Do I try to PT this soon?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lionheart, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. lionheart

    lionheart Active Member

    Well I had no intention of potty training any time soon as I don't mind changing diapers and actually believe is faster in the long run right now...and DS is no where close to being ready for PT he would sit in his dirty diaper all day if I let him. doesn't bother him a bit! But DD is a different story. She is constantly taking off her pants and diaper and peeing on my carpet or her bed and the last few days she has pooped twice in the playroom, and once in her bed. Yesterday I caught her and DS in the playroom trying to "clean" up her poop with facecloths off the playroom floor, what a mess! And I only left them for 5 mins!!!! I have a potty and the kids like to sit in it while I go to the washroom, and DD has had one pee on the potty only because she sat forever on it reading books. But if I ask her if she wants to go sit on the potty she says no and i've tried doing it at intervals thru the day but she only wants to sit on it for 2 mins (even before a short book is done) and then she runs off saying done! and as I'm giving DS a turn (we only have 1 potty right now) she goes and pees in the hallway on the carpet and then comes and tells me "mess". Is she too young still?? Should I wait? should I start training? How do I stop all these "accidents"???
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You can try it, but if you're not ready, duct tape is a wonderful thing. :)
  3. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I'm going through the same thing. One could care less and the other keeps taking her diaper off and peeing on the floor. Luckily, she hasn't pooped yet. She will sit on the potty and go pee. I think she pees in her diaper and then wants to take it off. I'm finding it very annoying. We are going through a million diapers a day. Her new obsession is washing her hands. She'd do it all day if I let her. I grabbed some training underwear. I figured if she keeps taking her diaper off, maybe I'll try those. I think she's more ready to PT than I am:)
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree. It doesn't hurt to try, some kids are ready by 2. Give it a try for a few days with your DD & see if it works. I have always found that you will really know within a few days if it's going to work (eventually) or if you are just completely wasting your time.
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I totally agree.
  6. lionheart

    lionheart Active Member

    Well duct tape doesn't sound like such a bad idea at this point, although I don't even know if it would work, lol, my DD is a magician!! She just pulls down her diaper like her pants! The velcro is still attached!! although if I duct taped mittens on that might slow her!

    Well i tried to have DD sit on the potty today and like everyday it was a disaster. she wont go, i even brought out the smarties, but nope she didn't want to pee on the potty and then DS had a melt down because I wasn't giving him a smartie, so as I was dealing with him, DD peed on the carpet....sigh.... later she pooped on the kitchen floor (she took off her shorts and diaper), I tried to catch her and put her on the potty hoping I would catch some in it but it just got smeared everywhere instead!...sigh...

    I don't know what to do i'm sicking of cleaning the floors! Give me a dirty diaper any day!

    oh yeah and my dog (114pds) is sick with cancer and had an accident all over the basement floor and then stepped in it tracking it all over! Can you say I'm having a POOPY day!

    Oh yeah and my coffee pot broke!! When is this day over!
  7. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    First things first! Get a new coffee pot! Everything else will be able to be handled once the caffeine is in your system.

    Second, I like the idea (in another thread) of having her help clean it up.

    Sorry about your pup. :(
  8. lionheart

    lionheart Active Member

    Thanks Bex for your reply, my doggie is hanging in there...

    I would have her help me clean it up but I'm afraid that might make things worse. She loves to "clean" and there are face clothes everywhere from her helping herself and "cleaning", in fact the other day when she pooped in the playroom she and her brother were trying to clean it up with face cloths and mushing it everywhere, and once in her bed she was using her blanket to "clean" it up. Sometimes I think she pees on the carpet to see me clean it i'm just afraid if I let her clean up she will do it more just for the chance to clean it thing that seemed to work yesterday afternoon was to put her in a jumper. she seemed to think because she couldn't get it off she didn't think to take off her diaper eventhough she got the buttons undone and the diaper was accessible....maybe that's the secret, i'll have to invest in alot of
  9. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    All it took for me was to tell them they could run naked if they would poop and pee in the little potty, not on the floor. Insta-trained. It took a while for them to remember while they were dressed but it was a whole lot easier to handle a few wet britches once I wasn't spot-cleaning floors, carpets, walls, and beds a couple dozen times per day.
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