bed time

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lilalyshia, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. lilalyshia

    lilalyshia Well-Known Member

    what time do you put your little ones to bed and what time to they wake up in the morning..I was wondering if im putting the twins to bed to late. they go down at 8pm and wake up about 7 or 8 in the morning
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I don't think there is a time that is "too late", as long as your LOs sleep an appropriate amount of time at night, and nap well during the day. 8-7 means they're getting 11 hours of sleep per night, and this sounds about perfect to me! How are their naps? My guys have always gone to bed at 7:30-8 and usually sleep until 7-7:30. :)

    HERE is a neat chart I found giving the average amount of sleep that babies need per day. All kids are different so there is a range of "normal". I have one boy that needs a bit more than is indicated on the chart, and one that needs a bit less.
  3. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Ours usually go down between 6:30 and 7:30 depending on how the day goes and are usually up around 7 am.
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with Valerie about the time not mattering but the amount of time they sleep. Mine go down at 7 and sleep till about 7am, I prefer to put them down earlier so I have a little bit more "me" time at night.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    About 11 to 12 hours of sleep a night has been the average around here. Our two are usually in bed at 7:30 and are up anywhere between 7 and 8.
  6. lilalyshia

    lilalyshia Well-Known Member

    they were naping twice a day, and they now went to one time a day..they go down around noon and i dont get them up till around 2:30 or 3
  7. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    We put them down around 7:30-8pm and they are up around 7-7:30am.
  8. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    7:30 latest and they are up anywhere from 6:45 to 7:30.
    I also do this so I have time to go out, go shopping, watch a show, whatever, it's a good time and good training
    for when they start going to school!
  9. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I try for 7, but with the summer and still be so light out it seems to be closer to 730 on a lot of days. Mine wake around 6 - 630. It used to be closer to 7, but again as soon as they start seeing light, they are up. Mine are still on two naps though.
  10. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    Mine go to bed at 7:30pm and wake between 6:45 and 7am.
  11. newboygirltwinsmom

    newboygirltwinsmom Well-Known Member

    My boys go to bed around 9 now that its summer (they keep being riled up by the older kids still being up and don't want to miss out on all the "excitement". They get up about 7-8am. Still take a morning and afternoon nap. Total sleep per day is about 14 hours.
  12. theflyingflamingo

    theflyingflamingo Active Member

    Bed by 6:30 play for a while and fall asleep by 7pm. They were going to bed at 7 but they were playing till 8 and so cranky in the morning and not napping well. I thought they were trying to drop their morning nap- but once I adjusted their bed time naps have been much better- but it took me a month to figure it out. So we are back to 2 naps. One wakes at 5am and plays and dozes on and off until his brother wakes at 6ish and they play until I get them at 6:45am.

    • 6:30pm bed/ 7pm asleep
    • 5:30a- 6:00a wake and play till 6:45am ( I never get them before 6:30am)
    • 9am nap
    • 1pm nap
  13. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    We had been giving our boys their nighttime bottle around 7pm and they were in their cribs asleep by 7:30pm. But they keep waking up early (5:30am average, though this morning was 5am, ugg). Unfortunately our guys only sleep 9.5-10.5 hours at night, and that seems to be the case whether their bedtime is early (6:30pm) or later (7:30pm). So we are trying to transition them to a later bedtime of around 8pm, hoping that they will sleep until 6am. It's hard to do though because they recently started daycare and their naps went from sucky to horrible, and on the days that they don't get a late-ish nap we don't try and make them stay up later, because I know that will only backfire. Today one LO only napped about 45 minutes at daycare until 12:30pm. The other one had a "nap" of 15 minutes, and his second nap was 35 minutes. When I got home at 5pm and saw the daycare reports w/ nap times I immediately threw on my sneakers and put the boys in the stroller. It was time for an evening walk and hopefully a cat nap! They did get about a 25 min cat nap during the stroll thankfully, and that gave them enough energy to last until 7:30pm before we gave them their bottle and they were in their cribs asleep at 8pm. My fingers are crossed that they will sleep until 6am tomorrow :lazy:
  14. aimeemorgan1218

    aimeemorgan1218 Well-Known Member

    Mine go to bed between 8 and 9 depending on when their Daddy gets home from work. They wake between 7 and 8. They take two 2 hour naps per day.
  15. mummy2two

    mummy2two Well-Known Member

    I think everyone else's lo's are getting more sleep than my lo's! We put our lo's to bed no later than 8p.m. during the week (on the weekends it is closer to 7 p.m. or 7:30 p.m.). DS wakes up on his own between 5 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. :rolleyes: DD is awake by 6 a.m. They nap 2 to 2 1/2 hours at daycare.
  16. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    I remember reading in HSHHC that most babies/toddlers do best with a bedtime between 6 and 8 p.m., so your bedtime is fine! Our boys usually go down between 7 and 7:30 and sleep about 12 hrs.
  17. MaKettle

    MaKettle Well-Known Member

    One of my twins goes to sleep easily at 7:30 and sleeps until 7 or 8. The other such luck. He'll bounce around until 9. Sometimes 10. He's not cranky or fussy or whiny. He's usually pretty happy. I have been feeling frustration and guilt over not getting him to sleep by 8....and I finally just decided to make sure he was getting enough sleep....even if his schedule is weird....and focus on food instead.

    It seems all we worry about now in the second year is sleep and food. It's enough to drive me crazy. One baby is a good sleeper and a lousy eater. The other one is a great eater but a lousy sleeper.

    And just to make things complicated, they have totally different palates, too.

    I tried sleep training and have driven myself crazy....and I finally met the father of twins...great kids...and he said he never had luck with sleep training one of them, so he just let her stay up and she was happier because it was the only time she got attention.

    Still....I sometimes feel badly for letting my son run around a 9pm while I read a book and relax...

    Maybe when the summer is over and there is not so much light, he will make a shift.

  18. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    we're in the same boat for nighttime sleep, but we do only one nap.
  19. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I have been putting my girls to bed at 8:00 for a long time (since they were about 2). They sleep until about 7 or lately Sarah has been getting up at 6, the little terd. I think I will be pushing it to 8:30 here in a little while because the sun doesn't set until almost 9 around July and they hate going to bed while it is still light outside.

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