not pregnant).
  5. scottyswifey

    scottyswifey Well-Known Member

    I was having trouble sleeping, too... I had to sleep sitting up on the couch for a while, then I got a wedge shaped pillow (my step-mom got it for me so I'm not sure where to get them) and it really helped... it elevates me enough that I don't get too uncomfortable anymore.
    As for vitamins, I'm just taking my prenatals, neither my ob or peri have said that I need anything else. Every time I go in my babies have been right on track and I haven't dilated at all yet despite BH... so I guess I don't really know... you could ask your ob and see what they recommend... it's probably different for everyone!
  6. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I think it is a good idea to be proactive. Too many OB's just treat it like a singleton pregnancy which it is not. If you ahve not read Dr. Luke's Book When You're Expecting Twins, Triplet, or Quads. Get a copy or see if you library has one. It is a must read for a pregnancy.
  7. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My OB told me she wanted me to take extra calcium and iron when we found out I was expecting twins and that was on top of the prenatal prescription that she gave me, she did not tell me to do this with my singleton. I definitely think a body needs more with twins, but really think it needs to be discussed with the OB to make sure the appropriate amounts are OB was specific about about what I was to take.
  8. PrincessHippie

    PrincessHippie Active Member

    My OB has me on SIX different meds. I was sure this was the norm for multiple pregnancy. I see now that's not the case. Since my first appointment I've been on prenatal vitamins, calcium, docusate sodium (thank heavens for this), extra folic acid (your body naturally flushes out what you don't need/use), DHA supplement (Expecta brand). Then she put me on iron when it came back slightly lower than what they would like.
  9. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine wanted a DHA supplement, too. I can't swallow pills, so I found eggs with DHA in them- evidently they fed chickens seaweed which has DHA in it, creating eggs with higher concentrations of DHA in the eggs. They were expensive, but I ate them. I also was put on iron supplements (liquid- YUCK!)
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