Removing diapers

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Both my boys love to remove their diapers. They are starting to tell us they have to go when they remove their diapers, but I'll put them on their potties and wait. I know they want to use the potties. They don't always go, and I will continue to do this, but they will not keep their diapers on for long at all...maybe a few minutes! I don't want them to pee on the floor or poop, and I can't watch them every second of the day. SO what should I do? Do I duct tape their diapers? Should I be aggressive about potty training now? I'm afraid if I just put on their undies, they'll just remove those too, and I'm still left with a couple of streakers. How should I approach this? We do get frustrated with this, but neither of us feel this is time-out worthy. They are just trying to find their independence and figure out what they are capable of doing themselves. But, that does not help me when trying to figure out a way to keep them covered.

    Please help!!
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Put them in clothes they can't get off without help. That way they can use the potty whenever they want, they just have to let you know first so you can help. Once they've spent a few weeks unable to take things off by themselves, they should forget about it and move on to something else.

    Off topic but where in NC are you? I'm just south of Charlotte. Always nice to see someone who might be nearby!
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We did duct tape because mine aren't ready to pt. I also put onsies on under everything because it takes a bit longer for them to get that off. Good luck, it's still a constant battle here. :headbang:
  4. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Drat! It seems everyone I talk to from NC is near Charlotte! I'm near Raleigh. Charlotte is a very nice place though. We've been through there before we had these boys! It would be so nice to meet people near by though.

    I just went out and bought a bunch of onsies. I am hoping that'll be enough. They have managed to get out of the long sleeved onsies on their own, but it takes them a while. The other onsies are good. I had one pair of them and they hadn't yet figured how to get the snaps loose from between their legs. I also got some overalls. Those may prove to be more difficult as well. I hope this works, or duct tape it will be! I was not planning on pt'ing yet, but they are showing the signs they are interested. Kiefer's gone #1 and #2 a few times but has since decided his diapers are the better option. Though, they are very interested in the new potties I bought them. it's just a question of getting them to stay put on the potty. They love playing with them!! Ugh! I thought about leaving the potties in their playroom so if they do undress themselves, they'd be more likely to use the potties, but I have a strong feeling they'd go in the potties and then removed the top part and dump with the did in it all over the floor. Ahh well, I just hope these onsies work out better!

    Thank you for your advice!!! Any more ideas, I'd love to hear them!
  5. 4kidsmomexpectingtwins

    4kidsmomexpectingtwins Well-Known Member

    I am soooo glad to hear that I am not the only one! My two crazy monkeys are non-stop running around naked! My MIL, thinks it's too funny when Stefan comes running in wearing nothing but a smile. I have to giggle myself...although, it's not so funny when we have "outside" company. I am taking this as a sign of them being ready for potty training. I am seriously tempted to let them run around outside with just t-shirts and see if that makes a difference. We live in the country, so I suppose it wouldn't be a big deal if they are streaking... ;) Good luck! I hope you find a solution... if not.. I say duct it. LOL!
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    onesies on outside of diapers. pajamas on backwards zipped on back. bib overalls backwards. My kids never did this (THANK U GOD!) but I know plenty of others' that did. GL!
  7. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Max manages to escape all of these. We have some pretty interesting pictures as proof. Especially taking the pants off the were under the onsie. Our savior has been a woven belt from The Children's Place. Belt link We got it online and it fits up to 4T because it is woven with no actual belt holes since you just use the weave. When we let them run around in their diapers we use a diaper pin on their disposable diapers. It was cute to see them streak until he peed on my chair, which I didn't know until I sat down. Yuck!
  8. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    My daughter was doing this at night. Onesie on BACKWARD -- the ones with the snaps at the neck were (Carters), then sleeper on backward with zipper at the back. Other option is lots of layering -- at least it makes for some fun for you to see them burn off all that energy undressing. or time them !!

  9. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    If it were me, I'd start potty training since they seem interested. I put a potty in my boys room just in case they needed to go when I couldn't take them at night or in the morning. They have used it from time to time and surprisingly they've never dumped it! This is shocking!!! Because they did remove diapers and play with the contents, YUCK! I think they may have been intrigued with the independance.
    If you want an idea to keep diapers on, the onesies may work for a short time, until they figure those out. I used a sleep sack inside out and backwards for a long time. YES, it was removed on occasion, but I think they often got distracted and would start playing instead of getting out. They do make a toddler sleep sack with leg holes that may work inside out and backwards. It may be hot for summer and not necessarily a good choice for during the day. But some days before I was told about this trick, I would have given so much for a day without having to clean up their messes!
  10. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    What types of onesies are you all using? I haven't looked for the bigger sizes yet, but I think it's a great idea.
  11. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    They actually have only removed their clothes in the morning and not during the night. I got them some onsies and so far they have not tried to remove those...only the shorts i put over them. They are a size 2T and 24m. If I have a day when I'll be going out and keeping them busy, I'll be using their regular clothes, but while we are having a more lazy day, they need to have their onsies on. I also got them a few sets of overalls. I find they are hard to take least for them.

    I never liked those sleep sacks. i used to try them when they were much younger and they'd drive me crazy! I guess they just weren't my thing.
  12. katharine

    katharine New Member

    Our boys have figured their way out of everything. We cut the feet off all of the pjs and put them on backwards - worked for a while until they learned they could unzip each other. Tried to safety pin the zipper until they figured that out. Now, they are in inside out, backward pajamas, which so far has worked. We were absolutely desparate - every time they got naked they got into "organic painting"... so far, the inside out backwards has been ok... but I better knock on wood!
  13. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Well, the onsies worked for a brief time. Now Cameron knows how to get out of his onsies no problem. Kiefer I am pretty sure knows, but just hasn't done it much since now he's more in to opening doors. Yep. I got woken up this morning by the sound of Kiefer opening the master door. he apparently got out of his room and let Cameron out and was trying to get in to our room to wake us up. Good thing he didn't come in. I don't know how my dog would have reacted. Skye would have been fine, but Sparky is almost deaf and has sight problems. She'd be a bit more unpredictable. So now we have to lock our doors or their doors.

    Sigh....from one thing to the next, it's certainly not boring around here! We've had some "organic painting" and "organic sculptures" here as well.
  14. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I vote potty training. My boys were just a few months younger than yours when I issued the offer of "you may run naked all day long at home IF you will use these little toilets every time you need to go potty". It worked! Being allowed to go nude was an effective motivator for them. There were a few messes but truly, not as bad as the messes were when I was trying (and failing) to keep them clothed. And yes, I was eventually able to get them to stay clothed even though they could undo absolutely anything by then (even buttons). The thrill of accomplishing the undressing was replaced by the thrill of being able to go potty like a big boy and nearly unassisted (I had to wipe, but that was it). With it being the start of summer temperatures, now is the perfect time...
  15. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I may have to but them another set of the really nice potties. They REALLY dont' like the older ones which we put in the bathroom closer to their playroom. Maybe i could offer the potty to them as an incentive to use it. They love sitting in them, but at this point, it's more play time for them. I am afraid they'll just remove the bowl part and then forget to replace them before sitting on the hole and pottying in there. I'll never know unless I try.

    It seems I need to give them that option.
  16. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    You could always place a small towel or one of the plastic mats that goes under pet dishes, underneath the potty seat. That way if they do remove the "pot" part, then it's easy clean up. I did this with my boys potty in their bedroom. It also helped with the "overspray". ewwwwwww
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