Okay, let's get to know each other...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 5280babies, Jul 3, 2010.

  1. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    So, just for fun, anyone want to share a bit about themselves? We are all virtual friends and its nice to know who we are all talking with I think. Couple questions below.

    1) What does your screen name mean and where are you located (if you want to share)?
    2) One of your favorite moments and one of your most challenging moments of motherhood or fatherhood so far?
    3) What do you do for you right now?

    I will go first..
    1) 5280 ft = 1 mile, I live in the mile high city of Denver, hence 5280babies
    2) good moment - being able to tandem BF for a couple months was a high - no one had to cry to wait to eat...lol. challenging - freaking out constantly about sleep patterns...so different between my fraternals...a constant exhausting puzzle.
    3) I read romance...admitted. It is a nice escape - and yes, I read all of the Twilight series and was a little depressed that it was over. Team Edward!
  2. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    1) ohd1974-it's the initials of where I work and the year I was born. I live in Alberta, Canada

    2) My favourite moment is having both babies smile at me in the morning when I go into get them. Most challenging has been trying to console both when crying their heads off, although that happened more in the earlier months.

    3) I go tanning and pretend I am on a beach in Cuba drinking Mai Tais all alone.
  3. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    1) lisagayle...pretty straight forward, my first and middle names. :) I live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
    2) Favorite moment - being able to go room in with the babies on Mother's Day in the NICU so we could bring them home the next day. It was a great moment. Challenging - umm, everything right now. We have one baby who screams all.day.long. and nothing seems to soothe him except for being held and bounced. Which means DD and older DS get neglected half the time. :(
    3) Admittedly I don't do much for me right now, there just isn't time. Today DH let me take a nap with older DS and he hung out with the twins. Unfortunately the nap was not long enough...I don't think any nap would be long enough. :)
  4. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    great idea :)

    1) smiley 7- I am usually a smiley face and my fave number is 7. I live in Toronto, Canada

    2) my fave moment is in the morning when I get the babies and they see me, pure joy for all of us :) THe hardest part is their schedules that seem to switch just as i'm getting into a routine!!!

    3) I water my garden and go for walks with my hubby while a mom (mine or DHs) watches the baby.
  5. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    1) babyhopes09- wanting a successful pregnancy and baby(s) in 2009... after one missed m/c at 10 weeks, a persistent ectopic pregnancy, and 3 cycles of fertility treatements.

    2) Most favorite moment: watching my girls smile and coo at eachother for the first time. Most challenging: looking at the clock at 4:00am and realizing I have only had 1 hour of sleep.

    3) Sitting with my DH after the girls are asleep, having a glass of wine and watching Madmen episodes.
  6. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    oops computer froze
  7. KStorey

    KStorey Well-Known Member

    Well my screen name is fairly self explainatory. I'm a Mum of five in New Zealand. My joy is watching all my children play peaceful with each other and the gorgeous smiles this creates. On the other side of that is my most challenging times ... trying to keep my older ones in line when they are misbehaving and I am doing something with the twins (Feed, change nappies, etc) To be honest there isn't a lot of me time at the moment but I did manage a girls night out at a local restaurant last night. Joy ... I almost felt normal again.
  8. kerina313

    kerina313 Well-Known Member

    1) kerina313 - Erin is my name and the K & A are the first letters of my middle name and 3/13 is my bday. I came up with it when I was playing an online game and the other name I used was already used by someone else.

    2) Favorite moments - watching my eldest coax a smile out of the twins and how much she loves them. Challenging - in motherhood - I've had a lot. My first daughter had open heart surgery at 8 days old and 2 1/2 years old. She will be having more surgeries down the line as well. My second daughter died after two days due to complications of Trisomy 18. As far as the twins, being alone with them and having them scream no matter what I do. That was really challenging.

    3) I'm lucky if I get some board time. Every once in a while I get a massage. I start work next week -- so me time will have to wait until they're a little older.
  9. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    1. JoannaD- pretty easy..my first name and last initial

    2. Favorite moment so far is just sitting and holding the babies. We TTCed for 2 years, so I'm in heaven right now just looking and holding my sons. Most challenging is the sleep deprivation. The boys are doing well sleeping at night and I'm used to functioning on little sleep, but I'm not used to only getting sleep in short chunks of time.

    3. Right now my "me" time is my computer time while pumping since my sister is here to help. I'm sure it will change once she leaves and I try to pump with two babies by myself.
  10. amymarie3

    amymarie3 Well-Known Member

    It's my name. :)

    My favorite moment is in the mornings when my boys are smiling at me. They are so happy.

    My worst moment is walking out the door every day to go to work, knowing that my boys spend more time every week with my MIL than with me. I know it is necessary but horribly painful

    For myself I make sure that I have an audio book to listen to in the car so that I can still have a bit of time to get my books read.
  11. Sandy005

    Sandy005 Well-Known Member

    1) Sandy005 = Sandy is my 1st name and 005 represents the 5 kids I have!

    2) Favorite moment with the twins was giving birth (although a c-section) it was amazing to have one baby come out screaming and then a moment later the second one. I was crying with joy knowing that two miracles made it into this world and I did it!! It was awesome.

    3) Sleep deprivation the first couple of weeks along with hormonal shifts - I was crying when the wind blew and I was so sad when nursing was a disaster - I felt like I failed and wasn't able to provide to these 2 what I provided for the other 3. I have come to terms and happy to say that I pump for them 45oz a day and supplement when needed!

    4) I try to take morning walks with all five kids everyday.

    Thanks for posting the thread - great idea to meet my virtual friends!
  12. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Great idea Betsy!

    1.) megkc03-meg for Meaghan, K middle inital, C, last initial, and 03 for year we got married and c became last initial(or I suppose now I could just say for my three kids...lol).

    2.) Favorite moment-was giving birth and my dream coming true-I was a mommy! And through all the ups and downs(my twins are now 2y8m; daughter is 1y), it's a wonderful, wonderful experience, and I wouldn't change it for the world!

    3.) Most Challenging-Hmmmm...I guess for me, it would be knowing that I am a good mother. Everyone around me always says how wonderful I am, how wonderful the children are, etc-but most days-I don't feel that way at all. My kids watch wayyyyyy more tv than I will ever admit, I'm surprised the neighbors haven't called CPS on the yelling that goes on over here, and I feel like there is no structure. But I won't hesitate to try new things with them-go to the park alone with all three, or out to lunch, or to storytime, etc. I feel like if I stay home with them-I'm a failure. We are our worst critics, right?!?

    4.) ME time-I go out with friends when I can-not often-but it's enough(every few months). I generally go online once the kids are in bed. Nothing too crazy I guess!
  13. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    1) What does your screen name mean and where are you located (if you want to share)?
    "Gigantor" from the Night at the Museum,just loved the movie...lol I live in Bethlehem Pennsylvania, not far from NJ border.

    2) One of your favorite moments and one of your most challenging moments of motherhood or fatherhood so far?
    When I get my camera both babies look at me and smile. They started to do this very early on, like the knew they had to pose.

    3) What do you do for you right now?
    I excersice for me. 20 minutes a day and read at night when I get to it. And yes! Totally team Edward...lol
  14. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    1) FBMc are my initials... I live right outside Nashville, TN

    2) One of my favorite moments was hearing both of the girls giggle for the first time. I smiled so big, they started giggling more. The most challenging moments is the nighttime sleeping thing. I know they're just around five months, but I would love, love, LOVE to get a solid 5 hours of sleep without having to get up and soothe someone back to sleep. And in the last week or so, they're both having a bit of sleep regression. Ugh.

    3) I try to read when they're napping during the day. If I'm not reading, I've been watching marathons of my favorite shows (Bones, Eureka, Angel, etc.). I'm a bit of a sci-fi geek. :)
  15. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    Cute idea...

    1. Robynsegg = my name is Robyn and the fact that I got to use my eggs was a complete shock!! I live in Cambridge, Ontario.
    2. One of my most favorite moments was when the twins were born. And the most challenging moment I had was BF the twins. I had a less than ideal recovery which stopped my milk from coming in for 3 weeks and even then it was sparce.
    3. Things I do for me...I play baseball every monday night and when all of my kids go down for their afternoon nap, I go out side, sit on the patio furniture, read and get some sun.
  16. kbernat

    kbernat New Member

    1) What does your screen name mean and where are you located (if you want to share)?
    kitkat1213 - nickname with my birth date, I am from Winnipeg, MB, Canada

    2) One of your favorite moments and one of your most challenging moments of motherhood or fatherhood so far?
    Carrying the twins to a good size and no NICU time, also the cooing phase is pretty rewarding. As for challenges, BF, pumping, thrush and most of all our DD who has no patience being 2.5 years old.

    3) What do you do for you right now?
    I get to go on shopping dates with my DD, I have had a couple of massages or pedicures and me and hubby have had 2 date nights already!!
  17. Kludelhoven

    Kludelhoven Well-Known Member

    1. Krisy is my name and i'm a girl! Although it was once my nickname in Highschool!

    2. Favorite moment-its a tie between seeing them smile at me in the morning and when they are both belly laughing
    Worst-My son screaming at bedtime(as soon as i'm done with this i'm starting a post about this if anyone can help)

    3. Once a month i go out to dinner with a local MOM's group in the area and I also enjoy the few hrs in the evening my husband I have alone!
  18. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    1) It was my rabbit's name as a child. I live near Vancouver, Canada (in the burbs)

    2) We didn't know what we were having and the best moment when they came out screaming and the Dr. said "girl and girl" and one of your most challenging moments of motherhood would be --dealing with two babies everyday, all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3) I've started to read again in the evenings which I've really missed. Trashy romance and a glass of wine.
  19. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    1) What does your screen name mean and where are you located (if you want to share)?
    Usually use slipperqueen, but it was taken. I use it for a friend of mine who passed away. She used to call me her slipper queen, as I seem to have lots. I live in a suburb of Toronto Ontario. 2) One of your favorite moments and one of your most challenging moments of motherhood or fatherhood so far?
    My fave moments is when they crack up laughing over something I did, love the belly laughs. Challenging moments would be breastfeeding, and finding time to do stuff with my 2.5 yr old. What do you do for you right now?
    I am dating someone, so once a week my mom takes the boys so him and I can do something together
  20. MrsBirch

    MrsBirch Well-Known Member

    1 - Mrs Birch is my name - although I hate being called that, so I have no clue why I use it!! I live in a suburb of Vancouver, Canada

    2 - My favorite moments are when one babay is sleeping, I have some alone time with the other one, just talking to them and getting smiles makes my day. I can't wait for them to start laughing. The hardest part so far is the lack of sleep. And when both are screaming and I am alone.

    3 - I don't get much time to my self now, but soccer starts in a couple weeks so I guess that will be my me time!

    Great idea for a topic :)
  21. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    1) my screename refers to the fact that I am a cat person as opposed to a dog person. When I signed up for TS I tried a bunch of names that were already taken and then came up with this one after remembering that movie "Must Love Dogs" (not a particularly good movie). I live in Ottawa, Ontario.

    2) fav moments: hearing belly laughs, seeing them smile, watching them sleep. Most challenging: breastfeeding. Finally admitting that breastfeeding was not working and that formula feeding was not evil.

    3) reading (I like historical fiction, history, Harry Potter, Sookie Stackhouse novels, Twilight, Jane Austen, Bronte sisters, Elizabeth Gaskell, etc.), getting pedicures/massages/hair done, listening to music and singing along (poorly), shopping, and spending an afternoon at an art gallery or a museum.
  22. Double Vision

    Double Vision Well-Known Member

    I have been on this board for almost 6 years and I never thought I would ever be able to come to this board and post as a twin mom.

    My screen names is the name of a song we sang over and over when I got pregnant with my first set of twins. It just stuck and I made it my screen name. I am located in Georgia.)
    One of the most challenging and heartbreaking moment for me was when I gave birth to my twin girls, Sage and Aspen, at 22 weeks. They didn't make it and it was the downfall of my life. I began to drink and was in such depression that I lost contact with most all my friends. I got on some hard core medication which sedidated me for the time being but I could never move forward. I even went on to having another singlton (Boulder) who was very hard for me to love because all I wanted was my twins. (I love Boulder so much now, I am not sure how I could live life without him). So after another loss and a DNC my husband and I decided to give up and really focused on Boulder. Boulder is the light of our lives and I just can't thank God enough for him. But if you are still reading this, last year we found out that we were pregnant again by HUGE surprise. It turned out to be twin girls. I knew they wouldn't make it, there was no way. Boulder was a miracle that he made it. Well Alden Rain and Ellym River were born on July 18, 2009 and they will be one in a few weeks. So my challenges are just believing in myself and trusting God. Each day with things get tough....I just laugh and enjoy it becasue God gave me back what I lost and I just look at life so different now.

    What do I do for me? I take baths in my big bath tub and read my intouch or start magazines, then about 30 minutes into it, all the kids pile in the tub with me and it is so fun.

    I owe the parent grief board and the life after loss board and so many friends here who have been with me through out my journey. Thank you all!
    The twins will be one on July 18th! WOW!
  23. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My screenname stems from creating my aol screenname when I was a teenager. There happened to be a can of cheese whiz next to me. I also was a huge Jeff Gordon fan at the time (he has the number 24). So cheezwhiz24.

    2. Favorite moments with the babies:
    Sebastian- is the cutest & cuddliest when you go get him up from his nap. Everyday he is wide-eyed and adorable.
    Orion- I have a clear memory of the first time he nursed in the recovery room. He latched on immediately and voraciously. It was not hard for him to nurse.

    Sebastian- did not want to nurse. It took A week of trying for it to click where I didn't need lots of help.
    Orion- is very active. To the point that he falls all. The. Time.

    I go out once a month sans babies for the whole day. I'm reading fiction again and hope to start an exercise class soon.
  24. MyMayBabies

    MyMayBabies Well-Known Member

    1) What does your screen name mean and where are you located (if you want to share)? The girls were due in May (but came in April) and we are in Oregon

    2) One of your favorite moments and one of your most challenging moments of motherhood or fatherhood so far? The kids crack me up, they are so funny without even knowing it. This morning, Jace, age 4, told me with an exasperated sigh "but I need to finsh my essay first!" before we brought DD18 to work, lol. (it was random letters written in crayon). Most challenging is with DS7. He was adopted from foster care as a toddler and is mentally handicap and has severe ADHD due to drug exposure in utero.

    3) What do you do for you right now? Might sound silly, but I like to make sure my feet look pretty with nice polish & a toe ring (never had a pedicure, that might be fun!)
  25. angieb1979

    angieb1979 Well-Known Member

    1. My screen name is pretty self explanitory... AngieB is my first name and last name initial and 1979 is the year I was born. I live near St. Louis, MO (about 1 hour south of it).

    2. Fav moments: Hearing mama for the first time, seeing their sweet smiling faces in the morning, making each other laugh and playing peekaboo with each other. Challenging moments: Feeding (both had reflux and one had allergies to milk and soy). Leaving their sweet faces in the NICU, leaving at the end of the day was so hard. Living so far from anything (we're in the boonies) I'm a slave to the schedule like we all are but it takes me 1/2 hour to get to any type of store so that small amount of time I have to do something is half spent driving.

    3. Me time?? If the girls nap at the same time in the am nap I'll go outside and lay-out to catch some sun and recently started reading again. We also like to grab a glass of wine and go to the hot tub after the girls are in bed for the night.
  26. hsddc

    hsddc Well-Known Member

    1) What does your screen name mean and where are you located (if you want to share)?
    hsddc--My initials + DC, which is where we live! (not too creative)

    2) One of your favorite moments and one of your most challenging moments of motherhood or fatherhood so far?
    You might think I'm crazy but I kind of love the middle of the night feeding when they are so sleepy after being fed and they curl right up on my shoulder after burping (mine never fully wake up in the middle of the night). They are so cuddly. Also DD has this flirty smile which is so charming. Many, many challenges including reflux for both kids, breastfeeding issues for me and them (including thrush, mastitis, poor latches, etc), general colic and discomfort for DS. Of course, as soon as you think you have it figured out, everything changes. It's a challenge just to try to keep up.

    3) What do you do for you right now?
    Not much. Well, I do try to take a shower every day and I have started exercising again which I was surprised that I was actually missing. Even though I'm generally exhausted, it makes me feel better to get the blood pumping every once in a while--not to mention, I'd like to have my pants fit again soon! :)
  27. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    1) oh it's so nerdy, i hate having to own up to my screenname. :blush: i've been using this screenname on various sites since i was in college, when i was a big anime fan. at the time it was trendy to put an anime character in a screenname, and that's what i did. i just use it now because i'm used to it and i hate having to think up new screennames. it would be so much easier if i could just say i play flute. :D

    2) one of the best moments was when the boys learned the concept and word "hug." getting hugged by toddlers is great. and watching them willingly hug each other is fabulous. the most challenging moments have all been around convincing my little weenies to eat. <_<

    3) my me thing is amigurumi crochet. it's basically crocheting toys and interesting objects. my most recent project has been crocheting the entire cast of "lost." pics. i also crochet hats with silly food items on top. pancake hat, spaghetti hat, sushi hat, burger hat, etc. the boys love them.
  28. shelbaz

    shelbaz Well-Known Member

    Screen Name: Shelbaz Meaning: the nickname of my german shepard ;)

    Best motherhood moment so far: The smiles and the happy faces when I first see the kids when I walk in the door. Priceless!

    For me: Haha, not much. Going to see Eclipse tonight w/ my mom-- feels like "me" time when I can get away a couple of hours for a movie or shopping on my own. Working on doing more...
  29. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    /deep breaths
    DRAGONBALL Z!!! (Yes, I watched all of them before they came to the states on VHS direct from Japan with fansubs.)
    It's like, you're like me but more black and white. Must be the science in you.
  30. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    :80: :hush: :unsure: :faint:


    sci-fi geeks unite! :D
  31. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    I finally have a moment to jump in!

    1. My screen name is pretty boring. Just my first name and last initial. We are outside of Kansas City.

    2. Most challenging with the twins was definitely going through the severe colic with one of our guys. He pretty much screamed for 3 months solid; even the doctor was surprised by how bad it was. I really wasn't sure we were going to make it when we were in the thick of that.
    One of my favorite moments with all three of my boys is when the babies light up when they see big brother. He can always make them laugh and can usually bring out the biggest belly cackles!

    3. I still don't do much for me since I'm a SAHM. But my guilty pleasure has always been reading fiction, and I'm finally finding a free few moments to start that again. I just got around to reading The Kite Runner and finished it today; it was phenomenal!!!

  32. carries lads

    carries lads Member

    Hi great idea!
    1- My name is carrie and ive 3 lads (boys) ,I live in Dublin ,Ireland
    2- Best moments for me were delivering my boys and them being ok - worst moments lack off sleep ,i love my bed and we dont see enough of eachother haha, the twins have bad silent reflux and used to turn blue (stop breathing)while feeding was scary to see!
    3- Dont do much for myself tbh i do try and get out for dinner and a movie with the girls once a month and did do yoga once a week but its over now i will be back to work in october so ill get a break then !

    Carrie x
  33. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    1) DblStuffOreo - I thought it was funny when I was pregnant with twins (double stuffed) and eating oreos like mad. Now, it's pretty silly since the girls are born and I am back to despising the cream filling of the oreos. Anyone know what the policy is on changing user names??? We're in Arizona.

    2) A) FAVORITE MOMENT - When someone else is holding the girls and I laugh or talk from across the room and they look my way and smile. It's nice to be their #1... for now. We'll see if they still look at me lovingly when they're tweens! :lol:

    2) B) CHALLENGING MOMENT - Having to tell my mom that, despite her deep affection for my girls, her kind heart in coming over for hours every day to help out, and very good intentions, I needed to be alone with my girls to develop our schedule. Then, making mom stick to it when I allowed her to come back and "play" a few weeks later.

    3) Since my girls are 12 weeks 1 day (6 weeks 6 days adjusted), I am still trying to work in "me" time. Especially, since I feel like playing with them is something I do for me.
  34. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    1. My screen name is from high school. ECU, the college I'd just been accepted to, and Bitzy, because that was a nickname of mine when I was young (I'm short). I live in Greenville, NC, the home of ECU. So, I guess it's full circle. Nobody calls me Bitzy anymore.

    2. The best moments have been the laughter. I LOVE my girls' laughs! The toughest was the NICU time, but it's almost faded away completely in my memory after only six months.

    3. I read. Everything. Even menus. Shampoo bottles. It drives my husband nuts. And I work. Not because I love my job or don't love my girls, but because I need the adult brain time.
  35. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    1. My middle name is Lake so that is usually part of any online username, and peeps on another board long ago started referring to me as "lakey". VT stands for Virginia Tech, where I work (go Hokies!)

    2. Favorite moment was probably bringing the boys home from the NICU after nearly 8 weeks. Most challenging moments thus far have been a toss up between figuring out how to get our boys to sleep more and eat more. They only like to do either of those things in moderation, and its very frustrating!

    3. To unwind I like to take hot baths, or drink wine, or surf the web. Sometimes all 3 at once with my Blackberry! :)
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