Yet another Big Boy Bed question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by agolden, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    Beds are bought. Rooms need to be slightly reorganized then they will be set up and the adventure will begin. I have no idea if it will be easy or a nightmare but what I'm concerned about right now is the fact that Elias flops and flips around in his crib all night long. When I go in after he falls asleep, I never know where his head is going to be. I've taken to tucking a blanket in and attaching it under the bed so it stays put but he wriggles out of it anyways. Funny thing is that when he was a few weeks old, I had to put the boys in separate cribs because he was already moving around (though I could never figure out how he did it - he was so young). Anyways, anybody had that experience and have any tips. There will be a wall on one side and I have a rail on the other but it doesn't go down all the way and the mattress is very thick so it might not actually reach up that high either. Anyways, any ideas? He's going to end up on the floor an awful lot.
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hopefully after a couple of falls, he'll learn how to stay in his bed when sleeping. :D Royce did. (Or rather, Roycie did, he's making us call him Roycie now)
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Piper is a big sleep mover too, and she fell out of bed on a regular basis until we installed a bed rail. You may be surprised at how effective a low rail is - we found that all she needed to do was bump into something in order to stay in bed. If the low rail doesn't work, though, I suggest cutting down the side of an old crib and attaching it to the bed. This is what we did and it's fantastic. The rail is about two feet long (just at her head and shoulders basically) and about 12 inches high. My husband screwed it into the side of the bed frame so it's sturdy enough to withstand 30 pounds of toddler hitting it while rolling. We painted it to match the bed and voila, instant bed rail that works.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I was worried about that too when i saw that my toddler conversion kit only goes half way across the bed... boy if I'd been paying attention when I bought these cribs I would have seen if there were any that covered more of the open space!

    In the beginning I put a large foam mattress doubled up on the floor between the cribs... BUT that became a bouncehouse playground for them.... UGH! so I took it out. The first night after that I put one pillow under the open part and seems like they stay in bed pretty good.

    Good luck! we switched 2 wks ago and it is chaos to get our lot to actually get to sleep!!!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I worried about that with my DD, because she moves around a lot when sleeping and we were afraid that she would fall out of bed. I put thick blankets on the floor beneath her bed. When we first did the transition, we would find her asleep on them, not sure if she fell and found it comfortable or just decided to sleep there initially.
  6. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    My squirmy one that I was so concerned about has never fallen out of the bed. Mason who barely moves has only once. We have the race car beds, so its not far to the floor. They don't have a rail of any kind, but there is about an inch lip around the mattress. I was pleasantly surprised that this hasn't been an issue. Hopefully it won't be for you either!
  7. Mommyofmiracles

    Mommyofmiracles New Member

    When we switched to big boy beds a couple of months ago we had the same concern for our son Dylan. I found that putting a couple of pillows and stuffed animals on the floor next to his bed prevented any middle of the night bumps and bruises :) After a few weeks he fell out less, and now it is very rare. I think it just takes a little while to realize the new boundaries of the big boy beds vs the cribs.

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