snipping the paci

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Beth*J, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I was going to try to wean Karina from her paci in the next day or two, but now she's having major sleep issues (see my other post), so I'm not sure now is the best time.

    When I am able to do it, I'm thinking of snipping the end of her paci like many people have suggested to me. If you did this, did it work well for you? Also, when you make the snip, did you just cut a little slit in the end so it still looked normal or did you actually snip off a piece of the end?
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I'm going to throw this out there but I want to preface it by saying my dd still has her paci and I don't plan to get rid of it for another 6 months or so.
    She uses the gerber advent paci's and she started chewing them while she's teething. Well that resulted in a big mess because she basically chewed the end right off... it was like a tease to her. She had her paci but when she put it in her mouth she would hand it back and say "fix it, fix it". We weren't ready to wean off paci's so I had to buy more.
    My point is that if you're going to wean off of them then I suggest just getting rid of them completely. Don't leave any out and make sure there are no hidden ones. I could be wrong but I've never heard of the snip method I just felt like when hers did that it was more of a tease to her and made it a lot harder on her.
    Just my two cents :pardon: Good luck!
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  3. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This is the same for us-mine would chew a little whole in it and get mad because it was "yucky" :laughing:
    They would get mad and all but demand a new one.
    Actually this is what prompted me to wean off the daytime usage, now they only have one and its left in bed and I dont plan to wean them off of it-they will stop when they are ready.

    I am with Brigette-when its time for them to go just get rid of them all together...its not easy, sigh....
    that's for sure.

    Good luck!!!
  4. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    We snipped them just recently. First we poked holes in them with tacks. They didn't seem to notice so after a couple of days or so, we just cut a small slice at the end with scissors. That worked for Kiefer. he was not happy, but he was able to chew on his paci for a while longer. Cameron didn't care much. He was chewing on his paci like bubble gum. Then, after a few days, I snipped halfway down the paci. This really got to them. Kiefer already had rejected his from the prior cut. He was still teething (I know...oopsie on my part). Cameron was not too happy about it. It did take some adjusting once they realized they really didn't get to have their paci's anymore, but we stuck to our plan and they are now off the paci's and sleeping very well. For a few nights, we did have to let them CIO a bit unfortunately. Like I said, they were teething which I didn't realize at the time. But, it was worth it. I did have some mommy guilt cause it was bad timing, but if you are going to do it and feel guilty, don't let that talk you out of it. Once you start, finish it. If you go back and get them new paci's, it can be harder the second time around (sorry, Bridgette, it's just what their pediatrician told me when I asked her about it. It's your choice, and you know what's best for your tot).
  5. Tivanni

    Tivanni Well-Known Member

    We did this for our one daughter who used one. We rounded up all the extra pacis before we started. We did a straight cut across the top (just the tip) and waited 4-5 days before we made the next cut. We did so it was very gradual. We noticed she would put it in her mouth but end up holding it after a while. When it was just below half...she said, "Paci broke." Earlier in the day we threw away a headband that broke...I said, "The headband broke." Coincidence? :p Anyway, she handed it to me and that was it.

    I think because it was gradual it helped with the transition...use very sharp scissors so there are no pieces that could come off in their mouths and it will be "smoother".
  6. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Hi I used this method a couple of months ago - they were just wining for their pacis all the time and I had had enough! So I cut the end off. I then started talking about how the dodi (what we call them) fairy was going to come and take them away soon - I kept telling them they were big boys and didn't need a dodi anymore. After a couple of days I snipped a bit more - we kept saying they were broken - that we would have to throw them away or the dodi fairy would take them. Elliot stopped using his after the third snip - no problem - Max was down to a nub and still trying to suck but finally he kept telling me they were broken now. All finished he said. So one night the dodi fairy came and that was that! No problems at all afterwards! Good luck!
  7. San12

    San12 Well-Known Member

    Just did this tonight to dd's paci. I felt so guilty. She looked so sad :(

    How did your kids do?
  8. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I haven't done it yet. We're tackling her other sudden sleep issue first which is causing us to transition out of cribs. I had planned to snip the paci and then start potty training when she was doing well with that. Well, all of that is now out the window until we conquer the sleep issue. :(
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