Learning to talk and embarrassing you in public

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by katzmeaow, May 28, 2010.

  1. katzmeaow

    katzmeaow Well-Known Member

    I realized yesterday that as my DD's language has dramatically expanded, the time to be embarrassed is approaching. We have a new sitter that comes to our studio and plays with them while I work. Once DD saw my mom coming in to visit, she took the sitter's shoes to her and asked her to leave. I was so embarrassed. Within the last 2 weeks she has become a spongue for repeating and learning everything she hears. What embarassing things did your LO's say when they started to put words together? I'm curious to see what they can come up with at this age- they're not even 2!
  2. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    Last month I took my twins to walmart. I attempted to buy toilet paper. One commented on me buying toilet paper. The other asked if it was for my bottom. The other said "your big bottom" then the first said "your big hairy bottom!" I think the panicked look on my face drove them on until they were cheering "Mommy has a big hairy bottom" with not a word from me. They chanted this together till I grabbed chocolate bars off the rackand stuck them in their mouths. We're not going back to Walmart anytime soon.
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  3. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    OH MY!!!!!! That is hysterical! One of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life! Thanks for the laugh...I really needed it today!

  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    this one is from a friend (although it's pretty good so i kinda wish it were mine) - her daughter had recently learned that boys have a penis & girls have a vulva. so at the check out at the grocery store, her sweet little 2.5 year old asked the (young) male clerk if he had a vulva or a penis? when he didn't answer, she repeated the question...and repeated the question...and repeated the question, getting progressively louder each time. in desperation, the poor young man asked my friend if he should respond. she was laughing so hard she couldn't tell him. so her daughter just got louder & louder until the poor guy told her he had a penis - at which point she subsided & quietly considered that tidbit of information. i guess this story wasn't so much embarrassing for my friend (she mostly just thought it was hilarious) but for that poor clerk!
  5. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    haha!!! I'm still laughing...maybe it was better before they started talking :D
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine have not yet embarrassed me in public (yet, though I am sure the day will come)...they are more showoffs in public then anything. Especially during the SY, we would take them out and they'd wave and smile at people to get them engaged and then when people would comment on how cute and friendly they were, my two would act like, I have not a clue what these people are talking about Mommy and Daddy.
  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This happened after mine turned 2, but I took them for a walk around the block, and of course halfway around Amelia decides she wants to be carried. Right when we're walking past a house with a man outside working on his lawn, Amelia pulls my shirt out, looks down it, and really loud says "You got big ol'boobs mom". I know he heard her.


    BTW I don't even have big boobs, but I guess she was comparing to her own.
  8. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Those stories are toooooo funny!!!! Thanks for sharing!
  9. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    My husband and I try not to swear EVER around the girls but somehow it must have happened, because for about two days I caught one of my girls saying 'f&*!' if she dropped a toy. Not only that, she said it perfectly on cue at the exact right time. It was awful yet hilarious at the same time. I was mortified and didn't leave the house for those two days, in fear she would say it at the playground. I decided to ignore it and then reintroduced them to forks while eating, so if she said it again I would say, oh-you mean fork? Good girl, you are learning to use a fork!!! And if she dropped a toy I would make a big deal of saying 'oops!', we say 'oops' when we drop a toy right???!!! Eventually it went away, but how embarrassing!!! My girls are around 17 months corrected and have around 80 words, they repeat everything and I mean everything.
  10. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    My twins are only about 6 months, but my oldest is 2.5. He started saying 2 words together at 10 months, whats that, whats this, that type of stuff. Now at 2.5 he can have conversations with you.

    Now he repeats everything, and we live with my parents until I can afford to get my own place. He helps my dad work on the cars, lawn etc all the time, and my father, does not always watch what he says when frustrated. About a month ago I took Donevan to the bank, the ATM was down, so I said to him, oh the bank machine is broken. He looked at me all serious, and says clear as day, "oh F*ck" I havent been back to that bank since......
  11. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Jack likes to look down the front of my shirt and say "boob pocket". <_<

    Nate is very obsessed with DH's tractor. The other day DH was hauling horse manure to the garden, and I made the mistake of telling Nate that Dada was going to get horse poop. Now he very seriously tells everyone "tata (tractor) go get hoss poot (horse poop)". Luckily no one seems to understand him yet! :lol:
  12. mommyto3boys

    mommyto3boys Well-Known Member

    My little 2 still don't talk much, but my oldest is a chatter box and has no volume control. We were in a bathroom at the YMCA a few weeks ago when he loudly asked if I was going poop. When I said no, he then asked why I had wiped if I didn't poop. Thankfully we were in the family locker rooms and I am sure all of the other moms had expierenced similar situations.
  13. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :rofl: These are too funny!!!
    Mine weren't talking much during their SY but we had a funny yesterday afternoon. I had my cousin her dh and their kids over for a bbq. They come over OFTEN and we love having them. Well the dh came later because of work and when he came in both his 4 year old and 2 year old started yelling "daddy, daddy, it's my daddy" at the top of their lungs. Well my little Jake decided that was his new daddy LOL He spent all evening calling him daddy LOL.
  14. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I used to walk through our town when dd was a baby. We always stopped in the pet store as she loved to see the animals.
    When she started talking she used to call "fish" "****." Of course she would scream "**** ****!" as soon as we walked into the store. :laughing:

    An old neighbor of mine also never lets me forget that one time we were pulling in to our garage. My mom (very conservative lady) was in the car. I parked the car in the garage and my dd yells, "look mommy, Daddy's c@ck!" :eek:
    My mom's face fell and I look over to see what she is talking about and say, "yes sweetie, that's daddy's CLOCK on his workbench."
  15. mommyto3boys

    mommyto3boys Well-Known Member

    I had forgotten about the fun of learning the word "Clock"!! We were at the Target pharmacy a few months ago where my DS1 proceeded to ask repeatedly why they had a c@ck. As my mother sttod there turning red from embarrassment, I finally spotted the clock and figured out what he was asking.
  16. mummy2two

    mummy2two Well-Known Member

    My lo's used to yell and point at random men in public places "Daddy?" as they had not yet learned that all men are not "Daddy"!
  17. mariakjor

    mariakjor Well-Known Member

    My twins are just starting to talk more now... so no embarrasment from them...YET!

    but when DS1 was about 2.5 I decided to take him to church for the first time. We were sitting in the very back row and it was a small church, so of course, we stood out as the visitors. One of the pastors came over to say hello and she was talking to DS. It was just moments before the service started, so music was playing, etc... she was asking him about his train, his name, etc..and just as the music stops, and the hush falls over the church, DS1 says in full voice, "My name is Eli. I poop on the potty"... luckily, I mostly heard giggles and saw smiles... but really, I just wanted to crawl under the pew and slink away!

    DS1 5.5
    ds2 DS3 21 months
  18. KStorey

    KStorey Well-Known Member

    Aren't kids great!!! We had our oldest at the doctors one day and as DH was carring her out the door she spotting a soft toy frog. She immediately started to yell at DH for the frog which came out as f@#*k. After a minute of screaming this out (much to DH's horror) I very loudly said "Look Daddy. Ash can see a FROG. Look at the FROG hunny" I don't know if anyone around us believed me but DH cleaned up his language for the next wee while!!!
  19. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    when Abby was newly PT'ed (right around 3) we were in a public restroom because we both had to go....she went pee and of course I did the pee clap for her - so as soon as I was done she yelled "yay mommy you went pee" I could hear the snickers coming from the other stalls around me LOL!!!
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