How do I do it?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Specky, Jun 2, 2010.

  1. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    As all of you know life is on the go-go. I've switched jobs so that I could work 3p-9p to be home with my boys during the day, and I absolutly LOVE it! But with our farm and garden and daily 'stuff', I'm exhusted. My day starts about 5am to feed/chores for animals, boys nap around 9 until 1030.

    I'm really struggling to get my garden in. We have such a large garden and I have 1 hr (It took me 1.5 hrs to plant just my tomatos (50 of them). It's just so frustrating, I get started and I have to come back in to take a shower and make lunch for them and lunch/dinner for me.

    Ok whining done...Tell me how you do it? Can you share any stratagies that help you get through your day? I just need some fine tuning...I love my life, but I'd love to crawl in a hole for a day or 2!!

    Thanks for letting me rant!

  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: It does sound like your life is a go-go! What time are your boys up for the day? Is there anyway you can "pack" lunch for you & them the night before so that you save yourself some time during the day. Now that my two are a little older, I can do chores with their "help" but I try to save major chores for the weekend when DH is around and can keep an eye on them. Are your boys on two naps still...because maybe at the 2nd nap, you can take some time to sit/relax/read a magazine or catch a cat nap.
  3. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Lunch the night before is a great idea, maybe we will get back to that, DH can make lunch and i can just put it back together. Thanks!

    Well they are up early around 6am, dh leaves for work around 63-7, and i leave around 2pm and get to bed about my 'downtime' is my 30min drive to and from work...which I LOVE! I know, it's crazy! I'm hoping by winter it will get easier as I am cutting back on some of the farm responsibilities and going to learn to sew...hopefully! Thanks again Nancy!
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    How about bringing them outside with you while you do farm chores and/or work on your garden so you're not trying to do it all while they sleep? You could strap them into the stroller and push them around if you have a long walk to wherever you're working. If you're going to be in one place, like the garden, take them out of the stroller and sit them on a blanket with toys. Or ask them to "help" while you work. Perhaps hand you the shovel, packet of seeds, whatever. Treat each farm chore like suburban moms treat errands. The kids come and help or play while you're running your errand.
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    This is what we do! We have a huge garden/yard as well, and try to get as much done as we can while the boys nap, but it's impossible to do it all. So we bring the boys outside and let them run around while we do some work. If your guys will sit in the stroller (or even better, a wagon!) you can maybe plant 4 plants, weed a few square feet of a bed, or deadhead some flowers. We don't get a lot done because we have to keep an eye on the boys, but doing a little bit each day really helps! :)
  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We also have them outside when we work in the garden. We started with bumbo seats (when they were little) and went to the superyard with a bunch of toys in it, to them finally being able to "help".
    I love the making lunch ahead of time idea as well! Good luck, you're a busy lady :)
  7. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Thank you ladies for helping me to think outside 'my' box! I keep telling dh that we need to get them a sandbox...OMG! Our garden is HUGE! and of course full of dirt, with rocks which they love! I took them out and granted i only got 3 plants in, we had a blast, we ended with a picnic lunch in the field and a cool/wash off in their kiddie pool...great way to end my day...I'm pooped, so ready for my break (well work) lol!

    Thanks again!


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