What wold you do nap at 10:30

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by theflyingflamingo, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. theflyingflamingo

    theflyingflamingo Active Member

    So along with many of you we are in a crazy nap transistion-

    old schdule:
    6:15 awake
    6:45 out of crib
    7- breakfast
    9:00 nap
    10 snack
    12;30 lunch
    1:00 nap
    2 snack
    5:30 Dinner
    6:00 bath
    6:30-7:00- bed

    6;15 awake
    6;45 out of crib
    10:30 nap (any earlier and they won't sleep and later they are over tired)- sleep about 1.25hour
    12;30 lunch
    ********should I try to put them down at 2;30 for a short nap? - or keep them busy and hope nap one extends and I push the first nap later over a few weeks?
    2 snack??????
    5:30 Dinner
    6:00 bath
    6:30 bed

    Any advice would be great. Thanks
  2. trudyhm@att.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I have a similar schedule as you do. We also wake up at 6:00am and go to bed at 6:30pm, and mine nap from 11:00am until 1:00pm-ish. I did two small lunches for a long time, right before and right after thier nap, but they started fussing about getting in their high chairs for the second lunch. I now do lunch at 10:30am and a large snack in the play room after their nap, and try to include meat, fruit, veg, and carb, plus milk. I do dinner at 5:00pm.

    Mine have recently been waking up at 5am and napping from 11 - 2, so I'm tryinig to straighten that out...
  3. kminott

    kminott Member

    How old are your LO's? We nap from 930-11 and 230-4. I think it really depends on the kids. Many lo's by 18 months are on one nap, but mine are just not ready. My pedi told us when they nap for less then 30 minutes or not at all when you put them down for one of their naps, they are ready to transition to one. We're not there yet. GL!
  4. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    I would stick with 2 naps until they actually start fighting nap. Mine napped at 10 and 2 for a long time but have already dropped their morning nap and nap from about 1-4. I only knew they were ready for that when they started playing through the whole nap instead of sleeping. I wouldn't worry about it impacting bedtime. They are actually more likely to fight bedtime if they are overtired.
  5. theflyingflamingo

    theflyingflamingo Active Member

    Sorry forgot to say the boys are 17 month
  6. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Since that time between the nap and bedtime is so long right now I would suggest two options. We are going through a similar path as you...

    I would keep putting them down for a 2nd nap even if they just rest and babble and never actually sleep, or, I might suggest giving them dinner earlier and putting them down by 6 pm and see over the next few days if it helps the schedule. They will most likely wake at same time or slightly later in the morning and maybe extend their naptime. We have been caught in nap limbo for a while and we are finally making it to 11-11:30 after being stuck at 10/10:30 forever. Then one LO went through Roseola virus and we are back to square one. She has been taking a second nap again for a week now. Sometimes the earlier bedtime is hard, but we have put them to bed at 5:30 pm if they were really tired through all this transitioning, which has been going on for weeks and weeks. :headbang:

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