Nooooo! Mommy do it!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by E&Msmom, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Im primarily a SAHM. I work outside the home 2 days a week. One of which my kids go to a sitters and the other, they stay home with their Dad.
    My children have started demanding that I help them with whatever they need. I could be SUPER busy doing something else, their dad could be standing next to them twiddling his thumbs. They need help, he offers, and they screech " NO!!! Mommy do it" and will wait for me.

    Just as its frustrating for my husband that they dont want his help, its frustrating for me that Im the only one that can help them!

    Anyone have any ideas on how to curb this problem? or at least sympathy or a comparitive thing going on at your own houses?
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Same with DD! Although she's mostly contrary, so if I want to change her diaper she will ask him to do it, or if I want to brush her teeth she'll want him to do it... although most of the time she wants me to do things. Drives me nuts.

    What kinda helps us is to get ahead of her. Like, if she starts bringing her cup to me and I know she'll want it filled, but I'm busy, I'll ask her if she can bring it to daddy for him to refill it, before she gets to 'ask' (doesn't really talk yet) and it usually works.
  3. traci.finley

    traci.finley Well-Known Member

    Oh yes, yes, YES ... mine have always been this way ... I am a SAHM and my husband works a lot so he has not been around all that much though when he is around he really plays with them and interacts a lot and tries to spend lots of time with them. But still, at 3 yo they still want Mommy to do EVERYTHING ... even things that are ALWAYS Daddy ... for ex I do bath and he does books on nights he is home ... and EVERY night they cry for "Mommy books!!!" It is so, so hard ... especially bc I have a 5 month old who I DO have to do most everything for and who also cries when anyone else holds her. AHHHHH ... so I feel your pain ... I just keep telling myself that I will miss their love and devotion when they are teenagers and hate me. =)

    AND, I saw what another poster wrote and I TOTALLY agree that if you can get to them before they ask ... or the FIRST time they ask then they are better with being OK for Daddy to do it ... the problem in my house is Daddy understanding that ;) He will be watching ESPN and I try to get him to help BEFORE the "Mommy ... WAHHHH!" starts ... but he just doesn't (or doesn't want to) understand the urgency =)

    Anyhoo ... someone once told me that she calls this (I have 3 under 3) the "hair on fire" stage of life and I totally get it ... some days I do run around like my hair is on fire ... but I just have to remind myself, as always, this, too, shall pass ... and some days are really good ... I get through the bad ones so I can have an awesome one here and there =)
  4. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    This was exactly what I was looking for. exactly. Our twins are 28 months and we have a 6 month old! its funny that you say the 5 month old cries when others hold her, because mine has even figured out how to crawl and say mama as she goes all over the house searching for me!!!!! Its endearing it is, but one day I want them to want DADDY to do it LOL ;)
  5. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    We have helped that problem by teaching them to do some things by themselves. mine totally dress themselves when I lay the clothes out the right way. Talk about how big they are to do vcertain things. You could especailly compare to the baby and how they are big so they get to do things the baby can not.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    My kids still always want me. Poor DH. We trade off and are very insistent about it. If I put Amy to bed one night, I put Sarah to bed the next night and DH puts Amy to bed. The more you can make it a regular routine (rather than deciding on a case-by-case basis whether they will get Mommy or not) the better they will accept it, although they still protest. But the alternative would be for me to do EVERYTHING (and for them to get their way by having tantrums) and neither of those are acceptable.
  7. BeckiAllen1130

    BeckiAllen1130 Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness, just LAST NIGHT we had this problem. I poured some juice for Claire & then Ashley wanted some, but my husband was sitting right next to her so he was going to pour Ashley her juice. Ashley didn't want him to though & said "Mommy do it!". She'll also say Mommy do it when she needs to look for something (mostly when she misplaces her sippie) or needs to go pick something up. I think she's just lazy!!
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