Finding out the sex of your twins

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by deidra_mitchell00, Jun 12, 2010.

  1. deidra_mitchell00

    deidra_mitchell00 Active Member

    We just found out this week we are having twins. We adopted a little boy who is five so this is my first pregnancy and I don't want to find out the sex of our babies. Our families think we are crazy any thoughts. Has any one else been surprised. How did it go were you glad you waited.
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: to Twinstuff!! Congrats on your twins. :yahoo:

    We found out with our twins, we both had to know, plus our 5 year old wanted to know too. We didn't find out with our oldest at the first u/s, we wanted to be surprised. But then around 25 weeks I was dying to know. I ended up having another u/s with her at 30 weeks and we found out then it was a girl. I couldn't wait at that point. :lol:

    I am really glad I found out with both my pregnancies. :good: I felt with the twins I needed to be more prepared.
  3. deidra_mitchell00

    deidra_mitchell00 Active Member

    Amy how did your twins come ten days apart. I didn't even know that was possible.You are amazing I can't imagine. Thanks for your input on the sex of the babies. Dee
  4. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We didn't find out the sex of our twins or the new addition that is set to arrive in a few days:) I LOVE not knowing...I know it drives other people crazy and I totally can see and understand why people find out but for DH and I, its just one of those things. When in life are we ever going to be so surprised by anything and also I have some great pics my mom took of DH when he went out to the waiting room to announce what the twins were!!:) Good luck whatever you choose:)

    I will say its very tough not to be tempted when you get so many u/s with twins..this pregnancy was a breeze bc I only got 1 at 20wks;)
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    We didn't find out with our first two. We did with the twins more for my dd who at the time was dying for a sister and we wanted to prepare her in case it was 2 boys.

    Personally, I LOVED having it a surprise. Some of my friends were really obnoxious about us not finding out like we were putting them out. That I don't get and it did annoy me that they kept making their feelings known to me about MY choice but the bottom line is that if you and dh want it to be a surprise, do it! It really made the births extra special!

    I also have friends that had their doctor write the sex of their baby on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. they kept the envelope on their fridge and NEVER looked at it!! :eek: I don't think I could have resisted the temptation but it was a fun game for them (Do we open it or not?) during the pregnancy. It was a great tease for their friends who wanted to know too, seeing the envelope on their fridge! [​IMG]
  6. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the pregnancy! We also adopted our first born and when he was 18 months old we found out we were pregnant with our twins. We did find out what we were having, mostly because I was so shocked to be pregnant that I didn't think I could handle another surprise! :) When the twins were 18 months old we got pregnant again and decided we wouldn't find out. We did have the ultrasound tech write it down and she sent it to my Mom. (My mother was ill with cancer at the time and she wanted to know) She never told us. Actually, when they were wheeling me into the delivery room my Mom yelled out, "So, do you want to know?" She was kidding of course.

    It was fun either way. It was fun planning and knowing what to buy with the boys. It was also fun being surprised. I don't think you can go wrong no matter how you do it. Again, congratulations!!!
  7. Sandy005

    Sandy005 Well-Known Member

    Our neighbors did this and they had a friend that opened up their note and announced what they were having - [​IMG] I can't believe they did it - and my neighbor was pretty upset, I would have been furious.

    As other pp posted - Do what you want and who cares if it makes other people crazy. This will be a very special pregnancy and I think if you can wait to be surprised it will be a wonderful gift! We didn't find out on my 2nd pregnancy and it made that delivery so awesome - just hearing the excitement of the nurses/dr and staff saying "It's a ....." was just an awesome experience. We did find out on the other pregnancies for logistics and so the kids would be prepared and for some reason the excitement wasn't the same as the delivery.[​IMG] Congrats and hope you have a wonderful pregnancy!
  8. deidra_mitchell00

    deidra_mitchell00 Active Member

    Thank you all so much. We have waited over 8 years to get pregnant so I think I can wait another 8 or so months to find out. I hate the envelope on the fridge thing that is just a tease and for someone else to get their hands on it. YIKES.
  9. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I would have totally waited if it had been a planned pregnancy and we were in a different financial situation. However, we were surprised to even be pregnant, and then double surprise (literally) when we found out it was twins. For us, financially, we just needed to know. I would have loved to have been in the situation where we could have been surprised. Congratulations and totally go for the surprise!!
  10. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    With my daughter, we had the Dr. write it in a card and seal it for us. this was around October and we opened it Christmas morning!! It was great!! With the Twins, we had to know mostly because our Daughter REALLY wanted a sister and we had to figure out logistics in our house (I am an organizing freak!!), and we really only had one room available unless we had to get rid of one of the offices and we wanted to know if there were two of one or one of each (for sharing purposes). Good luck with your decision. If you have the patience, wait...I agree that the surprise would be magical (I just don't have the patience)!!
  11. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sent you a PM. :)
  12. Cjoy

    Cjoy Well-Known Member

    I am 34 weeks along, and we still do not know. I will admit, I am VERY anxious to meet these babies and find out!! As mentioned earlier, it was hard with all the ultrasounds, I tried to peek, but never saw anything to go on. I did get a ton of slack from family & friends who wanted to know...but now they are all waiting by the phone to find out... it is really exciting! Good luck to you!
  13. mommyto3girls

    mommyto3girls Well-Known Member

    With our first, we didn't find out until she was born. It started out that we didn't want to know then we couldn't find out. We had to have extra ultrasounds due to possibility of spida bifida(she doesn't have it)and then because of gestational diabetes. After several of these ultrasounds, we decided we wanted to know. DD never cooperated! Everytime we had an ultrasound, she had her legs crossed or something and we couldn't tell. She had lots of green and yellow outfits.

    With the twins, they couldn't tell us for sure that they were both girls because they never saw the sex on both at the same ultrasound. They said there was a possibility that they could have switched positions since the last ultrasound.

    Do what you want to do and don't worry what anyone else wants. These are your babies, you get to choose.
  14. Haley'sHope

    Haley'sHope Well-Known Member

    Our twins were a surprise. When I got pregnant with our son I asked my DH if he wanted to find the sex and he said "yes! i don't want anymore ugly yellow and green stuff!" All of the gifts you get when you don't know are "gender neutral", aka yellow and green, and you get much more practical gifts when you know the gender. We also found out the gender for my current pregnancy, for medical reasons (gender linked genetic disease) and because having 3 boys I wanted to know if I was finally going to have a girl as this is my last pregnancy. Even if you find out the gender there are still plenty of surprises at the delivery- like what your baby looks like. I had fantasized for years about what my littlest boy would look like and when he was born he looked totally different than I expected and actually had the coloring that I find most beautiful. So even though I know I am having a girl this time, I am super excited about the surprise of seeing her adorable little face.

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