anything you say can and will be used against you

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Kind of a s/o of Beth*J's thread...

    What words (or deeds) have come back to haunt you lately?

    Andrew has taken to yelling at the cats, "Get downstairs NOW!!!" (I swear I never sound THAT mean... :blush: )

    The other day, I wanted to change into a different sweatshirt, and Ivy scolded me very seriously, "Sweetie, you can't keep changing clothes all day long." (Which she's heard a lot, since she's the kid who wants to change clothes if a drop of water gets on her dress.)

    And yesterday, I was making a duck puppet "eat" them (much to their delight), and they kept squealing, "What a jerk!" Which they'd just heard earlier that morning, when I got pissed at a truck driver who was sitting and blocking a driveway for no reason and just gave an elaborate and disdainful shrug when I looked at him - and believe me, the jerk comment was very tame compared to what I'd have let loose with if the kids weren't around... :blush: )
  2. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    I honestly don't know why, but anytime Hailey bumps herself or Hannah tries to hit her she says, "Don't bite me!" I picked her up one day while she was mad about something and told me not to bite her! (both of them have bitten each other) I'm just waiting for the day she screams "don't bite me mommy!" while we're out in public....

    They also put each other in time out, put toys in time out, and tell their toys not to do something because "it's not nice".

    The other day, Hannah had poured some toys out all over the floor. Hailey walked in after the fact and said, "Ohhhhh Hannah! That's very very bad!"
  3. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    hmmm....lets see....

    Ian asked for his "damn" vitamins the other day...

    Abby will tell Ian when something is "not acceptable behavior" or that she doesn't like his "attitude"

    today she tried to discipline the kitten...she was in the bathroom and the kitten was playing with the shower curtain and all I heard was "MISTER...GET OUT OF THE CURTAIN *clap clap clap* (like she was clapping her hands when I try to get their attention)....then silence then "MISTER - I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT OF THE CURTAIN" *clap clap clap*...I was rolling at that one!

    Ian will tell me when he's "not happy" with me...

    oh the list goes on.....
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Saying "dang" and talking about crotches. They always stomp/jump on/in general hurt DH, so he screamed out "OW, my crotch!" and they've been talking about dad's crotch non-stop ever since. Dad's crotch is a topic of conversation at least once a day. They scream "no crotch shots!" when they are playing.

    Oh, and they've busted me eating on the couch a couple of times and told me I wasn't supposed to eat there.
  5. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I love how my DD tells my to "be careful momma". I must say it 50x a when I change her or I'm putting on her shoes, she reminds me "careful momma". The first time it was cute but now I feel like I have to defend myself! I say "of course I'm careful, I'm your mommy!" She also wags her finger at her sister and says "no, no sissy, no, no" Again another thing I do 50x a day...I'm scared of the day she rats me out and uses a bad word! MY DH will kill me, I have zero control when I get hurt or drop something... :blush:
  6. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    I can't think of anything right now of course.
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :rofl: I love these! I'm a total clutz and run into things all the time. I didn't realize what I say when this happens until my little angels started saying it when they have their own little mishaps. Luckily, I've re-trained my potty mouth ways, but hearing your 3 year say incredulously "What is WRONG with me?!" when she trips just doesn't sound right!
  8. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Gabe says to Abby "That's annoying Abby". The way he says it cracks me up.

    I also get a kick out of hearing "that's inappropriate".

    I've overheard them pretending to count for 123 Magic.

    Occasionally, one of them will say something that shows I've got a potty mouth at times. When Isabel as about 2, she jumped out of the car and landed funny and said "Damn that hurt". :laughing:
  9. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    we always call each other out when someone farts in the house. we were at church, and it was really quiet, and ivana said, loud and clear, "ivi farted in church.... IVI FARTED IN CHURCH!"

    also, they tend to elbow me in the boos all. the. time. so i scream, "ow! my boobs!" now, they are always poking me in the boobs saying, "mama has boobs". in public. (they also told dh this morning when he had no shirt on that he has boobs lol! )
  10. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    When my sister's son was two, he was walking up the stairs and noticed a bunch of ants and he said, "Mama, look at all the f__king ants!" She almost died.
  11. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    Kitty Shut Up!
    After hearing that a few times I try to use reverse psychology on the kitty now and be extra loving when she's howling like crazy.

    One day we were driving past a building that used to have prostitutes and DH said in a joking voice "Look boys a brothel!" Didn't the kids pick right up on it and start saying "Brothel!" "Brothel!"
  12. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We are definately into repeating EVERYTHING you say right now.

    Cooper likes to throw the "right NOW" at us.....sit down right NOW, come here right NOW, etc... I guess I do tend to say it alot. :blush:

    Brooklyn has picked up "oh, that's driving me nuts".

    They will both call out a fart whether it's themselves or someone else..."you (or I) tooter pootered"
  13. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    The other day Rea was puttng her baby to bed. And then says, "Night-night Baby! I love you!" Then walks a few steps, turns around, and then says, "Go to sleep! NOW!" LOL

    Sometimes we have trouble at nap time and they've been told to "go to sleep now!"

    And I must say be careful a lot too, because now J says it a lot.
  14. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    Oh, too many to list.

    I have to say that it's DS that seems to be taking a lot of what I say (and def DH) to heart, though. He disciplines DD, me, other kids, the air/sky/sun, etc.

    If I tell him 5 more minutes at the pool then he turns to everybody else at the pool and starts saying "5 more minutes guys and then time to go, okay? 5 more minutes!" He does the same thing at preschool. I suppose that if this keeps up he'll be a great messenger.

    I talk about safe choices alot, too, so I always crack up when he's wondering if something is a safe choice.
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