For the longest time now, Andrew will insist on wearing long sleeves, long pants, socks, and even a sweater when it's really hot, even 90 and humid. Needless to say, we don't let him (and put up with the screaming and crying that ensues) - but WTF??? :crazy: What's up with that? Anyone else?
Yep. Daycare looked at me like they thought I was crazy when I brought my kids in lined jackets and hats and it was nearly 70 degrees out. It just wasn't worth the fight. I put away all their long pants (a couple of pairs are easy to get to if it gets cold and we need them) and long sleeved shirts. The only clothes we have out are appropriate for summer. I also usually only give them a choice between two shirts. It's worked for us so far.
I have found that the only way to combat this is to put away what I don't want them wearing...I have to do this while they are out of the house. If they see me putting things away then they know where to find them! My 6-year-old started this as a toddler and still does it. Her favorite outfit all winter was fleece pants and a fleece pullover. She wanted to continue to wear it even when it got to be 60's and 70's. I was tired of arguing one day and let her...she got off the bus at the end of the day sweating. Still didn't learn her lesson, though! That's when I put the outfit away...
This is what we do. I only have clothes that are seasonal in the dresser (the rest goes in a tote in the closet).